You are about to die. What are your last words?

You are about to die. What are your last words?

Op is a faggot

check em

Please, kill me.

oh shit its candleja

Where did you get that gun? And how the fuck did you get out of my shed?

What are you gonna do, stab me?

Bush did 9/11

I wish, I wish I could get dubs before I die

But i am a virgin

Fuck jews

If i get singles, you let me live.

I'm coming Harambe!

I hope they have plenty of lettuce in hell



Kek and checked

Leaving this world isn't as scary as it sounds.

I made it, hun

666 trips says it all.

Satan has decided

Fuck my ps4 arrives next week

checked must be checked



Is this a get thread

Give Parker my Steam account and make sure he gets the csgo skins.

>TFW I will go to hell.

If you gun me down i will come back stronger than you could possibly imagine....

I'm a milkshake.

Fuck niggers




I love you Nico

Justice for HARAMBE
Black Lives Matter

I bet you wont

thug aim


Console faggot

But who was phone

Hitler did nothing wrong

Tell razorgrapefruit I won't be shaving today



do it faggot

Fuck... none of it mattered.

I'm invincible

newfag redditors