Musicians you have met

I met MC Ride just last week:

I was in California and I happened to run into him at a local diner. He was sitting alone and it looked like he'd only just started eating, so I decided to just go up and say hi (if his friends were there I would have just let him be). Anyway, I walk up and say hello and tell him I know him from Death Grips. Nothing. No reaction. Doesn't say a word. He just sits there, staring right through me. Staring intensely, but with no emotion whatsoever.

I begin to feel awkward, so I say "sorry to disturb you" and start to walk away but before I even get a chance to turn he just gets up suddenly and starts walking toward me, still making full eye contact. At first I thought he was going to try and barge into me or something, but at the last minute (like an inch away from me) he turns and heads toward the trash can. Then he starts dumping everything on his plate into it. One by one. Potatoes, carrots, everything. He picks up each bit of food up, holds it high above the can and drops it. Some of it (the steak) didn't even make it into the trash because he wasn't looking at what he was doing.

Finally his plate is empty and this is the part that really ****ing weirded me out. He looks around to check no one (but me) is looking, then slides the plate under his jacket and walks out.

I was just astounded, it was pretty surreal.

Other urls found in this thread:

check em

kys russian cretin

you have potential young padawan but have yet to refine your skills at getting dubs. let me teach you

We're gonna fucking nuke you to Timbuk Two Igor say your fucking prayers
You're fucking dead kiddo
Eat a dick

another one

Jeremy Bolm

I was hanging outside the pub where TA was going to play in an hour and Jeremy walked around talking to people. At the time Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me was propably aoty for me so it was a really nice experience.

I didn't like Stage Four so much though

You got enoug dubs for the both of them

I met the deafheaven guys when they played in my country
I saw the drummer and the bass player buying pizzas near the venue, told them that those were the worst pizzas in the whole country, they laughed and left

I was just trying to help them

I met Slimkid3 and Fatlip from The Pharcyde a few years ago after the show. They let us backstage and we ate greasy pizza. I was a kid at that time so they didn't offer us weed. They were really nice but Slimkid3 got angry at me because I had never listened to J Dilla before. It was really awkward for me.

Also hugged MO once on the street, she was very friendly but in a hurry.

>Just got stood up by St. Vincent - AMA

i highly suggest this thread

I met Chuck Berry at the grocery store diring a family reunion as a kid. I didn't know who he was until I found out my grandma was obsessed with him.

>tfw this nigga didn't let 2016 claim his soul at the age of 90

I had sex with Alice Glass like 8 years ago

Are you one of those Russian hackers I've been hearing about?

shut yo lying ass up!

I met Brother Ali and on top of being a fucking dope rapper he's seriously one of the most pleasant and grounded dudes you will ever speak with in the flesh.

I met Will Toledo just last week:

I was in California and I happened to run into him at a local diner. He was sitting alone and it looked like he'd only just started eating, so I decided to just go up and say hi (if his friends were there I would have just let him be). Anyway, I walk up and say hello and tell him I know him from Car Seat Headrest. Nothing. No reaction. Doesn't say a word. He just sits there, staring right through me. Staring intensely, but with no emotion whatsoever.

I begin to feel awkward, so I say "sorry to disturb you" and start to walk away but before I even get a chance to turn he just gets up suddenly and starts walking toward me, still making full eye contact. At first I thought he was going to try and barge into me or something, but at the last minute (like an inch away from me) he turns and heads toward the trash can. Then he starts dumping everything on his plate into it. One by one. Potatoes, carrots, everything. He picks up each bit of food up, holds it high above the can and drops it. Some of it (the steak) didn't even make it into the trash because he wasn't looking at what he was doing.

Finally his plate is empty and this is the part that really ****ing weirded me out. He looks around to check no one (but me) is looking, then slides the plate under his jacket and walks out.

I was just astounded, it was pretty surreal.

i met rihanna at the airport and she gave me a hug.

Met skrillex cause my normie friend had backstage passes. really nice guy don't care for his music

Met deafheaven after their show they were assholes and smelled like shit.

So has everyone and their mom

I don't believe the Rihanna one there's no way a goddess would even acknowledge a Sup Forums poster such as yourself.

met conor oberst at a bar after a show. met peter hook at a book signing. met the singer of the national leaving a movie theatre in cincinnati and talked to him about 'the girl with the dragon tattoo' in the parking lot before he hopped in a minvan and took off. got HHH to sign my copy of the manifesto.

met noel gallagher at a sushi place with the other oasis guys and he seemed super bummed that i was bothering him. he came in while i was there with my dad and i kinda did a double take. i was getting up to leave but my dad went over and told him i was a fan. I shook his hand, but don't like any of their music.

i prob have more that i am forgetting at the moment.