Guess my ethnicity

Guess my ethnicity

Other urls found in this thread:


curry muncher

south asian

A reckless Caucasian painter that specializes in dark to light brown paint.

Dude it looks like you got some paint on your dick and hands. Wash that shit off.


Mexican Spic Taco Nigger

indian or paki


Dirty Bean

Yup I'm Indian

well you're not white so really what does it matter beyond that? you're inferior.

you have yard tools but do not use them because they are so heavy and it's so hot..... not a nigger but definitely close...... ok i say wetback. hispanic descent. you've definitely tasted cock.


mein nigger

So your a curry nigger

probably one of the smelly ones

Nah, that's ok. Why would I fucking care? Just shave ur dick and go to fuckin' bed, ya sick phuk!!!

You know that India is the mexico of Asia right? You make Russia and China look like Utopia compared to your open sewers you elephant worshipping curry cunt.

I don't like shaving, too lazy

hail satan


got anymore pics of shit India?


Arab scum

Dude I just said I'm indian

If you behead your dick with that razor, I'd say mudslime.

Why does b love dicks so much

>Cause half of the board are faggots
>Im in the other half that only want pussy


you ever been there? or just going by what most retards on this site think india is like

then whatr you doing in a dick thread?


There is no cure for autism fam

sandnigger / shitskin