Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums,
According to Sup Forums, Hillary Clinton's gonna make a speech on the alt-right and namedrop Sup Forums and maybe Sup Forums. As a result, the board is gonna be flooded by normalfags and Democrat shills. Should we help them by shitposting on Sup Forums as hard as we can ? I think it would be great to get back our reputation as the Internet Hate Machine.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do they think she's gonna name drop it

Like there aren't enough shitposts already.

pretty sure Sup Forums doesn't need help with shitposting, they do a pretty good job at it themselves

also, this
where'd they get it from?

Because Trump supporters and the alt-right in general has already been denounced by the media, such as Slate recently. And no, Sup Forumsdoesn't need help with shitposting, I just think that it would be really fun.

link mentioning Sup Forums or else I'm out

could be persuaded otherwise

Her speech has just began. Everyone on Sup Forums is holding his breath, there's a shitload of threads about it. I'll keep you informed.

Also, I think we should do it just for the lulz. Just like old Sup Forums.

do it for the lolz

lulz would be shitposting on the chat box of the live stream, as is happening now


30 minutes until speech.
Here's a link that says Sup Forums, you lazy turd sniffer
Do what, you ass hat?


Sorry turd sniffer, forgot link

>Here's a link that says Sup Forums, you lazy turd sniffer
Retard. Pic related.

Its posted right above your comment.
I wouldn't be so quick to call anyone a retard, you can't even use a search engine, turd sniffer.

40 minutes till speech starts
>you can't even use a search engine
I can. But if I want to is a different matter entirely.

>turd sniffer.
Stop being such a faggot.

>I can. But if I want to is a different matter entirely.

whew, tips fedora, nothin' personal kid 1,000% edge

Like I said, stop being a faggot.

We move to finalchan. That's what we do

Fuck you turd sniffer.


Idunno how many of y'all are in here. But can we shit post about her faking opening a pickle jar

Never heard of that chan. Is it good ?

suit yourself, if you like gobbling cock so much that's your busyness

Small but dank, even some 8ch users moved there a few months back

Hey turd sniffer. If you were Andy Sixx I'd suck a log of shit out of your ass.

Seems nice. I lurked on 4+3chan, it was interesting but now it's pretty much dead.

let's be honest, you'd suck a turd out of anyone's ass, faggot