Empty those pockets Sup Forums

Empty those pockets Sup Forums
( Not pictured ) iPhone 6s Plus

Bumping this for. Ya OP

Also what kinda blade is that


2 lighters? carry 1
knife unusable for self defense? need 3.5'' or more
drug paraphernalia? leave it at home
charger at all times? leave it at home
bottle opener on key? take it off

What kinda faggot r u?

or just carry around whatever the fuck u want


E-Cigarette and weed? what kind of gay hybrid are you? kill yourself

Pic taken with htc one
Earbuds(piston 2)
Some sort of key chain thing with an octopus
Empty capri sun pack

What do you use the empty juice for

+ Samsung Galaxy S5

What SD rounds do. You carry bro ?

It's tincture dude. It also is weed

What is that vape pen looking thing and how do I get one?

I have a lot of friends who smoke. You travel with only one bic you're gonna wind up without a lighter eventually.


Unsure the GF got it from the list and found where she works. Asked if I wanted it cause it had been there like a year

Don't. Just don't. These robot dicks are getting out of control

You don't know what it is?

Ur bowl already had weed in it? Lol

Well it's a cannabis vape. I use it while at work it leave no scent and gets me high AF

Sellier & Bellot 124gr Soft Point


Captain planet doesnt want me to litter



A spring-assisted, like 4 inch, sharp as a motherfucker; my lighter (considering sparking up); 5 bucks


No one walks around with a pipe full of weed lmao that shit falls out really quick

It's in a little thing that I wrapped around the bowl. It just made the pic look tacky lol

