Drawthread Russian beer edition

drawthread Russian beer edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping for mother land

/r/ this diapered Gatomon's leg cuffed to a pole, and her REALLY needing to potty, her trying so very hard (and kinda failing) to hold it all in?

Whoops, guess this is the right one

If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless

in case guy didnt see


Slav for life

>Yup! i got the record right.....ugh....h-here!

I'll have you out in a jiffy Greg.


no one likes a doopie fag

How much I love Doopie
And you love this too

Is Meer around somewhere?

I think they are still colouring my trips request

This is fine.

Still drawing this request, just have things to do while I'm doing it.


That vampire on the lower right is cute.

thanks for the welcome

and whoever drew CIA in the previous thread: fuckin saved


Oki doki. This waiting is a sweet torment.

He name is Oskar Von Horrificus from the cartoon "School for vampires"

Everyone here is a fag, except for recordbro, you're chill.

Your actions are horrific, but not irredeemable.

I hope you can one day accept her warm embrace

We need Doopie body pillows


Hello le thread, what is up ? got some request for me ?

First time I've used my new tablet, feels really odd to draw like this, probably taking requests.


Requesting a comfy Doopie sleeping on a couch.

Picture for reference

Wow this is awesome

Would like to see him wetting his shorts also.


what did doopie do to you user

Just a quick Q, what is this from anyways? The characters seem interesting.

Spamming threads, eating pic limits.

Oh Doopie love this so much, user.

But it says who in the same post you replied to

Wats up with all these Russians these days.

I'm a dumb-dumb, didn't see that.

We need more spider queen poems

another doopiefag patiently awaiting this request

The name of the boy is Oskar Von Horrificus and the name of the redhead is Gruftine. Both are from the cartoon "School for vampires" (Die Schule der kleinen Vampire)


Vodka and slavs

Hello, Spider Queen
I wrote this haiku for you
Because you are keen

What do think you know of Russia?

guess bim is starting a prison break, hi thread

Pretty specific request here but can anyone and everyone try to draw me an emperor with a faux hawk and short full beard looking like he's contemplating / bored while on a throne made of and surrounded by doughnuts?

Does that mean we need less vodka or less slavs?
I think constructism posters were neat, but not the best thing to come from the sisterland.

Would you draw her playing guitar in a sylvan area? Optional: sitting on a hammock



I am. Sup?


Please show us your tits
They are perky and sexy
Small tits need love too!

I was the user who made this post a few drawthreads back, as well as the user that wants to commission you someday.

Like the characters, but don't let that spamming autist ruin them for you.

I was hoping you stopped by! Since I broke down today, You don't have to commission me. You can just request it.

Progress update?

>right for the booty
Oh greg!

Almost done booboo

>only showing bim's arms and leg

Either you're lazy, or unable to draw females

AWESOME. Meer, thank you. You're pretty cool. Please, draw yourself in this pose, but have both dicks going into your pussy.

How. I can't keep getting drunk on weekdays.


On it.

Hey greg remember the slav officer from the last thread well he has a shotgun

If it's not too late to ask, mind throwing in an x-ray shot in one of the upper corners?

bim better drop that fucking wall fast

When you're done with those , I have a request

Oh wow. A thread without drawma. Nice work drawfolks.

Of what?

If it's lewd these are the only two I'm doing.

is it a boi or a gril

user: Look at you! I have never seen a child as disgusting as you! You pissed your pants? How dare you! You want me to cut it off? Is that what you want me to do, you little freak? Don't cry at me you little faggot. Apologize! Say "I'm sorry daddy, I'm a dirty little beast, I'm a freak!... " Say it!
Oskar: No.
user: Say it!
Oskar: No, daddy.
user: Say it or I will cut it off! "... I'm a dirty little beast, freak, hare lip, and no one will ever love me!"

Of the cocks inside Meer's pussy. Either the upper left or upper right corner will do, Meer!


Idk I've been drawing for 12 straight hours now and I've got a migraine.


woah...one day I hope to at least reach this level of skill but, you know, not drawing dogdick girls on Sup Forums

It's probably on the way now, thanks.
Take a break. Get some sun.

I feel asleep the other thread where you said you'd do a colored lewd for trips. Did anyone get it and did you deliver? Love your stuff.

Meer indeed delivered.

Yas! We are!
WEURGH! Oooowwwww Greg.... right in the food basket...

Get some rest meer... :c

>with a migraine

Alright then, thanks mang

Usually I'm up for 12 hours not drawing dogdicks on Sup Forums


I did.
Besides a knot in my shoulder I'm fine. I do this often.

Know what's funny? There was a couple anons who were wishing Meer wouldn't draw anything for me. I hope they see this thread.

This is freaking amazing!
Thank you so much!


Open window, draw curtains, lie down and breathe. Mebbe tea later

Because their wishes just got shot down.

np dude.

I'm fine, thanks for the concern user.

I love it. Thanks.

then may i suggest you take a break?

No I mean why didn't they want her to delivar for you?

FORGOT the pic.. . .... ... . ... .. .

Okayyyyy, don't overwork yourself too much. A body needs rest just as much as the mind, so even if you feel awake, don't neglect the stresses of your joints and muscles.
I may lurk around for a request if you're still able and willing. Love ya, boo!

Underboob is all you get, i used the wrong tool and frlt lazy to revert to my usual one

Oh no greg's going to crash into me
>tfw you're too dehydrated to draw

Because they were salty anons. That's pretty much a fitting answer for A LOT of things that happen on Sup Forums, now that I think about it.

not Meer,
technically is female but a user wasted his tripz requesting "a dickgirl Meer"
Meer delivered...
so... that's the explanation.

Do you mind if I change the face/ expression?

I might poop out after this, just check with me. Thanks dood!

Underboob is good
Still a sexy tittie flash
Thank you, Spider Queen.