/nzg/ New Zealand General

/nzg/ New Zealand General
One more go edition

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chub ex user

pls post more

Why are IDs even gone?

Why is IDbro even gone?

You mean this? You really want it?

RB reporting in.


Anudda Dunedin reporting in

hey faggots, does anybody want me to shit up th thread w/ blogposts?

The government took him

>Mala Torgana


I'm down, she's a qt

weed wellington where?


Blog it up Blogbro.



You think so?

less so face wise, body is still fuckable as

2o/8/2769 Saturn. Julian was expected to get his first owner-operator paycheck. They didn’t wake me or I didn’t wake when he tried so amie was told to go in my place but they fought like crazy this morning, yelling at her to do th dishes & make th bed & saying he didn’t want th coffee, so I just lay here like a kid, he left, then se moved her car then they left then they came back as I was about to go up then I woke up about 1o5o & found a post-it on my door from julian that he has arranged a room viewing for me & 15oo today, I was waxing in & out of sleep, dreampt I had a car that was filled with an ARG screen and was autoated so I drove a coupl around driving in concrete walkways & I flew well at one point despite my emotional state.
1228 jade & richard turned up w/o my say as I was in th shower, 1227 jade arrived & smoked his last cigarette again 4th this hour since no breakfast over an hour ago and felt ill so I made him a sandwich & got richard a sodastream as they sat & talked magic again, jade had started Omega Sapphire, I looked up a steel & mega metagross counter team,


14o6 we got to first appointment because anmie had to move th ute which I tried to mention earlier but amie got distracted about money & my driver’s licence & mortal shit, this is beyond a bore into an insult, that house was shit, I should call to decline, after we got back amie wanted to move th ute from where it might b towed because on of th houses is having an open home but since she couldn’t line up parking I went out to truy to move her away from th letterbox whichcrushed my finger abit & she still ended up scratching th door & tilting th letterbox over & then telling julian badly so they would fight when they got back early from hobbymaster because julian thought he had to take me to th second appointment or at least move th car for th first, they got back & ricjard had bought them 2 dominos & $1oo for 15 cars & amie got to high to drive so I asked julian for th ride & then we kind of sat to play some magic but julian went up to yell @amie so we sat listening to my music which richard said was sad but I still haven’t talked to jade about, 2 magic games w/ my elemental deck jade won both then we left richard here to b picked up by kerrie for some reason & jade took me to th second appointment that amie actual set up unlike th first which was a fone call this morning & amie had no idea about,

when you go gym drunk af

Much better, good stuff user

Question. Does Jade have a tattoo on her tit?

fuck, I'm just lying here listening to
thinking about how if I had held on to this crush rather than the one I'm currently chasing how different everythng would have gone.

1636 back from going to a room check w/ jade, it was th better one w/ a guy called Bala, $12o+25 for internet, it went better because jade was there to fill in th gaps but I looked to him too often like he was th adult, I don’t want to live nearby just to keep working for julian because I don’t care enough about th money, I should just hold up human appearance for wimminz, I don’t care enough about holding up this story that amie & julian are pushing if I was going to waste cash it would be just on a shrink, I really need to write more just to keep my littl mind but if I have it up like when jade & richard were down here listening to music covering julian & amie arguing it was just a waste of time talking w/ them. 1723 had a bowl of th lamb stew amie made & said wasn’t any good & julian didn’t want so they went out for fucken Sal’s again. 1747 back, Episode 8, they went to bed before 183o, I watched episode 2 of bojack horseman then left when episode 3 started.

I dunno. I thought she was pretty cute, if somewhat androgynous.

I am not in 2006

yeah, Stairway to Heaven lyrics, haha. you know who I'm talking about?

21/8/2769 Sol. 1724 down in bed after watching 5 eps of 3rd rock, they got back and went throu th stuff they bought as I was boiling a pot of rice & amie swapped me to th rice cooker I just always look like I don’t understand wat I’m doing, they went out & woke me this morning & they were up there having breakfast long enough for me to thnk about going up & asking for her phone to call or cancel that house but I just didn’t feel like it, they got back after 13 & I told her that was my plan for th day to use her phone when she got back & she gave it to me & I looked nervous so she would pity me & we looked @other places on trademe instead, 182o they’re back after being out long enough for me to have th other bowl of rice & lamb stew leaving barely enough for julian to have another bowl but @least I cleaned th rabbit poop. Today I had a crust of bread w/ peanut butter, second slice of last night’s Sal’s & amie asked to keep her from eating th last slice but they shared it, beef noodles w/ peanut butter, end of broccoli stalk, bowl lamb stew, bowl rice w/ tomato & mustard, bowl rice w/ lamb stew, .
They came back, went to buy tennis stuff, went to play tennis w/ amie winning, then played WWE 2k16 so julian could win, I watched th second match where amie got better handle of th controls & then they went to get kfc, while they were getting ready to drive again to kfc I put everythng that amie & I had been hand cleaning in w/ th stuff julian had been putting in th dishwasher & th stuff from eating that whole cake by himself, I pity mr. Buttersworth’s life,

if you were, what would you tell yourself?
>"down the road, not across the street"

22/8/2769 Mon. 2 wks to move out. woke, started first job but julian got calls & texts from amie about her ultrasound so we came back & about o936 he told me to take a hike so they could break up.
23/8/2769 Tues. Home 145oish, it was too hot so we gave up after a sweltering dig & fix 4rd job today 2 residential 1 dig $51o? we came back earlier after th first 2 and signing off 29 napuka again, I offered to make food & coffee so I had a coffee instead of breakfast & pickedup all th rabbit poop while julian watched a costume design vid but then julian made himself coffee toast & had a smoke, I put on th hat that has to b part of my regular ensemble, out to that dig & fix & I was terrible & not only couldn’t thnk straight but haven’t been learning anythng in all this time. Like 16oo I started Mr.Robot again in bed, can’t focus or recall enough to even take it in, can’t enjoy anythng. Julian said he wanted to play magic today as he was driving . 2129 to bed after watching 3rd rock & browsing trademe rooms again.

24/8/2769 Wednes. Ooo9 had th las of th lamb stew as it would have been thrown out for me leaving so little & 3 slices of bread w/ julian’s other thai leftovers, . back after 3 redos and then 3 jobs out in huia so mayb $24o for th day, back about 14oo because t was hard & paid poorly & rainy, I made a slice of peanut butter & coffee trying to decide if I should watch tv when amie got back, she made julian a pie again & th last 2 slices of bacon & had half an avocado on 4 slices bread then julian tried th kbar chocolate & didn’t like it so he said I should eat it & then they went up to talk for about an hour, I came down after starting la monstre a Paris but turning it off, watched th new 52 Shazam origin which kills TetAdam, . came up when julian turned on CoD about 17, talked ECE pricing & pregnancy weed use & diet w/ amie, oh appearantly I shouldn’t talk infront of julian yet because he doesn’t want me to know but I found out because I already did, about 2o5o they went to kmart & I showered, they came back quickly before 213o went back up & I followed amie had more steamed salmon & he had crackers & chocolate & started looking for a disney movie if not & put on treasure planet, so I put on an egg, we watched until th space port & amie went to bed but julian stayed down then went up for a blanket possibly to sleep in th couch after th space whales but then went back up as I ate an apple & then th egg & a knife of peanut butter, in bed 2216.
dwnld: the lobster,

If I was in 2006 I would tell myself not to move to Australia, to meet Liz ASAP, and not tell her she uses too much teeth in her BJs.

nothing wrong with a bit of andro in chicks


>complaining about teeth
>having a 3DPD wrap her teeth around you
REE. go home normie.



looks like we dead. Shame, was hoping for some more OC nudes.

Nightriders, where we at?




kiwi living in aus

oh yea, more?