
memetal edition

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isn't every /metal/ memetal edition?

>me when listening to djent

metal is a meme, so yes

Aesthethica is the ONLY good Djent

>what you actually look like

they're dope af

>if derrrjent was a living being

>still listening to oversaturated outdated metal instead of the most groundbreaking, transcendental music yet


>band is so shit you can't even pronounce their name

Is sigh a good metal band?

>uses nigger terminology

>Y-yeah, unlike m-metal!

I love Autechre, but why are people pretending that album sounds noticeably different from any of their albums released during the last decade and a half? It's the Autechre sound continued, nothing more.

>doesn't know how to pronounce Autechre
>the dumb as fuck state of these metal fans



autechre are the dream theater of bleep music

Is Chiaroscuro at least half as good as that album?

ccomposers have been doing that shit since the 30s m8y. I like autechre but they haven't done anything groundbreaking their entire career


not as good as Abigail when it comes to gook metal

ok first off you mean late 40s, and second
>they haven't done anything groundbreaking their entire career
There was nothing that sounded like Chiastic Slide and LP5 when they came out


>You're out in the pub and this album slaps you on the arse what do you do?

backhand slap right on the cock

>dumb metal fan too stupid to realize that each Autechre record in their more experimental phase has been based off different concepts and thus thinks it's the "same shit"

>dumb metal fan too stupid to realize that messing with baby level analog of avant garde classical composers is nothing compared to the digital masterpiece that is elseq

Good comparison. Autechre is more experimental/transcendental music than bleep, so bleepers get mad when they aren't getting baby ass bleep stuff from Autechre. Dream Theater is a good progressive rock band, but dumb metal fans get mad that they make progressive rock and not metal, and keep expecting simplistic metal from them.

Can somebody recommend good black metal with doom influences?



ok you're trolling

too bad, I was actually arguing in favour of the duo

I said good

the offspring

You will now post the finest black metal to have ever crossed your ears



What is the best Sigh album to start with

>finest black metal

do NOT meme me

The one they started with

>dumb metal fans eternally btfo by the superior Autechre

Autechre - elseq2

it's like black metal but interesting

Infidel Art.

well blayed sir

Hail Horror Hail

don't talk shit about taake nerd

2nd chart incoming

me when listening to IBM

kronos is shit

say that to my face fucker not online see what happens

who /hikingmetalpunk/ here?

Superior metal album incoming


good post

>black metal
When will this meme end?

What are some good 2nd wave BM bands?

>wearing your own band's merch

Most of the better known norwegian ones

None of them

Any pic or list of them?

they all look like nu-male beta orbiters



They are literally named after Warcraft character

Thanks, but I meant a list of the names of the bands, kind of like an essential chart

I know. I just refuse to spoonfeed you when you're a lazy google search away from finding EXACTLY what you want.

Strewth, Bruce! Yer really gittin' int'yeh shetpostin' today, moite!

Hey guys


It's cheap, faggot

>googling new music

New meme?

67th for memes

They should have remained anonymous. Looking like a bunch of unwashed basement-dwelling neckbeards does little to abet the 80s thrash power fantasy.


Im not really a Tool fan but this song is pretty good

it starts off really cool
anyway unpopular opinion - this is their best album

4.10,000 Days

bottom is the best song on untertow though

i've found the most reddit album of all time


good album desu

addict is the fucking slav anthem

Fucking Serbs

Masturbate furiously


Wtf is on that cover? Is that the JUST haircut on a stone?

that's really no different from your typical s4s humor

it's just generic djent but with a female singing...

>le generic


maynard is not a good singer

What are some good modern BM bands?

its the cream of the crop

I like him


I like him. He kind of can only do one style but that's no different than most singers.

he was before 10k days

we /tool/ now

What are your riff fetish's
Mine are:
>pinch harmonics
>odd time signatures
>abrupt tempo changes
>legato and taps

>wet bass

Pinch harmonics in riffs are a big no no for me

Intrincate, bach-esque tremolo phrasing
also discordant descending sweeps

Groovy ass chuggs

>neoclassical solo


Good cause pinch harmonics are for big boys only

of which