New YLYL thread - decent keks. Medium-tier...I don't want anything TOO funny, but I don't want anything SHIT-tier

New YLYL thread - decent keks. Medium-tier...I don't want anything TOO funny, but I don't want anything SHIT-tier.

Other urls found in this thread:



haramberino edition




Lost at filename

Halloween costume pls.




How's this OP?

what are you, a larper?

Kill yourselves faggots

hush pupperrrrr, sh-sh-shhhh, it'll be ok pupperrrrr, hushyyybooo boooo, a roodooo doooo booo pupperrrrr~~

You have a problem kid or you are just another cancerous faggot ? Cause I really don't want to waste any more of my time talking to an autist.




Hahaha ghetto basic nigger memes are so funny hahaha


thread is dead.

No, I just enjoy medieval humor









fuckin shit lost it's early and i'm tired


Medium kek


God fucking damn it






Medium tier oc






















what is this?!?! SAUCE

Original is better



Come on man that's terrible



bump! sauhers!!!

Wtf even is this?


Huge au au auti-sm austism in posting this shit and announcing thread is dead XDDDDDD




That's me being retarded and posting the wrong one first.

Unappreciated post


Norwegian show called "Ikke gjør dette hjemme" (means "don't do this at home")
basicly some boring manchilds doing dum things in homes that are going to be destroyed anyways.




Jim Carrey has a 14 inch penis.


Highly underrated

Fuck off


This guy is my god now.

I believe that this is an extremely large batch of "elephant toothpaste"

Pretty awesome.

whats going on why does the rat not want the nut?

This is a good way to get the shit kicked out of you.

The scariest one of all



No one knows user

son of a bitch