The best band of the century

the best band of the century
if you disagree you're a literal pleb

I'm not a fan, but honestly nobody has come close to them this century

next time put the name in post, im filtering this shit by now

I think a much better pick would be an artist like Lopatin.

I guess

>death grips
>anything but mediocre at best

pleb irl me mate


is this like grimes thread

fuck off back to plebdit

No. Grimes is just the artist of the decade, not the whole freaking century.

>synth-based limp bizkit
>the band of the century
holy kek

same fag


If you think this is "the best band of century" you are not only a pleb but a literal cuck as well.

Good luck with that.

is this a joke? They are god awful. Cannot think of a more ridiculous band then these asshats.

hey these guys are pretty good, not cringe at all

I agree op

Excuse me user they're an experimental rap trio not a "band"


your post was cringe.

this the certainly the cringiest music of the last decade...anyone who likes this is a cringe-lord.

you know its true.