I just made a girl have her first orgasm. What is good music for this feel?

I just made a girl have her first orgasm. What is good music for this feel?

Other urls found in this thread:


That lonely island song

Dark Planet - Boris Brejcha

tell me that isnt fuckin' music

Stay away from kids you sick fuck

wtf i just did this too
(I'm )

Congrats senpai! Try pic related.


probably the opening to the anime that girl is from

Yo no joke we fucked to that exact album

kys - kys

Are you upset?


oh my god
I'm trying this tmrw
great taste amigo

I got laid day before yesterday to xx
But only cause she's got no taste and had never heard of the band so I exploited it
My girl cums at the drop of a hat

>not woman
kys pedo


>not knowing anyone under 40 calls females they get with girls
>heavy breathing from vent in ground floor intensifies

Some Serge will work fine: youtube.com/watch?v=PJaw0tYVn40


Don't be med toni

im only mad about captchas
what a shit are they ? huh ?

you retard

anything by charles mingus desu, especially third track on this album

I would feel pressured to perform listening to this

'i just had sex' by the lonely island

>having sex to music


Faking orgasms is hard if you're with a guy who lasts a long time and has seen many orgasms

>guys actually think this

How long do you think "long time" is?

A half hour to an hour

Not a guy, maybe I just suck

why is it harder to fake if he lasts long?
>maybe I just suck
that would make a faked orgasm very unconvincing

all me btw