So I have like 2-3 grams of marijuana stems. some have little leafs on them, but not very much bud

So I have like 2-3 grams of marijuana stems. some have little leafs on them, but not very much bud.

Should I grind them up and smoke them straight up, or can I make edibles with them?

Also general stoner thread

Don't be an idiot. Save your stems for a big batch of homemade shatter / oil.

I boiled mine and put it in tea and oatmeal

You can smoke them but the smoke would be pretty damn harsh. I'd say either make edibles, make hash, or use them in a vaporizer.

Are you guys new to smoking weed? You have to boil it in butter, thc is best absorbed through fats like butter or cooking oil.

Edibles or dabs.
It'll be shitty, but better than smoking stems

nah dude... with stems and leafs... edibles are the ebst way to go. if you smoke them they'll barely get you high and the smoke is going to be harsh as fuck. like cardboard

yeah no fucking shit.

Don't have a vaporizer, the only issue with edibles is I can't have it stink up the house. Does it smell when you make cannabutter?

He didn't say it was boiled in water

Smells like a pot plant came to life, scarfed down Taco Bell like it was nobodies business and diarrhea shat it's own invisible innards all over your fucking house man.

Yes. I have made it before and it stinks like crazy throughout the house.

Just put them in a jar, freeze them for 20 mins or so, then pour 91 or 99% isopropyl alcohol into the jar and shake for about 45 seconds, then dump all of the liquid and stems through a coffer filter onto a glass plate (pyrax pans work great) and wait about 24 hours for it to dry. Scrape up whats left and you have wax that you can smoke.

If you have a ton of stems you can also dump them back into the jar and do a second wash the same way for a little bit more yield.

would that be smoked out of a pipe or a dab rig though

god damn dude

You can throw it on top of regular weed to smoke it in a bowl, or you can dab it. You can probably also layer a few stainless steel screens across the hole of a bowl and lay the wax on those and smoke it. I've never actually done that but I'd imagine that would work.

I've never had dabs before, what should I expect if I go that route?

It's similar in taste and composition to vaporized weed and can have a hint of butane taste if you don't use ultra refined butane.

It's basically just smoking weed but much cleaner tasting and very potent hits.

How often do you all smoke?

Up until recently it was about 2-3 nights a week for me. Within the past two weeks it’s been everyday. I’m feeling as if I should dial it back. Before the past two weeks it felt like more an event, I even had a little “ritual", but with doing it every day it feels like I’m doing it just because I can. I suppose there is nothing inherently wrong with that, but it kind of makes the high seem like less of a high and more of a normal.

Anyone ever think/experience something similar?

Every day for...going on 12 years. Life is good.

Do you primarily smoke sativa or indica, or do you not give a fuck?

I do it every day but I also use a vaporizer. I used to smoke it everyday but my throat would get plegmy sometimes so I appreciated the switch.

That's what it feels like when your tolerance goes up. Take a T break, it'll help your sanity.

Like the other guy said, taking a T break is nice if you're feeling like you smoke too much.
I smoked a ton over the summer but now school is back in session so I might quit until I get into college, or at least cut back

I started smoking again a few months ago, and stopped taking my prozac(prescribed, 40mg) because I didn't like how it fucked with my high. I ended up stopping all of my antidepressants and just smoking instead because I liked it better and it made me feel great.

Like I said in another post though, school just started again and I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to do as well in school. i need to get my shit together this year so I can get into a good school

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Professional dabber here.
Ask me anything?
Jk I'm gonna get high. You can ask but I probably won't respond.

what's the blowtorch and knife for

Does doing it everyday seem to cause any kind of mental craving? Most things seem better when high. Is there a worry that you’ll one day not be able to appreciate the same things when not high?

Expect to get high as fuck! Assuming you have good wax.

Story time

It has been 10 years since I had last smoked pot. I had the opportunity to try it again so a friend rolled me a joint for me to smoke later.

I hit 5 or 6 drags and wondered if anything was going to happen. It hit me pretty damn hard all at once.

I remember it felt as is my conscience was reduced to a marble size in the center of my brain. The surrounding tissue was odd lights and I could hear a mass of voices talking, like being in a busy mall during christmas.

I had to concentrate super hard to move at all. I think it was about 30 minutes to move from my chair and flop of my bed. I tried to sleep it off but the voices and lights kept me up.

Eventually after what seemed like an eternity I fell asleep.

Guess it will be another 10 years before I try it again. Just not for me.

It's in your damn head dude

Blowtorch is for heating my rigs titanium nail. The knife was for cutting the wax into small enough pieces to work with. I had 8+ gram chunk in there.

You have the same wax jar I do

I worry thinking I won't have fun with my friends unless I smoke first, but once you actually go do something, I still have fun when I'm sober. Every now and then when I have a shitty day I crave it though

It's a silicone container. I have a literal shit ton of them.

It distorts your perception of time a lot, you just kinda have to get used to it.

That being said, if you dont like it then you dont like it

Butter. Yes it stinks up your house, but it will get you higher than tincture(soaking it in alcohol).

have heavy is the wax? massive is the proper term but you know what I mean

I have no idea, about what you mean bro. Those sound like euro terms and I'm from North America.

Also, different hybrids, or types are going to fee different. Indica, etc have some pretty noticeable diff to their effects. You have to find the right one for you. You were experiencing what happens to people who visit Amsterdam and have their blood sugar hit the floor. Eating will sometimes majorly help the couch lock. Or on the floor-effect.

how big is one gram of wax

Stems are fucking worthless. Their THC content is next to nothing, while they're loaded with he cannabinoids which get you sleepy and shitty.

I've grown for 3 years in michigan, and we make wax for the dispensary up here. Stems will yield 02% per weight if blown Butane hash style, and smoke like garbage that will make you sleepy and irritable. Throw them away or buy some vodka and soak them in it to take the sting of the alcohol away, otherwise they're fucking worthless.

Depends on a lot factors. Density being one of them. I've had some grams come in little chunks and I've had some come spread out thin on paper, all depends. It's never standard.

the other user is right, if you truly want to get into a good school, then you have to put in the effort and work in. Work today, so you can relax tomorrow. That will all depend on your motivation.

if I soak them in vodka does that just make the vodka taste better or will I still get wax

first wash you hands my nigger, then make edibles

I do recall listening to music. And the same riff would play over and over and over and over and over. I knew that in reality the song is probably progressing normally, but couldnt understand why the same fucking riff would never stop lol. Was very strange.

You ain't gonna get wax by soaking stems in vodka, don't be silly lol. What will happen is this;
>Weed flavored vodka

Throw the wax idea away. The equipment itself is expensive (butane, extractor tube, pyrex) and with 3 grams of stems you would get literally less than one dab. The only thing that's worth it with them is to make that vodka a little less shitty on the way down ;)

fuck you


Okay man, OC here.

I don't know how I found this out, but it works, really well at that.

Take all your stems, put them in a tupperware container or something (personally I used a tabacco box) and shake them like you're doing the harlem shake.

Just shake it like theres no tomorrow. upon opening the container you will find lots of nearly white "fluff" everywhere. That shit fucking hits you hard. At least for coming from stems.

Back in the day I used to always just throw stems away, never again.

This guy gets it

nah nigger, fuck you

actually thc vaporizes when you boil it. So no, you're a faggot.

Called a keef scramble. Also one of the new non retarted ideas on here next to the vodka one

Any advice for avoiding/dealing with the feelings of hunger? I’m usually good about not eating like shit, but the hunger while high sometimes gets the better of me.

Cuz I dab quite often kek. By quite often I mean everyday.

idk man, google gives no results for keef scramble.

Still calling it my idea. get fuckd

Have you guys ever re-smoked the black shit thats in your bong ?

Friend keeps on telling me its the hardest turn he ever had from weed but I just can't. The thought alone disgusts me enough to never want to try it.

If you're broke as shit it works.