Drawthread: Butts edition

Drawthread: Butts edition

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/r/ this diapered Gatomon's leg cuffed to a pole, and her REALLY needing to potty, her trying so very hard (and kinda failing) to hold it all in?

Go away

Fuck off, Niko.

at least doopie faggot doesnt request piss

Bitch i'll pull the fucking triger.Don't think i wont, i've been in a prision before!

awww yeh


Dis nigga can only kill sleeping people lol what a fag

humbly requesting comfy autumn pics

im so ready for autumn

May I touch your butt, Pin?

If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless

only cos you asked so nicely

>I have no idea what you fellas are talking about, first time in threads and shit. Just wanted to draw a little.

Pal, just ignore that salty autist who can't stop crying when else get a cake and nobody draw her shit. You just keep with such wonderful world.

Really, that autist react exaclty as each time when some else get a cake.

Calo me sand man

Can I have a picture of you and me walking under autumn trees with leaves falling?


More like sand faggot

Nigga dont got any skill so hes gotta kill sleepers

You got these anons wrapped around your finger, don't you?

We should start treating this fag the same way we treat this one They are one in the same.

And that's how you get da booty. Not by acting like an edgelord, or a toxic creep. But by showing women that you respect & appreciate them.

for the dude I failed with this doopie-guitar thing, I fixed it, if you're still here...

What about me senpai?

t. beta

Fuck forgot to draw Pins other hand

OP here. Taking request

Might as well throw Chris in the shit pile while you're at it.

>mfw here is your reply.

no one can tame user
oh you~
aw man this isn't gonna end well...

Cut jew cucks are not allowed to resopnd to me


>off by 2
Requesting Pin in a bikini wearing a lifeguard hat, running down a beach like every Baywatch babe.

This please

>implying he didn't skillfully read them a bedtime story beforehand

still here, you are conscientious

show butt

gonna pass on this
its a little complicated


awww yeah

hard bodies

Requesting pin without a shirt or bra with mc ride's torso tattoos

Stepped away, came back, accidentally hit reload and the thread was wiped before I could see any of the replies I saw just drop outta nowhere.

Just wanted to practice some drawing and that was the only one I saw with some references accompanying the request.

Taking requests btw

How about Pin dressed as a Sylveon

one of these days ill learn how to do backgrounds
one of these days...

~doing requests~

All right, no problem. How about Pin eating an ice cream cone?

Requesting pin getting her butt spanked looking shocked at first, and then blushing because she liked it

Requesting you drawing you drawing you learning how to make backgrounds.
>Also: it's mainly perspective and knowing on what to focus.

So comfy~

>mfw you are going crying like the such autist faggot you are, meanwhile I will get more and more cakes from handsome drawfags

Is that user that thought I was more than just an user still here? In case you replied to me, i didn't see it due to 404.

A kind user drew this for me. Could you draw it in your style?

You mean shitty doodles. Haha, I get only good art. Enjoy your meal of scraps.


sylveon ref please

Well yes I try, also I got to go, bye my sweet user

bye le thread, see yall later


>forcing myself to do backgrounds

okay bud

i can certainly try! lemme do this other one first though


Another mc ride tattoo reference pic

Thanks Webski

This is really good. I appriciate it so much.

Pin in an ice cream cone pls

Awesome, thank you Pin!

What's the matter poorfag? Can't afford to pay for halfway decent art?

No worries. I'd like it to be colorful like your art seems to be since I'll end up using it as a profile picture. The throne is made out of doughnuts and such so if you can try and keep with that vibe that'd be cool. Make sure to drop your name so I can credit you.

Cute just like Pin


*by one*



Don't mind me. Just doing a transfer

the Crystal Gems!



Holy shit super cute

Draw you without a shirt or bra with mc ride's torso tattoos

If you guys really do have a circlejerk, you should all kys, and be banned for avatarfaggotry.

no prob bb anytime

fantastic! its coming up

>stupid ass mountains, never doing what i want

>If someone get a free draw= LOL HE IS A POORFAG LOL XD SPUUURDO FACE :D:D:D:D:D

Nice Ad Hominem kid, now try to show a real argument.

can i have succ?

Requesting pin dressed as ditto.

>watching vampirefag spam the thread samefagging an "argument" with the same broken ESL on both sides

Requesting Rukia doing something cute with a Masquerain

glad you like it
gonna pass m8
gimme 5 bucs for sucs

So I'm assuming that's a no? It's okay, you don't have to gentle with your answer... ;-;

Hey thread.
Any simple requests?

Thanks bud.

Why do you keep requesting shit with rukia on/b/ and /vp/,dude.Whats so special about her that she needs to be with all 700+pokemon?

he's also on Sup Forums and sometimes on /i/


probably just because shes his waifu

An ODST firing a silenced SMG


Hey my drawfag dude,
Requesting a young male knight in training in sparing stance,preferably with long hair and facial stubble.


Still taking request guys

>vampirefag so btfo he spams
here we go again


I'm here now

Did you even look at the context? It's someone making a stupid "5 bucks" joke

His waifu is ugly anyway,bitch's head looks like dragon fruit with melanism.