S/fur bread, birthday party edition

s/fur bread, birthday party edition

No one?

Christmas party?

I only had the one picture.


I do love that use of mistletoe...

Wheelgat plz go

I must say I do as well.

wasn't there a version of this with a vagina-mouth?

I want to boop her nose.

My name is Iriven Frondovorvitc
I like in small village 80kms away from Belgrade Serbia.
In old country I have my first goat at 11 years old and I treat her like a daughter.
She was pretty goat with wide child birthing hips and soft hindquarters that made me quiver with joy.
45 years later I have whole family of goats, I dress up as goat so I can get close and smell their musk.
They are my family.
The laborers in our village laugh and call me goatman and say my goat wife is fat and eat many turnips but she is beauty to me.
My name is Iriven Frondovorvitc and these are my goats.
I finish my work in financial district and return to my village. When I return it has fall into disrepair. I look for my goats and find only a few, where is my favorite goat? The barn hasn't survived hash winter and inside is dilapidated. But I see her, her finely shaped hooves, supple nostrils. She has kids.
I rebuild barn over the summer and now me and my goats can bring up the next generation.
My name is Iriven Frondovorvitc and these are my goats.
It has been hard life.
The war touched every part of Serbia
My friends loose family, I loose family.
Besides all that. I have my goats.
War is something that other animals don't know.
Especially goats.
We have war then who are the real animals?
War is high scale, village and goat is low scale.
When war touches my village the scale swaps.
War is small and village is large.
My family and goats is all that matter.
My name is Iriven Frondovorvitc and these are my goats.


meh, prolly should just go do more vidya

Nice goats

Is that kisha?

That's pretty cute


sooo, who's birthday is it?

‏‏twokinds guy draws some good chest fluff

isn't it harpo's?

Yep. Its why we're having a party. I brought pizza.

Don't forget to bring the- uhhh... ass?

if this thread i woulda benn all like

ug my brain right now, tomorrow n stuff....
woulda been all like
...uhhh, thats about it
k, im done

Can I request hyenas?

I wish I had some yeens :(

Mark it next time, it wont have such a slow start

*sound of silence plays softly in the background*

requesting herms

then go to a h/fur thread

any feral?

>implying herms aren't straight
Fuck off, bigot. Straight is trap, herm, and dickgirls and everyone knows it.


Shit tier trolling. Lurk more.

See guys, I told you. I told you all the time, but you don't want to listen. If we finally renamed these threads f/anthro, then this wouldn't happen. Do you understand it now?

sorry we have different tastes but im the one hwo made this thread

then post content



any feral?

im out of data


>thinks I'm trolling
>has been living under a rock for years
>says I need to lurk more
Yeah, I'm the shitty troll. Check yourself, faggot.

then stop bitching

Damn That is cute


im just wanting some herms. could you quit being discriminatory? if you dont like it dont look

>someone makes requests
>you decline them and tell them to get lost
>literally oppressing and kinkshaming
>ordering them to share their own goods with you
Fuck off.


They made a request. You're the only one bitching. What do you want? An apology for them liking something other than what you like? See

Have a herm!



legit what is /an/ ?


this place is so pc and tolerant now :D





thanks for posting, moony and necro

Animals & Nature board.

Tis a pleasure
Glad someone appreciates the dump



Any1 got sum fur photos?


ho ho ho, motherfucker

man i never win

so no feral?

Awe I missed Wlya's Birthday? Damn. Hope she had a good one'





Cool. Thank you.


More like this

I'll see what I have
Folder is a mess though, will be hard to find anything similar



anyone got some more raptors like this one?



Rest in peace thread














