I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture...

I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.

Music for this feel?

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thanks, Herbie!


thanks, herbie fully loaded

thanks, Herbie!

thanks herbie nigga

Nice b8 m8. I r8 8/8.

thanks, Herbie!

How about the worst Herbie Hancock album since you are the worst kind of person?


Thanks Herbie

Sex Pistols
The Clash

here you go

thanks, Herbie!

Herbie my nigga!

thanks, Herbie!

All punk in general is shit. The only good thing resulting from punk is death grips

>since you are the worst kind of person?
do you realize saying shit like this only makes you like a huge faggot?
maybe that's something you're aiming for?

>sex pistols
wow, did you really rec sex pistols to an alt-righter, punk hates fags like him

Anyone who tries to start this political bullshit on here falls under that.

I'm standing by my statement.

Herbie Pepe when?


No, they were not racist. Sid did have a swastika t-shirt, but he wore it to shock people, not because he alligned with what they stood for. A lot of punks would try to create public outrage by saying or doing controversial things, even if they themselves did not agree with it.

Johnny Rotten is heavily into charity work and championing equal rights for all people.

most of the bands i listed would probably hate a fag like him

but he felt ''punk'' and sid vicious wore a nazi shirt once so that would be the closest thing op can relate to


I can understand why you would say that but punk is pretty much anti-government and establishment. Alt-righters are pretty authoritarian and conservative. The two don't really mix well

It's true, Johnny Rotten got p famous for wearing an "I Hate Pink Floyd" shirt, later admitted of course he didn't mind them at all.

john maus
ariel pink

fashwave has lefties panites in a bunch so its kinda fun to listen to that

so i take that as a yes

>Sid did have a swastika t-shirt, but he wore it to shock people

You think most of Sup Forums are really any different? Anyone who thinks real racism is a threat is a fool

yes i know

but he felt ''punk'' and trumpers are against the establishment

>Alt-righters are pretty authoritarian and conservative.


alt right is basically constitutional republican leaning people or libertarian

leftists are far more big government/authoritarian pro establishment than alt righties

alt right has only recently been co-opted to mean neo nazi by liberal propagandist fake news sources like the guardian, NYTimes, msnbc, etc.

Call me whatever you want, pal.

Fuck off nazi apologist!


Stop confusing us with the KKK and neo-nazis, you idiot. We only use swastikas for shock value. We're closer to classic liberalism. We like small government. The progressive left are closer to authoritarians than we are. They love big government. Also, the most famous "alt-right" dude is flaming gay.

the further right you go, the further towards anarchy you go, the further left you go, the further towards totalitarianism you go

punk as DIY, anarchist, anti-establishment is inherently right wing

its only been twisted into a fashion seeking leftists

Also neocons are far leftists


Lol edgy meme bro epic!!1

Sorry to tell you, the word came from The Daily Stormer was later co-opted by the likes Milo.

>alt right has only recently been co-opted to mean neo nazi by liberal propagandist fake news sources like the guardian, NYTimes, msnbc, etc.

its called reporting the news faggot, the alt-right is filled to the brim with racists and nazi's you can't just choose to ignore that because it doesn't fit your personal agenda.

Thanks, Herbie!

alt-right was discovered by a white supremacist male but yeah keep kidding yourself that its the big bad liberal media

you have the mentality of a peasant, a turd.

Correct. The right loves personal freedom and small government. The left loves safe spaces and big government/social programs.

out. faggots like you ruin the alt right

You are a sexless bottom-dwelling scum-sucking fedorafish. As is anyone who defends alt-right.
>Jetpacks the fuck outta this thread

Back to Sup Forums you go skinhead!

thaks herbie, big fan of head hunters!

the far right is becoming more and more popular.
what does that imply?
many leftists are becoming right wing
why do you think that is?

but i had sex before. want to know what its like?


>the far right is becoming more and more popular.
what does that imply?

the ones changing their political opinions are mostly young teenage boys, the alt-right is basically filled with white young boys who spend too much time on the internet. It tells me teenagers are easily influenced and internet culture plays a big part into why the alt-right has gotten bigger.

>can't make a valid argument
>decides to call me a turd

how does a white supremacist go about 'discovering' a political group

that doesn't even make any sense you fucking retard

alt right just meant people who held conservative beliefs in regards to economic policies, the recognition of retarded cultural values of mentally ill people claiming they are girls even though they have a dick (loss of critical thought and cultural marxism), recognition that its fucking retarded to let millions of unaccountable people into the country that is a gigantic bureaucracy that functions off taxes, that forcing diversity on cultures sounds nice but has proven to be a recipe for disaster in large scales because it only creates ghettoization and segregation and fractures societies, it has nothing to do with gassing jews or lynching black people for LOLs like your retarded brain thinks

thanks, Herbie!

>ignores the fact that are right in front of
wew boy

thanks, Herbie!

these people felt abandoned by their political leaders who called themselves republican but championed big government, more taxes, more spending, more immigration, more exporting of jobs, they were 9/10ths democrats, RINOs

alt right called them on the bullshit and thats why Trump was elected

do you seriously fucking believe Trump won the election because 50% of the country (or a large constituent of the political right) is neo-nazi?

kill yourself before you can breed you fucking peabrain

>when everyone's deep in a groove and the feels start to flow

you're an actual moron kek, the term was coined by a fucking white supremacist you idiot