Hey Sup Forums im thinking about suicide

Hey Sup Forums im thinking about suicide.
This should be enough right?

Other urls found in this thread:


and don't do it!

Why not life is bad

Don't be a fag and don't do it (We'll miss a fag like you here)

probably not. it's actually pretty hard to kill yourself with pills.
most of the time one of the following will happen:
-underestimate lethal dose
-vomit it up before absorbing a lethal dose
-the APAP scenario where even if you do absorb a lethal dose, you're going to die over 1-2 weeks and be in excruciating pain the whole time

What are they?

I guess m8 but like i feel life like isn going forward at all no matter how hard i work and try everything keeps fucking failing


well guess what now you're failing at killing yourself

Pills reare a bad way to go. Call suicide hotline or at least find a better way to go.

You'll be missed OP m.youtube.com/watch?v=OBwS66EBUcY


Don't do it faggot that shit won't kill you fast enough. You're liver will just start shutting down and you'll be in excruciating pain. Be a man and shoot or hang yourself. Those are the only tried and true methods.

Also if you do decide shoot yourself be a good person and do it in your shower so its easier to clean.

For a wuick death, step in front of a big rig and headbutt the grill.


see guaranteed one of those will happen trying to OD on antipsychotics.

>This should be enough right?
Not sure. What is it?
Don't talk about it. Try it! What's the worst that can happen?

You have probably seen/heard this alot, but it will get better, fag. Love user.

Maybe, but you'll have to eat your vomit after you throw up the pills. Just to make sure the pills are digested.

I do not have acces to a gun

Jump from a high building.. or other high things.. the easiest way is a pole near trains... pack a bag full of alcohol, climb that shit, drink yourself into oblivion and jump... if youre too wasted and fall asleep, youre still going to fall... just choose a pole with a rather good height... germoney here; there are poles which are about 30 meters at height..

Amitriptyline is a better way to go about it. ODing is possibly the most painful way to go, trust me i've been there.
but it's also not a sure fire way. if you're anything like me i never wanted to definitely kill myself just put life on pause for a bit, and ODing you have the chance to be saved.

of course you do. just piss off a cop.
try to take a cops gun; either you'll get his gun or his partner will shoot you to death.

we all need to ride it out OP
lets se what happens, atleast thats how i feek right now even though its shit over here too.
about to drop weed for a week or 2

been there... done that... and doesn't work, you wake up in the hospital a few days later with a terrible headache and a guilty feel.

Well i need a fucking pause

Just hit reset on you life, do somthing else, even change your name, hell I did it once

You're not going to die but you'll feel 1000 times worst than you're feeling now for a week

Im just sitting here thinking about what do to man i dont fucking know anymore

Just suicide by cop...lead the police on a high speed chase and at the end keep reaching for something in your waist band.

well NOT kill yourself idiot faggot, just go tell a friend and go out every morning for a walk. think only of the morning walks, that's the only point for doing anything

Well, the obly things you could do is swallow up and do like before, try to better things or just suicide.. there arent more options..

it's called drugs. real drugs, not the bullshit you have. coke, heroin.. they'll make you feel better.
you're going to kill yourself the fuck you care about being a "junkie"

As a person witch diagnosed schizophrenia. Depression after psychosis is very common, your dopamine receptors are probably fucked up. Get some anti depressant medication and stay in the fucking hospital until you feel better.

Because things will get better.

Depends on what those pills are. That amount of Tylenol or even pain killers won't kill you, they will make you ill but not kill you. Your best option is falling from a great height.

OP just change your life around, i know its hard but start making small changes, and just make sure you persist in them. Start taking cold showers like a true man, you can shower like an ancient Spartan (the golden age of masculinity) did and for 10 minutes feel like a Spartan, then go about your day not whining.

Do what I say, your ideas are all shit

>Dabbling in drugs
You're a fucking genius

Be a man and shoot or hang yourself. Those are the only tried and true methods. WTF do you think thats what a man would do, if you have fucked your life up, then clean you own shit up dont try to hit restart this isn't a game. and if life has fucked you over and you don't think your to blame then stand up be a man and start hiting back. (you can start with anyone who thinks its a good idea for you to kill your self)

You could always use helium.

do it faggot

I'm saying just kill your old personality, choose a name and profession you would love, choose a new look, and become the badass you've always dreamed you could be

heroin ain't gonna do shit but make him and the magic talking monkey feel better

I get the impression you're just an underaged faggot who thinks drugs are cool and badass.

I'd tell you to GTFO but to be honest Sup Forums is the best place for you.

yes feeling better is the point

Well fuck this im just gonna take a jog, go to a friend and go to bed early today and think a while about what i want

Quit being an emo pussy and grow the fuck up...you only get one life and to throw it away because "my feels yo" is just plain retarded...go do something with your life other than sitting around whining about how awful everything is.

How many fuckin "muh suicide" threads are we gonna have today? I mean god damn, none of you faggots are ever go a actually kill yourself, quit fuckin begging for attention.

Actual suicidal people don't go advertising it to the world, so fuck right off.


this, my dad tried to overdose on pills, instead he was stuck in his apartment for 3 days only able to moan and crawl. shitting yourself for 3 days aint worth it OP

dude i'm not an underaged faggot, i dont think drugs are cool but they're not "counter-culture" anymore, they're culture. also this faggot isnt going to kill himsellf we've established that so what else is this thread for? you to continue white knighting like a bitch?

Pills is for pussies. You are so fucking retarded that even can't kill yourself like a man.


>Actual suicidal people don't go advertising it to the world, so fuck right off.
which is a bad thing. asking for help or attention like the OP does can significantly improve the situation and keep people away from suicide. you're attitude is one of the reasons why lots of people actually do end killing themselves.

Legit advice, maybe bezo's if your deep and don't have substance abuse issues.