Can a straight person enjoy these albums?

Can a straight person enjoy these albums?

why not

>can straight men appreciate female sluts

yes of course

Carly's no slut!

i know but it's still relevant greentext

I'd assume some of those artists are straight themselves

so you listen just to get off on the sex appeal? Just watch porn

Yes. Crooked people can too - trust me.

porn's lame

find better porn

don't tell me what to do

yea right Mrs boy problems isn't a slut

I'm straight and enjoy Emotion

It was a joke.

I don't know why they'd ever want to
No matter how hard you try you'll never be straight, popfag

>don't know why they'd ever want to

those albums are pretty gay.

I like the Annie one and just hearing Kero Kero Bonito now and like it okay.

Used to like Grimes but her new album is awful.

I'm bi though, but I like a lot of girly pop but there's a kind I don't like too. Most of that stuff I don't like.

Im bi and like 3/9 of those albums, so maybe you're on to something


I think bi people have better taste than the average mainstream gay person.

Isn't that most Top 40s music lol

I like grimes and I consider myself straight but there are like 5-10 guys in the world i'd probably fuck if it came down to it