Alright I have to babysit this 12 year old that acts like a five year old with severe autism...

Alright I have to babysit this 12 year old that acts like a five year old with severe autism. He whines and screams if he doesn't get what he wants and acts likes he's always right even if he's wrong. His mother coddled him to the point where he's a total pussy. Btw, his mom and dad act like they don't give much of a rat's ass about him. They always go to the bar and do what they want. What do I do about it?

For how long?

A few hours

Do the exact same, don't give a shit about him.

Drug him


send us a pic of him so we know ur not lying

I can't for some reason he just got up and left

watch a movie to teach him a lesson with him and them feed him and the go to sleep
if he gets up put some gore porn on the tv and watch for about an hour while you jerk off

> gore porn is up to you
but for the movie i recommend any these movies
>first 40 min of full metal jacket
>human centipede: watch all three
>a serbian film
>GAYniggers from outher space
>legend of the overfien (aka the inventor of tentecal hentai)
> 120 days in sodom
> passion of the christ
>south park the film
>machete kills
> american gangster ( the first scene should fuck him up good)
> finally a japenees horror film

last step
> have a belt for when he has any fun

rape him to teach him a lesson.

Oh wait I got an older pic of him

tip bring along the belt to make it extra fun

>go fight club on yourself
>break facial bones
>smear your blood on his knuckles so it looks like he did it
>blackmail parents, saying you'll tell the cops if they don't pay
>tell cops anyway
>send kid to juvie

that'll straighten the little faggot out

Have to scare him straight OP. Pull pants down and show him the hammer, tell him EXACTLY what the fuck is gonna happen if he acts up.

Not gonna lie. Decent suggestion there.

Blow him, and then let him blow you Dumbass, then he will become 100% Gay


>living with the shame of having being beat up by an autistic 12yo
>thinking blood smeared on knuckles alone will fool anyone
if you really want to do him in, whack your nose with a frying pan so it breaks, and when the kid sleeps, wake him up by punching the shit out of his knuckles so they bruise and maybe shatter, then call his parents.

Suck his dick OP

fuckin shank him

This calls for murder