Hi, I'm Sean Murray, creator of the procedurally generated game. Ask me anything

Hi, I'm Sean Murray, creator of the procedurally generated game. Ask me anything

why didn't you add in anything worth doing?

why did you lie about 75% of your game content

i was busy wanking my kielbasa

I dont care about no mans sky. When do you think hl2 ep3 will be out?


i have been avoiding this game as it seems as it would be just as disappointing as a peter molyneux game.

are you truly a lumberjack?

for the lulz, bro. idk, i was getting overwhelmed by my ego and i didn't know where to put it, so i made super huge game where it could fit


idk, like next friday? i'm not really sure right now. And it's not HL2EP3 or HL3, it's going to be a reboot

Is it multiplayer?

if you haven't noticed, i have been working on that for the last 4 years

Why doesn't the game include teen pornstars as a creature?

yeah, pretty much all my games are a huge disappointment, but at least i make some $$$ bruh, that's what it's all about

no, that was lie, i said there will be multiplayer so people would be hyped about the game even more => bought the game =>cash for me

wtf?? did you even play the game?

How about I procedurally kick your ass?

yes, in my free time i jack it off to a lumber


yes, in my free time, i jack it off to a lumber


Your company is based in Guildford. What's it like knowing you are based in the city with literally the ugliest cathedral in the world.

you can try bruh hahaha


Help! I have purchased this game but while I was exploring I couldn't find any content! Is there a fix for this?

idk, lol. and i don't care... i haven't been working on the game since the preorders kicked in, u currently live in Hollywood Hills, just bought this new lamborghiny here

No British person would ever use the term "kielbasa", unless speaking about how fucking stupid Americans sound when they use terms such as "kielbasa"

Catfish confirmed

sry bruh, you have to wait for the paid DLC ;)

chill bruh, that was just a joke

Not enough to get some galatic puss, and I don't count paraplegic walruses as fuckable. Until there's a hack to fix this I'm getting my money back.

Game could of been created within a day with given 3d model assets lol.