Early pink floyd

i really love early anco (spirit, danse, hollinndagain, HCTI, crack box) and ive read this period was inspired by early experimental pink floyd. what albums or songs by pink floyd would be early experimental stuff? i barely know any pink floyd at all.

If you wanna listen to Floyd, just go chronologically (maybe skip More). Their first album is considered a psychedelic rock masterpiece, and AnCo probably took inspiration from it.
As far as "experimental" go, the only Pink Floyd album I'd call experimental would be Ummagumma. So if you want to go straight to that, feel free.

Is Here Comes the Indian the best pe-Sung Tongs AnCo album

Well they're my second favorite artist ever user, so you're in luck.
definitely give saucerful of secrets, ummagumma and atom heart mother a shot. their recent box set has a lot of winners and amazing unheard tracks though it's not without it's *ahem* problems
desu I actually listen to their good bootleg recordings from yeeshkul.com, a wonderful friendly community, though be warned, there is a whole lot of duplicates and shit quality stuff and (oh god) latter-era Floyd recs on there, so tread lightly.

happy trails!

The second best, right behind STGSTV.

HCTI is very good, expecially the raw energy in tracks like slippi and hey light, but danse is prob fav imo. there just so much there, that its just so good in a away i cant explain. if you dont really like it, just listen until it clicks, like it did for me.

A Saucer Full of Secrets and the first disc of Ummagumma are their most experimental studio stuff. (Piper at the Gates of Dawn is more traditional psychedelia, but Pow R. Toc H and Interstellar Overdrive are pretty experimental) I suggest checking out live bootlegs for the late 60s / early 70s especially The Man and The Journey and shows from the Atom Heart Mother era

Generally when people say "early Pink Floyd" they mean Barrett-led Floyd so just their debut.

wait what this song is 23 minutes what the fuck is this early godspeed! or something

a lot of fans use it to refer to pre-DSOTM Floyd FYI

well thats a pleb shitpost if ive ever seen one

>the first disc of Ummagumma
the first disc is the live part, you're thinking of the second disc

oops yeah you're right. Thanks for correcting that.

Why everyone hates mu right there

and I gave him a p good response too (if he's OP)
well, can't say I didn't try.
goodbye, cruel world.

More is lowkey fantastic, don't knock it Brotendo.

That's over half their discog though

you'll probably enjoy the final leg of echoes, very reminiscent of later postrock

Raccoo-oo-oon did it better

you're not thinking in terms of years as a fan might.
e.g. box set title "the early years: 1965-1972"

seriously OP if you're still there, check out John Latham tape on the early years as I suggested.

>tfw OP is fag