Rate my bod ;;)

Rate my bod ;;)

3/10 you 120 lb scrawny faggot


fight me

use sunscreen/10

also, workout/10

is that blue thing a dildo? 4/10 but I'm sure someone who's into twinks would rate you higher.

its my 5lb weight im working up to it

I'm concerned about that burn

Twink c:

you know u want it

Twiggy faggot

moar for u faggots

Fellow twink here, r8 pls m8


So rape him

R8 my petite figurine

I love skinny guys. I'd wreck that.

nigga it looks like someone almost punched a hole in your chest. sort yourself out, lad.


That's exactly what happened :(

Not saying "physique", bro do you even english?

guess not...