18yr old asianfag here. The small asian penis thing has made me very insecure about myself...

18yr old asianfag here. The small asian penis thing has made me very insecure about myself. I workout alot and have gained alot of muscle as a result of this insecurty but that only would make it More fitting of the stereotype. Being on b and seeing everyone with 8 inch dicks( check any dickrate thread) doesnt really help. My current gf says theres nothing I need to worry about(her ex was white), but she is asian and I wanna try to fuck white girls someday and the confidence blow is huge thinking that they probably think,"that big asian guy has a tiny dick", and if I am that much smaller than the white dicks they see, then its even worse. Do you think im that much smaller than what white girls usually see?

Pic related. Will post some asian gf/ex gf nudes.



its bigger than mine -.-

Not bad fam tbh I wish I was as long as you

>I wanna try and fuck white girls someday

My fucking sides you should be a comic

Stereotypes you either love up to them or live them down. Why not just not think about it? Claim it, ya know? "I can nail any woman I want"

What the fuck are you complaining about. That looks pretty big/thick

Haha. Thanks man. Tbh the length is what makes the the most insecure cause i feel like i kinda have a chode.


Hey man you dont know the struggle of being an asian man.

Well what are the measures?

Lol that measuring method. Ur already cheating. That's a skinny can too. Basically you are trying to overcompensate and it's really obvious. Learn to eat pussy and claim small cock for easier butt access

My asian gfs think so, but compared to the average white jock that a white girl meets in college(im starting college)....i dunno. I mean look at some of the /b guys on here.

That's a powerful chode, my man. I would do work with that thing. I hear women prefer width over length, anyhow.

7/10 would be content to fuck with.

You look like you have a bit of groin fat tbh if you start losing weight it might make it appear bigger

Nones claiming to be anywhere near the length of the can. Its a typical aerosol can. And no shit im insecure.

Yeah im def going to do that. Im a pretty big guy so i def have a couple pounds i can shed.

Hiding half of it under your balls tho... lol.

It's not that small your fine. There's rarely any 8 inch white dicks posted its just camera angles. Besides blacks have bigger dicks anyway, girls don't care only about dick size or they would only date niggers

I feel you bro... I'm pretty self conscious about my size too

I'm Sri Lankan

Pic related: My dick

Yeah but whites are bigger than asians? I mean i just dont wanna be laughed at. I know its like, average dick is only 6 inches so you are above average, but average height is 5'9, but most cute white girls would consider that short. Was wondering if it worked the same way with dick size

Not bad for asian.
Get over yourself, youre fine

8" dicks are not common. A lot of this is trolling, or self-reporting survey phenomena.

average length, better then average girth. if any chick has a bitch that your dick is to small, kick her to the curb and move on with your life. if you treat yourself like shit, then expect others too, if you treat yourself well, so will others.

A more flattering angle.

Your dick is average size even for a white person, and you're asian so girls won't be expecting a huge one anyway

My ex step brother has a pencil dick and he rides more ass than I do. You're fine bruh. Now where are these gf pics?

Current asian gf

Lol glad u understand. Have u been with mostly brown girls?

No actually - mainly white girls, dated a brown girl once... Never again.

those tits, post moar

Also currently dating a white girl

How did she react? Did she ever say if u were smaller or anything?

No - she actually loves my size. She loves the girth I have most of all


more asians aren't supposed to be that curvy

Then your golden bro! Im just scared white college girls my age might have bigger expectstions. What are your measurements?

Nah dude your dick is pretty big. I'm a white girl fucking a Korean guy and I can guarantee that the small penis Asian thing isn't true at all.
Anything is possible if you're convincing enough

I'd fuck the life out of you

pics or gtfo

Of myself? Or of the guy? Or what

I dunno. From my girl friends ive talked to...they all said its kind of true. Not super small but smaller.

> I'm a white girl
Yeah right

11.5cm hard
8cm flaccid

To be fair I have fucked some proper sluts (back before I took relationships as seriously as I do now), and they didn't have any problems... That I know of.


Of you but both works

Looks like you gotta fix those head problems then, since there are none in the physical world

but I am!

ass pic while fingering pussy or gtfo

i hope that u are a girl.

okay I'm not about to whore out entirely on cam lmao bye I just needed to prove gender
I am, I am

that's just underboob... you gotta show whole tit for it to count

Hottest pic I've seen in ages.


why do you worry about things you cannot control?

Well damn. I would def also fuck the life out of u.

where are your nips?

wut post ass

I dunno why this picture is in black and white.

How big is your korean bf?

higher up. my tits are something called "perky"

I'd say he's about 6.5 inches but a lot of width so it feels real fuckin nice lol

Op here. thank you for blessing this thread.

Well he is lucky as fuck.

You're welcome OP, as a ""hot"" white girl I'm telling you that you have a chance with white girls. I would literally suck the soul out of you thru ur dick.

you. I like you.

Well theres more!

I'd love to see your pussy.

beautiful. thx

when was your last orgasm?

Thanks coming from a girl thats def good to hear....at least one hot white girl out there would like it...i know you aren't trying to camgirl but if you feel like showing a bit more...pls do :p

Saturday night having sex with said Korean
No problem!
Lol thanks

Haha thanks my guy, I would in another life but I'm pretty loyal to my boyfriend. I feel bad even having posted what I have, but I wanted to reassure you that you do have a chance w us white gals lol.

Hahah well thanks for posting anyways. I mean cant say I didnt try right? Lol. Glad you think so, its weird how stereotypes can fuck with your brain. The fear of pulling down my pants and a white girl being like "i guess its true" has made me
Go for asians predominantly

Show hair or eye color to prove you are white.

hope to see you around femanon

Omg yo go for white girls you'd be surprised how receptive some of us are, I wasn't into Asian guys until I met my current bf and now he cums in me every other night. Honest to God me being a stupid white girl I was expecting him to be smaller than everyone I'd been with before but he whipped out his dick the first time we had sex and has been bigger than a lot of white guys I've been with and its the best sex I've ever had.
So like good luck slaying white poon, ps your cock is pretty big. Good luck my dude!

Fam I'm Indian and I have a small penis too, so don't worry you're not the only one

Fresh bait

(Most of the bait lately had a cuckie spin to it.)

I'm Russian, isn't my skin enough? I have light brown hair naturally
PS go for Eastern Europeans for some reason we are the most white girls receptive to Asian guys

You can be white with dark hair and dark eyes, or have I been completely wrong for my entire life m8?

Not really ive seen asians that look like that. Eyes/hair thats not black/nose r best ways to tell.

Asian eyes and hair are pretty different

Oh, sorry m8, I see your point

Thank u mysterious hot white woman! If ur korean bf leaves u fly to CA and find me amongst the millions of asian dicks here

Ofc there are literally billions of us

Poshla nahui, digeneratnaya shluha, stroish is seba, posilaesh fotki golie na interneti, fu, kto bi teba hotel?

tolko, kakoi to azeat, ili kazim, hahaha


I have a big dick and I only fuck Asians for the sole purpose of guaranteeing they're disappointed in their own kind.

>The desperation is real

Looks pretty big from that angle, attention whore some more OP

mah nigga
>tfw went to elite private school with mostly white kids
>Only Asian kid in my grade level and I grew up believing small PP asian stereorype is true

It was only until I started attending public high school and lost my virginity
(which took me forever to build the confidence for) that I learned that my dick is above average and that it's girthier than most guys.

thank you for sharing onii-fam

mne bcyo ravho lol

I'm sick and fucking tired of all you 5"+ faggots complaining about how small your dick is.I feel like I'm the only person in the world who truly has a small dick.

I have dark eyes and light brown hair, but I'm entirely Russian


He referred to if you were asian, asians have very distinct eyes. Slanted, you know. You're definitely white, don't worry

where are you from?

Now thats a small dick