/jfg/ James Ferraro general

The most complete archive of his discography: sebaldsfolly.blogspot



>what did he meant by that


Damn, ain't seen one of these since 2012.

Sup ferrarbros?


Hey man, got any rares be it pictures or music?

where 2 start? I like his hi-fi stuff but haven't touched his lo-fi

The beginning obviously, and make sure to listen carefully since there is a lot you might miss

High Life with James Ferraro

>there will be no lieven/ferraro collab

imma try Marble Surf. I remember Chris Ott mentioning it

listen to it in the dead of night, loud, in complete darkness for max effect

where is this pic from?

last american hero is a masterpiece

lack of skillz disguised as super skillz.



more like laziness

I imagine he used to (probably still does) gets high as shit and jam out a complete mess on some cassette. I don't care though still like the work.

someone please make a flowchart for all of this, I don't even know where to start

i honestly love dean blunt and ferraro for that reason
always called them slacker Art tho both of them have made somewhat serious releases with black metal,redeemer and skid row

wish more artists had their mentality

Fair enough.

DB's stuff's connected with me much more.

>DB's stuff's connected with me much more.
thats his goal anyway. his stuff has a recent past nostalgia vibe that references tons of forgotten pop culture.
ferraro IMO is more futuristic or he sometimes makes up a certain era that never really existed but feels like it should have.

his classical compositions are pretty skilled user

I disagree on this point. They's basic as heck.

Yeh desu a lot of it might just be cuz i was born abd bred in london so his stuff naturally resonates with me more.

I listened to it for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and I really had a hard time appreciating it. I like other Ferraro stuff, but this seems very generic

just imagine yourself walking thru best buy looking at every electronic device they have for sale.


nah dude it's way closer aesthetically to an overweight 12 year old watching wwf on a small screen crt in a falling-apart townhome