Visions by Grimes

Jesus Christ I'm exhausted after the D.G. album.

About to start listening to this album.

Slightly skeptical but I hope it's good.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a great album. It requires at least 5 listens to really get into it.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard a BUFFOON of a Grimes fan say this oh my god look out Bill Gates

>It requires at least 5 listens to really get into it.
That wasn't part of the deal, squarepants.

This was the first Grimes albums suggested to me so I'm listening to it.

The DG album was exhausting.

But anyway, 2 tracks in, I ..kinda like it. Don't care for her voice but the beats she makes are pretty good. Kind of a drum and bass-y vibe so far.

Mad 'cause you're too pleb to get into it? Just what I thought. ;)

grimesfag pls kys
it's just pop, not deep what is there to "get"

Third track is pretty good.

Don't try to start shit.

I said to REALLY get into it. There are some tracks that you'll probably say they're filler but they will grow on you if you'll listen to this album more times. If you want an instantly likeable album, try Art Angels next. My 2 cents.

>it's just pop, not deep what is there to "get"
You're lying to yourself. This is not "just pop". Stay pleb.

Listen again to that third track. It's her signature song and her most praised song (RYM & P4K song of the year 2012).

...I already said I liked it, though?

Anyway, Eight is...ok. Nothing special.

Calling something pop doesn't make it bad, y'know.

I would call it 'electronic pop' and it's not meant as an insult.

Eight is one of those tracks that seem like filler but are actually ingenious.

>Calling something pop doesn't make it bad, y'know.
That dude said it's "just pop, not deep what is there to "get"'. That's absolutely bullshit. Pop has a reputation of being shallow music and Grimes' music is anything but shallow.

Not a fan of Circumambient and or Vowels

Would make another comment but not sure I want (the bad part of) grimes fans jumping on me.

Fair enough. I wouldn't call it shallow per say.

AA is her worst album tho.

I predict a 6/10 or a 7/10 rating of Visions.


Good prediction. It's looking towards that.

If I can be honest I think she'd work better as an instrumental artist, or having other people do vocals while she produces.

And I don't get the Bjork comparisons musically, I'm sorry. Seems a lot too simplistic (not that that's a bad thing) to be compared to Bjork. Also the lack of string sections really weakens the comparisons.

(Visiting Statue is the first flat out bad track)

She can make whatever she wants, I encourage her to do so. Doesn't mean I have to love it. I don't even think AA is bad, just her least good.

Be a Body is good. Could be on a video game without the vocals.

(Vocals are definitely her weak spot)

>If I can be honest I think she'd work better as an instrumental artist, or having other people do vocals while she produces.
There's an unofficial instrumental version of Visions.

>And I don't get the Bjork comparisons musically, I'm sorry. Seems a lot too simplistic (not that that's a bad thing) to be compared to Bjork. Also the lack of string sections really weakens the comparisons.
Bjork is much more pretentious and boring though. Grimes has an extraordinary talent to make great melodies and she's much more emotionally honest.

>Good prediction. It's looking towards that.
Remember that That's true.

>Bjork is much more pretentious and boring though
I've been nothing but fucking nice about Grimes and you say shit like that. Cmon man...

It's just my opinion, not a fact. Feel free to disagree.

Fair enough, I guess. Usually grimes fans are bigger fans of Bjork than that so I'm kinda surprised.

Colour of Moonlight is my favorite so far because I love distorted drums.
Same with Symphonia but still don't care for her voice.

>Usually grimes fans are bigger fans of Bjork than that so I'm kinda surprised.
That's a weird idea. From what I've seen few Grimes fans are bigger fans of Bjork. Her voice is too shrill for her own good and she forgot how to write a good song since Vespertine. The days of Army of Me, Hyperballad, Joga, Big Time Sensuality, Hidden Place, are long gone.

>Same with Symphonia but still don't care for her voice.
Her voice is a grower. Trust me, I hated it when I heard it first time.

Worded poorly. What I meant is Grimes fans are usually pretty big fans of Bjork too (not that they like her better), while you seem to not be a fan of hers.

>Her voice is too shrill for her own good
I guess I can't complain since I commented on Grimes voice so much.

>she forgot how to write a good song since Vespertine.
Very. Very. VERY debatable.

>Army of Me
Literally the worst song of her early career.

Anyway, how would you feel about her producing for others instead of doing her own voicework?

Update: Nightmusic I hated save for the small string section at the end.

Kind of surprising you'd enjoy it at all without liking the vocals. I see it as one of the main draws. Without the layering stuff it's only beats.

>Without the layering stuff it's only beats.
Well I like layering.
And I will give credit where it's due the drum programming on this album is fantastic.

I like her earlier albums + some Sugarcubes. Debut and Post are the most similar to Grimes.

>Literally the worst song of her early career.
Do you really want to hurt me?

>Update: Nightmusic I hated save for the small string section at the end.

>Anyway, how would you feel about her producing for others instead of doing her own voicework?
Bjork or Grimes?

Based on my personal experience and observations of others, her voice effects people in one of two different ways upon first listen. Either people simply can't stand it and it prevents them from being able to enjoy any other aspects of her music at all (clearly not your case) or people find it weird/off-putting but it gradually grows on them the more they listen to her music (it's literally an acquired taste.)

I don't know of anyone irl (including myself) who flat-out enjoyed the sound of her voice upon initially hearing her music. And yet, I currently consider her to be one of my absolute favorite singers of all time - despite the fact that I am a professionally trained singer myself, and know exactly what she is missing in terms of basic technique.

As a bonus, listen to the instrumental versions of Be a Body & Colour of Moonlight:

Solid drum programming.

>Bjork or Grimes?
Was referring to grimes. Her producing/making beats while others do vocals.

>Do you really want to hurt me?
Let's call it even.

>I like her earlier albums + some Sugarcubes. Debut and Post are the most similar to Grimes.
Ehhhh..,.Not hearing it, personally.

Again, not a diss to grimes, but a lot of Bjorks music is more lush and layered than Grimes is.
(Also string sections, string sections are always amazing)

I would understand her being your favorite producer or composer or anything along those lines, but not vocalist. Isn't it pretty well agreed among grimes fans that vocals are her weakest aspect?

Album finished.

Last 2 tracks were definitely the worst.

Overall an alright album but certainly not my favorite. It's alright. 6/10.

Favorite tracks were Infinite and Colours.

Differnt user here. Given your feelings so far on her vocals I'd actually be very curious to hear your thoughts on her half of the EP Darkbloom or her earlier album Halfaxa (imo, based on the listener reactions you've had in this thread so far, the one of her records most likely to be either your favorite or least favorite of the bunch.)

I wasn't planning on listening to other grimes but I'm sure I can look it up real quick.

I thought she should produce for others. But, after I started liking her voice, I wouldn't want that anymore. Her voice is just perfect for her music. This Ave Maria cover showcases what's the deal with her voice:

>a lot of Bjorks music is more lush and layered than Grimes is.
I get what do you mean. But Bjork relied on a whole orchestra plus countless other musicians. Everything you hear in Grimes' music (with very small exceptions) has been done by her. She did even the album covers and some music videos. It has that DIY vibe, it's not 100% professional.

>(Also string sections, string sections are always amazing)
When they're used properly. Sometimes they're too bombastic. I personally prefer the raw analogue synth sound like that Oblivion bassline.

>Ehhhh..,.Not hearing it, personally.
They're more like Art Angels tho.

>Isn't it pretty well agreed among grimes fans that vocals are her weakest aspect?
Only when she's performing live (she's hit or miss). But in the studio? Not at all. Her fans love her voice.

Fair points...
...except for one

>Sometimes they're too bombastic.
Nah man..ya got it all wrong.

If ya like synth I don't blame ya but..string sections though....
(Unless it's a string section on a synth, in which case everyones happy)

And if vocals aren't her weakest aspect, what is?

I'm kinda disappointed by that score but I expected that. I gave it a 6/10 too when I heard it for the first time.

I'm sorry man. I TRIED to give it a chance, I really REALLY did. Give me some credit for that at least.

Here's my favorite Bjork song for reference.
(to clarify Bjork is my second favorite musician, so I'm still having a hard time with the comparisons)

No problem, it's not your fault at all. People just have different tastes. It depends on your existing music taste.

>Here's my favorite Bjork song for reference.
So, do you prefer chill music? I don't think you'd appreciate Art Angels, better listen to Halfaxa next if you're interested. It's weirder and dreamier than Visions. Art Angels is all over the place, like a circus.

>And if vocals aren't her weakest aspect, what is?
Honestly? Imo how short in terms of running time o a lot of her tracks are. Imo her songs just get better the longer they are. She has a tendency to pack a LOT of aural information into a little bit of time, which can make her music pretty overwhelming - especially to new listeners. It's an overall issue she's actually very much aware of right now, and is what she is planning on tackling for her next album (based on interviews.)

What I prefer is very thick, rich backing instrumentation. Not a slam against grimes that's just always what I prefered in music.

I always loved albums with a lot of strings and backing instruments (Vespertine, David Bowie's Hunky Dory, Billy Joel's The Nylon Curtain) but I don't think Grimes is the kind of musician to go to if you want that.

>What I prefer is very thick, rich backing instrumentation.
Art Angels has plenty of rich and thick instrumentation. On a particular song she used over 50 drums tracks and added some crowd noise on top of them (Kill V. Maim).

>I don't think Grimes is the kind of musician to go to if you want that.

You really need to listen to Halfaxa and her half of Darkbloom. It sounds like you have similar tastes to me, and it wasn't until hearing those that I thought Grimes' music was even worth giving the time of day (I started with a couple less symphonic tracks from Visions and then proceeded to ignore her music completely for a year or two because I thought that was all there was too it.)

2 short Grimes songs with strings:

I wasn't aware people considered better vocals and production pretentious and boring.

Second song was great. Don't know why it faded into a storm sound....

First song I really liked but...still..her voice.

(Don't worry other guy I'll get to your 3 in a second.

Btw OP, you should watch her KEXP 2012 session:

Many people fell in love with her music after watching this video (under 30 minutes). She played Symphonia IX, Genesis and an extended version of Be a Body.

>Don't know why it faded into a storm sound....
That's the intro of Art Angels. The next song after that it's a country-electropop song...

I hardly watch any live performances, let alone Grimes.

Ah, alright. Still liked it but it was too short.

Listening to the third one,...she sounds like Britney Spears. I don't hate the song but it's certainly not what I look for often.

Drum Programming is still amazing though.

>First song I really liked but...still..her voice.
The instrumental version

BTW, you should listen to this very chill and gorgeous song of her, Heartbeats:

This is so underrated.

From what I can tell a lot of these are a LOT more pop sounding (not that I'm against that)

I enjoy it but wouldn't listen to it frequently.
Also: STRING SECTIONS. They're needed.

Favorite was Life in the Vivid Dream.

I'm sorry this is my least favorite so far. Hate the drum pattern and the synth. Way to simple for my tastes.

>What I prefer is very thick, rich backing instrumentation.
Grimes' earlier music has extremely rich backing electronic instrumentation. She started kind of leaving that at the wayside with Visions (because she realized she needed to get a better handle at producing conventional pop vocals if she ever wanted anyone to take her efforts at producing pop-like music seriously) but now seems to be gradually bringing it back (as evidenced here ) by way of learning to play/incorporate classical orchestral instruments into her music (virtually all instrumentation in her music prior to Art Angels was produced synthetically.)

Her music is quite diverse, ranging from super-pop songs like Kill V. Maim and super-weird songs like Omega. Just listen to this 2 min and a half weirdness: Ever heard something like that?

>because she realized she needed to get a better handle at producing conventional pop vocals if she ever wanted anyone to take her efforts at producing pop-like music seriously

I'd take string-section filled non pop over the more simple style she has now.

....I don't like this.

Pay attention to REALiTi. That song is one of her best and most famous. IMO it's perfect pop, it's can't get better than that.

All in all, I think you could find at least 30 songs to enjoy in her discography (she has plenty of rarities and various tunes).

>Not posting the significantly more awesome live session version
Not that the original is bad by any means. It just doesn't have quite as complex vocals, or that great melismatic vocal line at 2:20 - or that absolutely THUNDEROUS bass synth line (Seriously. Try listen to this recording with some good headphones/speakers - you can thank/kill me later.)

hi op. what did you think of circumambient? it's my favorite track from the album tb h

>....I don't like this.
Some things take time to be liked...

Most people don't have any patience when it comes to music and they want instant gratification. Actually some of the best music in this world require a bit of effort from the listener.

Wasn't a fan. Sorry.

As I said favorites were Colour and infinite

That user doesn't like that song. Yeah, the live version rocks.

What about Crystal Ball live? I think it's better than the album version:

user, could you do a favor for me? Watch this video (just a song) with the volume as high as possible: Just to have an idea about her shows.

>I'd take string-section filled non pop over the more simple style she has now.

So would I, but it's her career path to take - I'm just happy that I get to virtually tag along.

Although I really am very optimistic about her going more in that sort of direction for her next release, given that what she's so far said about her next project is the following:
>As she closes the door on this album, Boucher has a calmer project in mind for the next: “I’m really vibing on making something really slow and gorgeous that just breathes, and has room to breathe. I feel like my work has always been fast paced, kinetic, and almost just manic and I feel like for me the hardest thing I can do is make something that’s slow and heavy. I’m so ADD in my work; I really want to push myself into something that would be slower and more reflective.”

Given that string-playing is now firmly in her artistic vocabulary (in case it wasn't already evident she personally performs and records all of her own instrumental parts as a matter of principle) I can't really see a scenario where string sections and cool, laid-back synths aren't gonna play a huge role in getting her to a more reflective, slow and heavy sound desu.

>Watch this at full volume
I'll watch it but no. I don't like blowing out my eardrums.

I meant as loud as you could listen to (not the max volume).

spoilers: people only talk about because they want to fuck her and it's actually mediocre and uninteresting

Talking shit =/= spoliers

In times of Visions I did not think about this at all

I likes Grimes a lot

Why does Felicia Day look like Grimes?

she looks like an ugly grimes

grimes fans are some of the neediest people around. sad!

You NEED to fuck off


It's OK at best

Boring opinion



there are like 4 actual tracks and the rest are interludes

3 of the 4 are good though. and 1 of the interludes

Not OP but listening to this now for the first time because she's all over Sup Forums

I'm 6 songs in. So far I find it _interesting_, but not blowing. I like the DIY feel that someone mentioned earlier. The vocals are weird: I cant understand a word she's saying - which I usually don't have a problem with, in some shoegaze stuff for example. But in shoegaze everything sounds quite distant and vague. But here, only the vocals are like that while the production is very up-close and clear. It's like it can't decide if it wants to be background music or not.

Floating around a 7/10 so far.

False. There are just 3 interludes. The full songs are:
02. Genesis
03. Oblivion
05. Circumambient
06. Vowels = Space and Time
08. Be a Body
09. Colour of Moonlight (Antiochus)
10. Symphonia IX (My Wait Is U)
11. Nightmusic
12. Skin
13. Know the Way

not mind blowing*

oh sorry i counted the outro as an interlude.
but anyway
visions tracks that aren't interludes
>vowels=space and time
>be a body

See this The true value of this album is revealed in time, after a decent amount of listens. A 7/10 could easily transform into a 9/10 or a 10/10 after this album really clicked. I thought it's a 6.5 or a 7 after the first listen, now it's a legit 10/10. It's about the emotional attachment.

>visions tracks that aren't interludes
>just 4
What about the rest from my list? Those aren't interludes. An album with just 4 songs and 9 interludes would be ridiculous.

Btw, check Halfaxa too. It's even weirder than Visions. It's like Cocteau Twins doing medieval synthpop.

I'm waiting for the final report after you're done listening to it.

I probably won't listen to it again though tobequitehonestfamalamadingdong. I can certainly see its merit. It's very well put together. I just don't think it's my thang. I wouldn't knock anyone for loving it.

Will do ... at some point. Generally, the weirder the better for me.

Btw I love these yodeling sounds in Colour of Moonlight

Really like Symphonia IX

>I probably won't listen to it again though
Sad to hear that, but it's your decision

>Will do ... at some point. Generally, the weirder the better for me.
Her debut Geidi Primes is also weird like Halfaxa. It's more barebones than that album though.

I'm in love to songs of this album during the first listen.

I remember when I was pleb and thought that Colour and Moonlight and Skin were annoying songs.

*Colour of Moonlight

Final verdict: still a 7/10. However, that 7 got warmer for me towards the end, to the point that I'd consider listening to it again. I think it has potential to be an 8, but I don't see myself ever being a Grimeshead. Could be wrong though.

>but I don't see myself ever being a Grimeshead. Could be wrong though.
Many people said that. And failed later... ;) Mark my words: her music is insidious.

now listen to medieval warfare

Now make a thread about Metal Machine Music.


He wasn't OP. I reviewed the album hours ago.
I gave it a 6.

But no. I'm not listening to that.

That's the song that did it for me. I thought her music was complete trash before coming across that song (specifically this studio performance of it ) It caused me to completely change my opinion and reassess all of her songs I'd heard up to that point desu.