Hey Sup Forums im 19 and feel like im gonna kill myself because i dont know what to do in my life...

Hey Sup Forums im 19 and feel like im gonna kill myself because i dont know what to do in my life, post advice so i dont waste my one life

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Go find some underage girls at party's booze them up and fuck them, I did this and it increased my morale

A lot of great people have killed themselves, so good luck.

>dont know what to do with life

Shit man, im 32 and dont know what i want to be when i grow up.

>im 32 and dont know what i want to be when i grow up

Not knowing what to do... so... suicide? Fuck off. Welcome to population everyone.

I just said that for brevity sake. Its a lot more then that.

Wait till 27.

dude ur already a grown up, consider kill urself

Hardly anyone knows what they want to do with their life, kid. Quit bitchin

I'm bored.
I'm going to kill myself!

Congratulations, world is your oyster now

Join the army and go kill sandniggers for the glory of the american empire

i wish i would have a gun too and kill myself

This Op.

I know it sucks to hear. It feels condescending but i promise you im not trying to be. Being 19 is just like being 10 years old with major responsibilities. Do the best you can. Youre still young and you'll have opportunities to change paths of you choose. You have a ton of time. But don't waste that time. Go out and work for the life you want. Im 31, about to be 32, and i just started school again. Im a complete failure. I havent done anything of value. But im only 32. I have plenty of time too.
The first step in figuring out what you want is to do something, anything at all.

My advice would be to do the while "helium through a gas mask" thing. Sounds like it would be the least painful way.

If you don't want to bother with that, maybe get rip-roaring drunk, put on a mix of your favorite music, and seal yourself in the garage with the car running.

I guess if you want to be dramatic you could shoot yourself in the head. Seems to be kinda hit-or-miss though, and you might end up alive and faceless.

I dont know why youre being a faggot
Nah it came off as sincere and i appreciate it

>gonna kill myself

Go to thailand and train muay thai homie

Np Sup Forumsro. I hope you find your way.

When you kill yourself try to make it as messy as possible so it would hit the news and I would know

Kill yourself dude. It only gets worse


you shouldn't, a lot of my fuckwad friends have killed themselves, so even if it's a shitstain someone like me you'll end up hurting someone else, so go to them for help
or, yknow, just fuel yourself with a desire for lolicon/lolita hentai

You're such a fucking faggot. Boo hoo, I'm 19.
You can literally do anything you want, until you get tied down with wife and kids.
Join the army, travel the world, retire at 39 with a pension then do whatever the fuck you want again, start another career. And if you think 39 is a long time away, it isn't.
Don't join the army, but do anything you want. Fuck.
Just don't get responsibilities, like wife, kid, car payments, etc.

Devote your life to saving others
EX: Cop, soldier, fireman. If you say you wanna die so at least do it whale helping people.

man up, join the armed forces for the 4 years. Will teach you a lot of stuff.

Double 0 buckshot is my best advice. No chance you'll survive your pussy suicide attempt and then really hate the rest of your life

>youre such a fucking faggot
I know thats why i asked for advice

Yea, it's Sup Forums I had to call you something derogatory.
Seriously, read the rest. You can choose to have a shitty life or you can make something of it, your choice.

Everyone dies anyway with time. And since there's nothing after death you may as well stuck around till then. Stop seeing yourself as a failure because other people your age have everything planned out. Fuck other people. Live.

lots (maybe most) ppl are like that when theyre 19 nigger. since you dunno wtf you want to do, my advice would be to get some kind of construction labor job. that will expose you to a lot of different trades and whatnot and you'll probably find something that you would like or at least not hate. school is for faggots who know what they want to do or who are just ok with wasting a fuckton of money and time.

I did. I know i didnt explain my craving for suicide but im not a whiny faggot about it to friends. I appreciate the advice but i dont get why everyone has to assume someone is some kind of whiny child when they wanna kill themselves, if anything its bottled in and implosive.

Anyway what you said isnt something i havent considered/probably gonna do. To sound gay for a moment i think finding meaning in living instead of saying fuck it to everything and just going full baller would make me feel happier. But then again i really dont know. Reason i made this thread in the first place to get all of Sup Forumss input..

30 here and going back to school after working for twelve years. Saved enough money to put myself through school without loans or anything. Honestly I'm glad I took the time off. My original plan for a career would have sunk thousands of dollars into something I found out I didn't like at all.

Intern/apprentice if you can and get a feel for whatever it is that interests you.

There are so many different things to do in life. Figure out what makes you happy, or what causes you the least stress. Life is too long to be doing something you loathe.

but I'm 25