Can /b motivate me to keep loosing weight and get fit? Fate hate treads help a lot

Can /b motivate me to keep loosing weight and get fit? Fate hate treads help a lot.
It goes up and down, but I dont give up. Been trying to change my lifestyle for 3 years, depression makes me go off track for 1-6 months from time to time, in a good periode now.
Max weight 116kg, low point last 3 years 93kg, right now 105,5
If you feel like sputing hate, at least I am trying.

Dont lose weight.. Youre hot.

aye mate similar to you, you dont happen to be in winter right now as well?

Naw, in Spain(not from there) I guess..

Joking right? Moobs are no good on no one..

Just eat less dude. Not even joking. If you lower your calorie consumption per day, you can lose weight without even exercising, although you might want to still exercise. It won't be fast, but it won't be super slow. If you really want to lose weight fast then just go all vegan for a short period. And no I'm not a vegan fag, it's just an easy way to lose weight.

I know this, it's just in peridos I give up and binge eat candy and junkfood. Had a bad 6 month run, gained 9 kg, down 3,5 now in 6 weeks. Started swimming again, use my fitnesspal.
Hoping it will hold this time..

loose some weight or youll be a virgin for ever fat cunt

looking good, Sup Forumsro. keep it up. 105 is a damn sight better than 116. 25 fucking lbs is an accomplishment. learn to enjoy great healthy food. find one of those 30 day challenge jpegs and follow it.

Thanks for the advice, however I'm 35 a d have been with 20 chicks. Not a great toll but ok, if I get fit I'd get more pussy. So yea. I'm doing by best to get there.

Thanks. Saved the pic, will try.
I am a good cook and make healthy food that tastes great, it's when I eat out it gets unhealthy.
Eating at home is cheaper too, try to do it as much as possible.

Just look at the news. Go over to Sup Forums. It's best to get in shape for the inevitable happening.

Stop drinking soda.

cooking at home definitely helps! nite fags

kek hairy mofo you look like a friend of mine who's also a fatfuck
enroll in a gym you lazy piece of shit

Afirmative. Rearly do. Drink mostly water. Sometimes to treat myself Aquarius, juice or coconut water

Maybe cut back on the juice too. All that sugar will fucking ruin you.


Oh yea, it's just as a treat once in a while. Thanks.

Pic, me at 95 kg
Gotta get back there..

I have, 2 days ago, plan is to swim everyday, lift weights 3 times a week, I also powerwalk 7,5 km everyday. Have for the last 6 weeks.

you can take your shirt off? i feel uncomfortable taking mine off

Well, it's not fun. But I'm in the water most of the time. And being uncomfortable for a bit in order to get comfortable with your body is a small sacrifice.

If you're not losing weight successfully currently, you should definitely count your calories. You can't outrun a bad diet. Lost 40kg last year counting calories and lifting 20 mins a day 5 days a week. Max weight 115. You can do it.

Thanks user

take a look in this thread

Look at how you are training and such. A high intensity workout targets glycolysis more while a stead long workout trigger oxidative system which uses fat for fuel. You type and intensity plays a huge role in metabolic systems used during the excercise.

That's basically meaningless though. For losing decent amounts of weight over extended periods of time, maintaining your caloric deficit and willpower are the most important things.

Diet is key, correct but by doing muscular stability and endurance, can fix imbalances and such for awhile and help with neuromuscular efficiency so when lets say OP wants to build muscle, he has a stronger platform.

here you go op, lose weight you fat cunt, if you don't lose weight now youll look like shit when you're older, learn from my relatives, they all have diabetes, and one is on the edge of death from being obese, he easily weighs over 600 pounds, never left his house after he finished high school, and became a failure. Now his weight is going to put him to his grave. stay strong op don't become jeff (my cousin) hell even jeff sounds like a fuckin fat ass name. if your name is jeff, just stay fat, it would fit you well.

No Jeff, don'twant to become one.
Thanks for the pep talk user
Nice illustration too