Use this thread to rant about music you don't like

Use this thread to rant about music you don't like.

Can I rant about how shitty the bandcamp general is? It's all boring shit for the most part and everyone just praises each other in their little echo chamber and nothing ever changes.

Forgive me for wanting some actual progress in music.

Ctrl f "bedroom pop" 680 trillion zillion bajillion results

>bandcamp general, 210 posts
>ctrl+f 'experimental'
>160 results
>only 3 of those could actually be labelled experimental

trap beats are so fucking bad



People leave their fucking mixes way too bright, it's like the number 1 feedback I leave on most songs

>Kanye West, whilst a good producer, is a bad songwriter and rapper
>The National is one of the most boring bands I've ever had to listen to
>Bjork's Homogenic is overrated; Vulnicura is her best, followed by Medulla and Vespertine
>Metallica were never good; if any other band collaborated with Lou Reed then Lulu could have been great
>Anohni, whilst a good vocalist, is disgusting for playing the 'm-muh transgendexualism' card - xir's self titled is an average album, and any media outlet that praises it for its progressiveness is laughable. If you want people to treat you like a woman, stop singing like a man
>Car Seat Headrest peaked with How to Leave Town; Teens of Denial is bland and overrated
>Aesop Rock is the best hip-hop artist currently around

Why are they screaming everything? It would be a good album, but the vocals ruin everything.

Beep beep, worst album of 2016 coming through

Pink Floyd is overrated as fuck.

Animals is their only good album

I fucking hate fidlar and the frights with a passion. Hipsters need to be annihilated.

I saw them In Boston and they were great but I understand

Ive never understood why people could so blatantly hate metallica, like i undertsand if people think they're too mainstream, but theres a reason why they are a success, they basically started a whole new genre, if you're a fan of any thrash or metal you'd appreciate their first albums. If any other band collabed with lou reed it would sound different, uh duh, it was shit idea from the get go, but you cant blame metallica, cancel out reeds monotone voice and you got a pretty damn nice (mostly) instrumental album by one of the worlds most talented band.

Also cant stand anythin on the radio, i dont know about other countries, but australia doesnt cater for metal/thrash/heavy metal etc.

The first albums are okay but get completely blown out of the water by Reign In Blood

>Implying apathy towards their music is equal to hatred
Jfc man I don't have burning effigies of James Hetfield, I just don't care about him or his band

Aside from reign in the blood itself, i find myself lost in the album (wow so controversial) it just loses me, eah track fades into the next, just a bit too fast and chaotic at some points, i respect melody and rythm, and i feel like they lose it, obviously with acceptions. Bloodline would have to be favourite slayer song

Nah fair enough, bit of misinterpretation i guess, hard to convey tone in text. And like its your life, idc, just thinking out loud, just bewilders me is all

”Post-Black Metal” or ”Blackgaze” is fucking terrible, boring, talent less, over saturated and is not Metal, let alone Black Metal in any capacity.

Go to /prod/ and it's the opposite.

Sonic Youth are absolutely a garbage band. They have many great ideas but they are somehow completely shit when it comes to creating a good song.
Also,i suspect people claim to like them only to fuck hipster pussy.

cloud rap is atrocious

the majority of Sup Forums has a shit taste in music and I'd rather be a pleb than pretending to like shit like death grips also this board is reddit light.

your lo-fi beats are shitty and generic

All american folk (lo-fi folk,indie folk,folk punk,etc) sounds B O R I N G

I can't understand why nigger rap with electronic bases has become so mainstream and accepted as "good"

Lol if all you had to do to get hipster pussy was like Sonic Youth, we'd all be golden. Kys, they're good

if I become friends with a person and found out they liked black metal i would walk away so fucking fast

death grips are fucking terrible, it's literally a meme gone too far

>pretending to like deathgrips

Wew lad deathgrips are accessible

Queen are not the greatest band in the world. They are just a bunch trans opera musicians with electric guitars

And the Beatles were nothing with Geoff Emerick

The Beatles were nothing without George Martins fucking ridiculous production and Epstein's jew wizardry.

all trap and modern pop is very very bad
also most indie
also this R&B revival is disgusting

Avant Garde is fucking stupid, I could flop my dick on a keyboard for 20 minutes, make up some shitty backstory about what it means and collect my praise

>Kys, they're good
If you're a edgy teenager that considers aping an already shit scene (no wave) somehow translates to talent, then you correct.


whatever, it's still true.

Sampling sucks. It's fine if you sample a song and choose to turn it into a totally different one, but Kanye West, The Avalanches, and etc, don't fucking do that, they piggy back off hooks and parts of songs that already sound great but hipsters are too scared to admit they like because its not fashionable.

*atom heart mother

ctrl f "bathroom hiphop" 0 results

not a rant but here's a funny story

>at college
>one of my best friends who I haven't spent a lot of time with for a while meets me in the parking lot
>we used to share a lot of music and I got a lot of great recs from him and thought he had great taste
>he says "hey man, there's gonna be a twenty one pilots concert in little rock soon if you wanna go"
>i think he's kidding and give a slightly exaggerated but somewhat genuine laugh
>his face doesn't change
>realize he's serious
>stop laughing and say "oh yeah i'm not really a fan but i hope you enjoy it"
>awkward as fuck

I wouldn't have been able to stop giggling

>if you want to be treated like a woman stop singing like a man
How ignorant can you get? I agree playing the transvestism thing to get good reviews is shit but having to conform to what you think he/she should sound like is stupid

*Piper at the gates of dawn

they're equal imo

If you have to listen to an album more than twice in order to like it then you're just convincing yourself it's good. I fucking hate it when some fucking hipster comes along and tells me the music they like only gets good after 10000 listens or some ridiculous number. If I don't like something I'm not going to brainwash myself

I fucking hate music.

I didn't like "A Moon Shaped Pool", or any of the slower Radiohead songs.

I did like Creep though. KSHMR made an excellent remix of the song.

this desu
it needs only 30s to find if a track is good or not.

>playing the transvestism thing to get good reviews
is that b8 or are you stupid?!

>Joanna Newsom's music wanders to absolutely nowhere, as does Talk Talk's Spirit of Eden.
>Listening to a Slowdive album is the dullest experience you will ever have in your life
>there are approximately 4 good black metal bands, and no good death metal bands
>hating Pink Floyd is for people who want to feel elevated and special
>Oasis killed english rock music
>My Bloody Valentine are objectively the best classic shoegaze band, and no, it's not close

Why do you guys have to be fucking contrarians all the time? This board went to shit when trolling became bland and overdone, and when you all started shitting on anyone Fantano or Pitchfork likes.

No. Fuck you. Cloud rap has so much potential, but no one utilizes it to its maximum (except Clammy Clams)

Main Attrakionz...

desu I don't know who anohni is but thats what I got from what the person said

I'm gonna make enemies for this I'm sure...

>Nobody talks about early Beegees on here and it pisses me off that said group changed their style in the first place (which I understand is hypocritical since I like artists that change their style frequently)
>Billy Corgan cannot fucking sing. He just can't. If someone else sang 'Tonight, Tonight' it would be one of my favorite songs of all time
>screamo is one of the worst things in music
>Jay Z's 2nd, 3rd and 4th albums were shit and it's surprising how low-quality they are since they followed Reasonable Doubt, his best work by far
>90s Michael Jackson is miles better than 80s Michael Jackson
>Sia Peaked with Colour the Small One
>Billy Joel's 'The Nylon Curtain' is one of the best albums of all time and I have no damn idea why people don't place it as his best work.

Have you heard any of Antony's previous works as 'Antony and the Johnsons'

thinks all abstract art could be made by kids + cant get his head around any conceptual design

everyone have shit taste on Sup Forums. just a bunch of fantano meme hip hop and/or vaporwave trash

the band are fucking terrible

>>Billy Corgan cannot fucking sing. He just can't.
Debateable. there's definitely worse singers out there, but that doesn't make him any better as a singer. He didn't have as good of a performance on Mellon Collie as he did on Gish or Siamese Dream imo.

Metal is an okay genre as a whole but it's fanbases are fucking atrocious