Why some Sup Forums users pretend to hate her? Just for the sake of being contrarians?

Why some Sup Forums users pretend to hate her? Just for the sake of being contrarians?

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For the (you)s. Grimesposters are easily offended.

I actually think her music is okay but her fans on Sup Forums are pretty lame.

I don't hate her I just don't respect her. All image no matter how you look at it. Got success through connections and not through work and dedication. The music doesn't really hold its own either. I could make a Grimes album in a week.

superiority-complex, hypocrisy and delusional feminism

>""""""pretending"""""" to hate her

Her voice is annoying and her personality is fucking disgusting. It's pretty easy to hate her actually.

>her fans on Sup Forums are pretty lame.
They behave like any other fans, defending their favorite artist. Why is that surprising to you? Are you that new to music?

we're not going to address real issues here so i'm not going to bother

> I could make a Grimes album in a week.
go ahead

>Just for the sake of being contrarians?
Yes. Need proof? See:

There is defending your favorite artists and actually like an autistic spazz over the smallest slights and jokes.

Dude I'm right here don't be afraid. What's the issues?

So many wrong things here.
>All image no matter how you look at it.
So, people are listening to her image, not to her music?
>Got success through connections and not through work and dedication.
Could you prove it?
>The music doesn't really hold its own either.
>I could make a Grimes album in a week.
Good joke. Do it if it's that easy. Prove us wrong in a big way.

This is exactly to the t what he's talking about. You're delusional.

Y'know what? Fine, despite her obnoxious ass fanbase on here, I'll give her music a shot.

Tell me her best album. Whatever album is replied first is the one I'll listen to.

you're here but why?

Oh congratulations on deconsructing my post I'm sure your professor is so proud. You fucking clown.

Jesus chirst. Grimesfags are easily the worst people in this board.

When will they get banned?

>the smallest slights and jokes
I read many Grimes threads and what you're calling "the smallest slights and jokes" were actually gross jokes and blatant insults. Maybe you're just accustomed to that Sup Forums crap.

I don't get it either user
she is a literal goddess

The money store

Grimes will never know you exist

19 replies in 10 minutes folks

You're reacting like an asshole because you can't prove me wrong. ;)

Not a grimes album but I have been wanting to listen to it. My one friend is a big DG fan.

>Maybe you're just accustomed to that Sup Forums crap.
I was talking about Grimesposters on Sup Forums. So yeah.

Most of her fans I've met IRL were normal people who just liked her music. Not creepy hysteric fanboys like on Sup Forums.

I know that and I'm perfectly fine with that.

>Not creepy hysteric fanboys like on Sup Forums.
>implying not the whole moo -- including you, excepting me -- is like that

Well I got no other replies.
Guess I'm listening to The Money Store.

I'm not a fanboy, that's correct.

ironic grimes herself knows she's the biggest clown in the music scene. she's even proud of it and takes her failure seriously

have fun

I will.
Really enjoying the first track so far.

You're not a Grimes fanboy but a Nickelback fanboy, or a Brokencyde fanboy etc.

i'm not enjoying it so much user

Why are you so mad right now? I even said I thought her music was okay. Just that her fans on Sup Forums were acting too spazzy. Not her or her fans in general. Just on Sup Forums.

I'm not mad, I'm just making fun of you. Why are you acting so spazzy?

she doesn't care about her fans

Alright this one needs to be proven.

>Grimes is VERY generous with her fanbase, from providing her first 2 albums for free, to making videos for free (the last bunch of videos was made for artistic purposes, her label didn't pay a cent for them). Add also her Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook accounts to keep her fans up to date all the time. Add also meeting fans after gigs and the tons of photos & interviews with her. Add also her always thanking the audiences of her shows.

>Say what you will about her, but she's not mean to her (often annoying) fanbase. Her fans are super-spoiled by her. She could be a bitch easily, but she's still down to earth and nice.

we don't want that

>Grimes is VERY generous

the fans made her. this is why you're an ungrateful cunt, it's some huge privilege for themselves when they chose to support her

>this is why you're an ungrateful cunt

>She could be a bitch easily

she is though, this goes back to the superiority complex. she's pretentious and wonders why she has such impressionable and annoying fans

any way she's not allowed to be the bitch she want's due to being in her position and having to portray a pretty forged persona


Ever wondered why her fans love her so much? Besides her great music, she's one of the nicest artists ever. She's genuinely likeable.

You're confused, bro. I'm grateful for her music. I'm afraid you were a cunt for the sake of it.


Pick the genre tag from outside the big circle that sounds most appealing to you and then listen to the record to which it connects FIRST. That's pretty much the only effective way to experience her music. She doesn't really have a best album (yet.) Just different variations of really good.

You're gonna have to tell me the album titles.
The only one I recognize is Art Angels.

Try Visions. However, maybe you will not like it on the first listen. Post your opinions after listening to it.

>Try Visions
Will listen to it after done with T.M.S.
Will make thread for it.

>Why some Sup Forums users pretend to hate her?
don't know why someone would pretend to hate her
but I genuinely hate her music, her politics, and find her kinda fugly.

How'd ya like it?

I'm halfway through and HOLY FUCK. YES. YES.


Good shit man youtu.be/AodBQ2ElXxs

OK. I'm looking forward to see your thread.

Clockwise from bottom-left:
Geidi Primes
Art Angels

psst, that chart is a prank. They are all garbage outside of Visions which is alright

Thanks, I'll start with Visions since that's what the other suggested. Will post thread when done with D.G. album.

i guess she's boring then