ITT: Pics of what you imagine the average fan of a band looks like

ITT: Pics of what you imagine the average fan of a band looks like

>Death Grips

Other urls found in this thread:

Digibro is such a faggot


lol. Death Grips isn't even the best band of 2012.



animal collective

Posting this kid should be a bannable offense



I genuinely believe this is the best answer, though not this decade. Probably last. STGSTV, Sung Tongs, Campfire Songs, Feels, Transverse Temporal Gyrus (exhibition) ODDSACand MPP? Yeah, 2000-2010 was on lockdown for those guys. What a crazy run.

They have definitely dropped off a bit since 2012. While I can admit that, I won't sit here and say they're doomed like most other people will. Painting With was a fine album in my honest opinion. At least a 7.5/10

captain beefheart and his magic band

young thug

Danny Brown




death grips

best post

those seem legit


think more gay and less attractive


i dont get this. i though kpop listeners liked asian grils.

bob dylan

Try meeting one of them.


The beatles


>post/agree with flattering picture for band/artist you like

come on, people. get real.

the fall


eh, he's got good opinions on anime

Dream theater


I actually saw someone with this build and a similar face carrying a Swans tote bag

>Talks with Antwan Fantwan once.jpg

Pearl is hot af


dont forget the ugly kids with massive unashamed yellow fever

That Mikael Stanne from Dark Tranquillity though

I have no idea about what you're talking and I got that image from googling images for calling kpop listeners gay.
If that's not a kpop reference you just outed yourself as tumblr.

Nine Inch Nails

I was looking for a picture of an emo screaming in agony.

It's from Ru Paul's Drag Race lad

i never have but i lurked kpop general a couple of times and its only grills being posted.

ugly ones that look like children, but still female.

>Implying that isnt why I'm calling you tumblr


Alright. But this thread is for
>Pics of what you imagine the average fan of aband looks like
and I know a guy who listens to only kpop and who looks,talks like that.

anyone who's actually into Oasis tends to be a massive prick
once gave a guy 2 drags on a joint and he started singing wonderwall really loudly and knocking on random peoples doors

Frank Zappa


>Implying I cared in the first place

twenty one pilots

fucking lads

Death in June


this guy is so obscenely strange looking it's just amazing

Taylor Swift

I didn't know the swans baby listened to Radiohead

basically any "Sup Forumscore" artist of your choosing

Why'd you reply then, you fucking autismo?

King Crimson

The Raunchous Brothers

I like Digibro!


I bet you enjoy the music of Claire Boucher, faggot

No, sorry.

Hi digibro

To tell you what it was from, brah

i wish

I'd surmised as much from the septum piercing, yellow subtitles and xir general aura of faggotyness.
Seriously though, what do you like about drag queens?
They were supposed to be hip as a part of the New York counter culture movement but that time is gone. They don't wear women's clothing and makeup as a fetish nor do they want to become women. There seems to be no clear motivation for pursuing such activities.

They don't even do anything cool.

any emo revival band

I like them cause they're hilarious. To be honest I don't understand the motivation either, but it's a character thing

>they're hilarious.

I though you might say that and was going to add that aren't amusing at all in the previous post.
Do you really find them funny?
I guess you've got different tastes.

Crystal Castles

pretty much accurate
t. crystal castle twink


That guy is an ex-horsefucker who thinks K-On is the best anime ever lmao

ded grapes


Nice now I can start posting this too in absolute madman threads.

I love him honestly. I don't even watch animu but I like the way he explains things.


>K-On is the best anime ever
he's correct

>tayor swift

I pray to god oml i can only hope they're Donald and look remotely like this...

no lie... here's an example.

Fuck off moeshitter

cackled at this

I don't nkow who looks more nu-male

body/general confidence



>not Paul Simon

That's not hard to have


>you'll never meet this girl
>you'll never met a Cue-Tea to listen to Swans and Noise with
Why do I keep trudging on and lying to myself that I'll ever met a girl worth sharing more than my dick with?

Those are dudes aren't they? I'd still probably fuck the one in the middle either way desu

I love how Digi has Sup Forums on a leash.

Sup Forums hates all YouTubers

I would swipe right instantly.