You came home from work early and caught your 14 year old son making out with another boy in his room

You came home from work early and caught your 14 year old son making out with another boy in his room.

now, assuming that you are a well adjusted and mature adult, what will you do?

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360 and walk out

Rape them both?
That's the right thing to do right?

Leave him be and quietly wish that I had a boy that I could make out with when I was 14

>assuming that you are a well adjusted and mature adult, what will you do?

Oh, I have no idea then.


>your son
I think you mean your wife's son

or atleast anyone to make out with when we're 14

>Sup Forums
>well adjusted
>making enough money to buy a house
>getting married
>having children

Forever a disappointment in my eyes

Yell "It's not gay when its in a 3way" then lick them in my sex dungeon and cum in their butts for an eternity

Wonder why his room is outside
Also beat the faggot up


If I was going to make porn, I'd do a film with three dudes just humping it up like crazy.

All of them moaning 'Its not gay when its in a threeway' as they thrust.

Say sorry for disturbing them and walk out

i'd ask them if they want me to bring them some drinks and something to eat and then i'd leave them alone.

Tell my goddamn alpha son to stop turning all the boys on his rugby team gay!

Well at least it's not my oldest.
The wife has been babying that faggot for years so at least it makes sense, as long as he's a masc top it's whatever.

You going to make them eat a whole bowl of eggs too?

I guess I don't belong here. I have all the above... Except maturity.

"Jonathan! You are not allowed to have friends over when I'm not here. Go to your room. Timmy go to your house before I call your parents." Wait for timmy to leave and explai why he's grounded without using the word "homosexual" or any slang of it.

if hes the top, its okay (asserting his dominance)

if hes the bottom, i'll beat the shit out of him

Stomp the other kid to death and my son only half to death

Realize I don't have a son.

They have to eat all of them.

that meme doesn't fit here, sorry. you're still my little memestar though, don't worry.

I assumed I'm a white parent in this scenario

That'll require a rough beating with how deep in that shit is.

I dunno, I'm gay too so I assume he'd be adopted. I wouldn't mind, obviously.

It would, however, signal that it's time for a very serious, in depth sex talk. Like not just wear a condom, but also how anal works, lube, cleaning etc. Trying anal without any experience on either side could potentially be pretty dangerous and painful.

Well if porn has taught me anything, I'd tell me son what a pussy he is and teach him how to suck a cock. We'd then take turns taking his cock up our asses and I'm sure it would be a great father-son bonding experience.

THISAlso your option:
1) 720°, walk away
2) Join the raimbow team
3) Fuck you, I'm Spodermoon


grab a beer out of the fridge, smoke a bowl, throw condoms at them and tell them that if I hear anything I'm setting the house on fire, only stupid fucking summerfag kids and homophobe closetfags care about this shit

get hard and feel proud

Rip their faces apart and jam my hard cock into his boyfrienda mouth and blow my load on my sons face. Asserting dominance always

>"ohhhhhhh jesus I didn't raise no homo"
>kill friend
>send son to conversion therapy at the local church

Probably feel really awkward that I intruded on that... Say sorry then leave. After his "friend" left I'd ask him if he was gay. That's really it.

fuck them both

there's nothing better than a gay threesome

I think you mean 180

Probably wouldn't care, and would proceed to fuck with them and embarrass my son as a father should.

> it's OK son, glad he isn't a black

Meh shit happens. At least we don't have to worry about him knocking a girl up anytime soon.

Does the boy have a vagina? You retards talk about girls having dicks all the time so I have no idea what's happening here. It's not gay unless balls are touching right?

No homo.

Leave the room and close the door quietly.

>I'd ask him if he was gay.
"no, don't worry. i said "no homo" before and after i sucked him off and swallowed."

Apologise for interrupting, then die a little inside.

Not worried because neither of them can become pregnant.
So long as the little bastards stay out of my booze it's all good.

Is this real? Kid..

theres no need for a condom if they're both in highschool, and its not like anyone is getting pregnant

imo condoms are for throwaway sex with random strangers where you dont know how clean they are

yes to the lube and all the rest though

I actually have a 12 year old son, I'd do this:

Say 'Son, can you come see me downstairs when your friend has gone home?' Walk back out of his room but leave the door open.

Then talk to him and ask him if he's definitely gay, make sure that he wasn't pushed into it. If all seems okay and I think it was what he wanted to do, tell him that you're a little shocked, but it's fine with you as long as he's sensible and still respects our house rules.

Be secretly and incredibly disappointed. Go downstairs, tell wife. Listen to her say how it only seems like yesterday he was a baby.

Tell her that it's worse for him because time flies when you're a faggot.

>Ignore shill threads.
>Hide shill threads.
>Don't respond to shill threads.

Damn homosexual always stealing muh good gin

Ban him from Sup Forums

Take off my belt, beat the new age bullshit out of both of them, make them eat 20 pounds of raw steak each then have a Clint Eastwood western marathon with me. No son of mine is a faggot.

Fixing your presumably unbeknownst to you faggot son and his boyfriend snacks after walking in on them seems to be about on par with sheer level of social ineptitude and feigned confidence present in the egg meme.
I'd say it fits.

Ask to join in or else send them to anti gay camp...

give him the talk about same sex... then put him on birth control to make sure he doesn't spawn any niglets

45th trimester abortion

i'll try my best to raise him to be a proper gay man and not a queeny bitch faggot

>implying homosexuals don't exclusively drink vodka and cranberry juice. Or wine

Tell the other kid to get the fuck outta my house

kick his ass for being a flaming homosexual

pic related it's my face when I caught him

Fap to his trap threads on Sup Forums


Tell them to lock the door if they're gonna do faggy shit

>"Time flies when your a faggot."

Classic kek.

Well memed

Thanks comrade Putin i live in Russia, there is no fags

Fucking retards dont understand algebra...

I havent even completed it yet and know how stupid you are

jack off

This. There is literally no other correct answer.

>not fixing your child a drink and a snack when he has a friend over
>thinking being nice to your child and his friend somehow shows social ineptitude and feigned confidence
>thinking i give a fuck wether the kid is gay or not after the initial surprise
god, you're going to be the worst parent ever and a terrible host too

Say "hello, I'm home early" and move on.
This will make them feel awkward at first but they will know that i noticed and know about it from now on and that it's no big deal to me.

beat them both up and hang around with them for days on end, forcing them to go up to girls and talking to them,

>Say sorry and walk out
>Explain that this type of life will be hard if he expose
>Grounded because this is not the thing you do when in my house

It's his life, but he must know that the world it isn't made of cottom candy.

Hi, welcome to the internet.

tbh its not gay to experiment a little at that age

I sucked plenty of dicks during highschool and all of those guys turned out straight in the end

>except me....

Underrated post lmao

there's no 360° on that chart.

I really, really undertand you, user.

>being this new

> being this new

360 is 180 x 2

so its in the direction of 180 but double the distance

Smack them, then call a escort to fuck the fag out of them

Get the fuck out

Sucking a dick is inherently gay.

If you suck a dick your gay. Even if you regret it, your still gay, you did something only a gay person would do.




ask if i can join for some incestuous shota threesome

how do you know you dont like pasta for sure if you've never tried pasta?


Same exact thing I'd do if he was kissing a girl.
>Close door
>Proceed to playfully tease the fuck out of him later

>implying I'd ever have kids

I don't disagree with your point. I just believe if your a guy and you suck some other guys penis, your a faggot.

tell them to use protection if they bang because aids is a real risk amongst gay men.
then later on when my sons "friend" is gone i make sure he knows im okay with him being gay, just dont bang any strange old men or niggers.

>it's gay so only gay people do it therefor it's gay

Circular logic. There are many ways in which you can make someone do something they wouldn't normally do and/or do not enjoy.

>be me
>work for county
>would prefer kid to be gay so no kids


>There are many ways in which you can make someone do something they wouldn't normally do and/or do not enjoy.

Even if your forced to suck a dick, your still gay.

Just like even if your forced to kill someone, your still a killer.

>hasn't completed algebra
Enjoy your ban
