Been a minute, so post BILLS. Rate, guess personalities, etc, etc

Been a minute, so post BILLS. Rate, guess personalities, etc, etc.

-artistic/talented but doesn't have much of a way to use that talent
I rate your taste a 7.5/10

what's the top right album?

uhh, fuck me, that's 100% spot on.

Fall Be Kind EP by Animal Collective.

2/3 Love David Bowie, TKOL is really meh desu, and I should listen to Closer.

you might be a slightly eccentric person but you really don't feel good about that


desu senpai

3/4, you're over 20, the Sup Forumscore essentials list significantly expanded your taste in music, you think most of the people on this board try too hard to like "weird" music. your job pays just above minimum-wage, you get along okay with your co-workers but otherwise hate working there. you only have a good time socially when you aren't sober, and you feel vaguely bad about that.

3.5/4, you look down on people for having bad taste in music and feel like you were born in the wrong generation. you wear headphones/earbuds almost everywhere it's socially acceptable to do so. you have dreams of making great art but the path there is so vague and your self-image is so poor that you get really worried about that sometimes.

eerily spot-on


The last four records I listened to. This is the third thread I am saying this in, but shit Kid A is still so fucking good even after over two years of not having listened to it at all.

Don't be afraid of trying stuff out. Yeah you may fail, but shit at least you tried.

Red Temple Spirits - Dancing To Restore An Eclipsed Moon

Don't be afraid to ask for help there's nothing wrong with doing so especially when things can get overwhelming in life.

Grouper - Dragging A Dead Deer Up A Hill

Be careful with that particular uncertainty/insecurity of yours. It may have already or might start to mess with the rest of your life as well.

Copeland - You're My Sunshine

I don't even like Lemonade but Formation's genuinely a good track though.

Erykah Badu - Mama's Gun

Might want a healthy release for whatever the hell you got pent up in you. Either that or you're killing it I can never figure it out with visceral stuff.

Boredoms - Pop Tatari

i already kno and love erykah's discography senpai so at least i can confirm you're good at giving recs

100% honestly

yeah, Pop Tatari's great, it's the album that got me into them. Just starting to check out their other work

someone please rec me I keep listening to the same shit

You're a white upper middle class uniand student who thinks he's tortured and smokes camels

Thin enough to be a heroin addict and tells people he is but is scared of any drug other than pot

shit replied to my own reply but yea good job user


Coil - Love's Secret Domain
Einsturzende Neubauten - Silence is Sexy
Young Marble Giants - Colossal Youth

you're generally happy but not super fulfilled. you feel like you're barely pulling through at school or work, but you're doing okay. you argue about atheism with bots on twitter

You like nice cafes and have an appreciation for fine art
Deep down you want to dance more at social gatherings

you both need to try something more outsdie of your comfort zone

le wrong generation

you guys have your own taste and like what you like. keep it up

welcome to Sup Forums

try some Sun City Girls

drawing a blank on shit to guess about people



Is this for all time favorites or shit we've been liking a lot recently? Doing my all time

I think it can be either one. Just post both, no one's stopping you

I'm surprised you liked that Thrice album so much. I dug it but it was super front loaded. Good taste tho, Tigers Jaw and Diary are fire and I don't even have to express how incredible Siamese is. Best SP album
I prefer old Scott but that's a good one
Best Bjork album for sure. I like the others too
Is the lighthouse one Kermit- Litoral? If it's not it looks just like it
Listen to some Alcest since you seem really into that dreamy, slow, wistful kind of sound. I'm glad to see another who finds Ege better than Tago. It's leagues better in terms of execution
Double Cup is genius. RIP
Hex Enduction is best Fall. I feel like you either do or would love the fuck out of Pere Ubu

nigas be like

Good point
You don't get angry very often but express yourself emphatically and cathartically to music often to relieve stress
Generally very nostalgic
Smokes cigarettes and has big dreams but rarely does much to work towards them

4 favorite albums

Damn good album. What do you think of four calendar cafe? I think it's beautiful and highly underrated. Also nice, Going Blank Again is way better than Nowhere imo

Four Calender Cafe is my 2nd favorite cocteau twins album. My Truth and Bluebeard are two of their best tracks

album in the top right?

3 god tier tracks (bluebird, squeeze-wax, and summerhead) but i dont really care for the rest.


I don't have photoshop on this computer but here ye go.

4 favorites.

Those are my two favorite as well man, good shit. Evagaline is crazy to me as well. Ya that album is one of my go-to's for relaxing music
Terry Callier- What Color Is Love. One of the most beautiful soul albums I've ever heard with some passionate contemp-folk acoustic sections. I highly rec it, emotional as all hell
I'm surprised you don't like Evangaline if you like Bluebeard but I respect that.

Daughters is one of my favorite albums dude, nice pick. That shit melts my mind with every listen even now after years and hundreds of times experiencing it. A true noise rock gem. Really hoping the band realizes how great it is and jump back in the saddle soon

I usually do the last 4 I listened to otherwise you'd keep seeing the same albums
you don't dream much but you'd like to change that

feels tired of life but isn't sure what would make him happier

you're currently looking to rent a new palce

you read often and have tried writing

you don't need photoshop there's a website,
you drink a lot of fizzy drinks and rarely have water

>you don't need photoshop there's a website,

>you drink a lot of fizzy drinks and rarely have water
impressive. Any good modern music recommendations? I want to find some artists from this year.


>mfw I love the wiggles

Can I get some recs im dyin here

Albums that are like Magical Mystery Tour, Piper at the Gates of Dawn, Innerspeaker, etc.

Black Mountain- IV
Causa Sui- Euporie Tide


Others are either too basic to make meaningful assumptions or I don't know some of the albums. Sorry about weird photo crop, my phone is weird

I love these pics, but I have to ask; was the template edited together from several pics, or is there literally a pic of ol Billy Cigar Tickler sitting around with a bunch of LPs?

Do your worst.

Your name is Emily

smokes weed a lot in his dorm room but never talks about it with other people, great taste in Prince records

>On November 3rd, 1999, The Onion published a satirical news article titled “Clinton Writes Fan Letter to Joan Jett,” which featured a photoshopped image of Clinton seated on a floor holding the Joan Jett and The Blackhearts album I Love Rock and Roll while listening to a record player through a set of headphones (shown below).