Albums You're Heavily Fucking With Lately

this is mine, so damn good.

Other urls found in this thread:

where is my mind is arguably the greatest thing


Only just discovered this

Better than Doolittle, desu.
Where Is My Mind is weird. It's good, but it really doesn't fit in with the rest of the album at all.

been fucking with ratm heavy
and just to avoid losers e-screaming at me: im not a leftist
>Better than Doolittle, desu.
couldnt agree more, but debaser is still a better track than anything on surfer rosa


always thought Coil was a meme, apparently I was wrong

>sees fight club once

i'm not huge on RATM but zach de la rocha's early hardcore shit was pretty cool if I remember correctly if you're interested in checking that out

What the fuck?

never listened to the full album either honestly

i will probably check that out, zack's vocal delivery is on point

yeah, zappa had him in to take the cover art photo

coil was made a meme by people who never listened to coil

It's a shame too, I remember when people were constantly posting Ape of Naples here and I was put off by it. Some user said I should give them a chance the other day and I don't regret it.

i kind of want to check out coil now
this is the song that got me into them. I haven't listened to enough to really rec any albums but I guess just check out their shit

check out the following albums:
horse rotorvator
love's secret domain
ape of naples
black antlers
musick to play in the dark 1 and 2
...and the ambulance died in his arms

there are other good ones but those are the essentials

have had this on repeat since new years day

this album is never too far from me

This was the last Ween album I got into but boy, it's incredible.

I just can't stop listening to it. I'm constantly listening to it while I walk the past few weeks. it's just so sonically pleasing, the synths and the vocal flows just make me feel good.
yes you reallly need to check out coil, my favorite band tbqh

honestly every track after where is my mind is bad
good fucking album though

God this is fucking shit, can Sup Forums get any more pretentious than this? Holy shit


Stay in your comfort bubble little babby


I love these threads

my pick would be Damaged - Black Flag

Mah nigga,

I listened to Centipede Hz today in full during a long car ride. Great from start to finish.

who talks like that apart from white teens that think black people are "wacky"?

this shit right here. It's only been out for like a day and I've listened to it 5 times.

name? reverse image search isn't bringing up anything

Black people?
I don't understand this post like why does it matter how he talks? How are people supposed to talk? Formally? Because if so that's dumb.

Here you go bud


It's cool man, it's a very good song. Movie's kinda edgy tho

Do you feel blacker yet

OP here, i'd have to say it's a tie between Surfer Rosa and Roman Candle by Elliott Smith, if you haven't heard it yet please do so.

this is now an "elliott smith didn't kill himself he was killed" thread

Been digging MM...FOOD by MF Doom lately. Maggot Brain, too. Surfer Rosa is a great album, the Bowie cover of Cactus is pretty cool too I think.

Of all the conspiracy theories I always thought Elliott's murder was pretty convincing

the fact that he had 2 stab wounds 5 inches deep in his heart with no hesitation wounds is rather alarming, it's possible that it was a suicide but not probable. I don't know how they ruled it out as a suicide considering the circumstances of his death were so bizarre.

his lyrics suggest it to be a suicide.

i believe the guy killed himself personally but to each their own

If you're someone who would be suspected of having committed suicide it can make it easier for people to overlook evidence that points otherwise



every time I listen to Kiwi Maddog 20/20 I think it's The Meat Puppets

don't bother, it's just edgy proto-mall goth with bloops

ive been rediscovering my love of 90s hip hop lately