Animal Collective general

whats your favorite album of theirs?
favorite songs?

either stgstv or sung tongs... or fall be kind

#1, i think i can, sweet road, chocolate girl, essplode, banshee beat

what do you guys think of painting with? when it was announced and floridada came out i was pumped as hell but it turned out to be somewhat disappointing

I think a lot of people anticipated the fluidity of albums like CHz or MPP but if you take it as it is (a collection of pop tunes) it makes things a lot better to take in.

This is my favorite right now because of
Infant Dressing Table
Two Sails on a Sound

The synths and distorted voices are really cool

I love the way the guitars sound on this album. Especially on slippi, the way they combine with the samples / synths / vocals to make this huge wall of sound is really impressive and interesting

So tired of Sup Forums sucking this band's dick.

I'm sorry that you don't like Animal Collective! What is your favorite band?

SJ is probably my favorite but Centipede HZ is really growing on me rn

fav songs are probably peacebone, for reverend green, floridada, slippi, chocolate girl, and loch raven

yea you better go run along back to sucking radiohead's dick

i really like strawberry jam and spirit they've gone but feels has been really growing on me

Here Comes the indian is porbably my favourite, but I think MPP is a 10/10 too so.

>Loch Raven
>Street Flash
>Lablakely Dress (Hollindagain version)
>La rapet
>No more runnin
>tantrum barb

Well I'm tired of Sup Forums sucking Grimes and Death Grips dicks.

My #1 Animal Collective album has got to be Campfire Songs. Nothing else they've made matches the feel of it. And I know, a lot of their albums are different from one another, but the only thing that I can think that sounds similar is Sung Tongs and even then that's only because of the acoustic guitars.


also winter wonder land is my fave song

Feels is their best album but I love literally everything they've done.

Personal Ranking:
Feels>STGSTV>Sung Tongs>SJ>MPP>HCTI>Campfire>Hollin>Danse>CHZ>PW

what awful taste

what now deak? What is your ranking?

prospect hummer is definitely the best EP, best album for me would be Sung Tongs or Feels

so crazy that they collaborated with Vashti

>The peeved lady in white

Don't worry, in 2 years tops they will finally be completly irrelevant and uncool so impressionable image oriented teenagers will stop liking them

i wish i could suck grimes dick

good leave muh band alone

>tantrum barb
My man

>i think i can
my man

slippi is their best song

slippi is sweet. and HCTI is sick. also Brian and Josh don't get as much love as the other guys but they really are super important to that band and HCTI is totally a good example of that. I want another four person AnCo record but all like chilled out and not as chaotic cause thats where it seems like theyre at now or something.

I totally agree with everything you said 100%

Im listening to painting with and i don't really like it. What do i do

Lablakely Dress (Hollinndagain version)
My man


then you must dig campfire songs

Doggy is one of my favorite AnCo songs