I need an honest answer Sup Forums, will I ever pass as a girl?

I need an honest answer Sup Forums, will I ever pass as a girl?
pic related.

also, trap thread cd sissy crossdresser tranny trans shemale

naw sorry
pls post pics 1-54 for science


Not bad, not bad at all.

no, no will not

Yes u look v v v pretty



maybe if you tried to look like a girl instead of an obvious trap with the retarded half shaved head look.

Yes your so damn sexy

No. Your facial structure is wrong, your shoulders are too broad, and you don't have gynecomastia. You couldn't even be a fuckable twink, much less a girl.

I recommend either acting like a man or becoming an hero.

is my ass at least nice?

>cancer haircut
>cancer eyeliner
>jew nose
>cancer half smirk
>your jaw manages to be weak and fragile, and yet unmistakeably masculine at the same time
>cancer eyebrows
>3/16'' thick foundation to hide 5 o'clock shadow


you already pass to me fam

You were calling him a balding tranny in the last thread

How fucking stupid are you

as you are in that picture sorry no. you dont look entirely like a guy but you still have too much masculine features to look like a girl. grow your hair out(that shaved bit on the side kills the female look), take some hormone pills to loose a lot of your male features and then you might be pretty close. frankly on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being male and 10 being female, you're probably at about a 4 right now. after the hormone therapy definitely invest in some boobs, the flat chest does no justice. keep the cock or remove the cock thats all up to you.



no, i was calling him a balding crossdresser in the other thread. you have to put in effort and be on hormones to be a tranny.

not with that hairline


if i still drinked alcohol and it was in a lowlit place maybe, would need woman hair

So many fucking pimples. You must have poor hygiene.

honestly, i find you really feminine, so YES!

Yah keep at it I guess.

meh... the pockmarks are a turnoff for me at least. Still probably fuck while drunk.

yet you think that this guy is passable
you're the worst troll ever

in a dark club or at night, yes :P

a ugly one but yes

if you want to see a feminine cock : chaturbate - Warmfreshpaint

With better hair, yes.

No never, but your a pretty boy.


Yea, I can see it.

Get a bit better at makeup and you'll pass in no time.



he didn't look bad in the other pics though. this one's just fucked, with that hairline and man body.

You're a guy. Deal with it.


Not even close, and the older you get the worse you will look. It's all downhill from here.

Honest answer: You wouldn't pass for a girl if you cut off your dick and replaced it with a pussy. You are fantastic with make-up, but you simply look like a guy more than make-up can cover.

I'm not a trap, but everyone says I look like a girl.

I don't see it, what do you guys think?

ALSO, This pic was back when I had long hair, I have since gotten a cut.

Also, I already know my nose is large. I'm part native american, so it's a native nose. Large and proud.



you pass better than OP

you look like a fat ugly dude

This guy is just being nice OP, your makeup is mediocre at best

No. Kill yourself faggot.

All in the angle m8.

>Me with better hair and not slumped in a black shirt.

if you have a picture with cut hair, post it
your nose isn't anything to be proud of, native americans are filthy poor uneducated government milkers

theyre the niggers of the nw

you look like a fucking faggot


girls dont have stage 3 type M male pattern baldness



nice body

amazing how angles and lighting can make him look less horrifying

too bad you can't rely on angles and lighting throughout your entire life huh op?

Honestly,why do you and people like you care so much.
Speaking as a gay man I can honestly say your obvious emotional problems turn me off completely.
You look cute as a male. That doesnt men you have to be manly. Just be you.
It just makes me sad honestly.

Welp. Looks like my life is over, I was called a faggot on Sup Forums.

look at the time signatures, i was still typing when he posted it newb

Clean your room, you filthy fucking slob.

why do you always post this picture OP does it make you feel better about yourself or something because you're even uglier than that one

fuck off fag, this isn't your thread
stop trying to hijack it with your ugly pictures

Dated a girl who looked a lot like you, she's getting dicked 24/6 now because she became a huge ho.

I didn't even realize you weren't OP. Pretty sure you'll pass the way you loom

>implying a single person is uglier than that greasy blonde dude

Idk I think hes cute, but im not here for the traps.


what a troll, yuck


I would never lmao
I have too few legs to stand on to insult anyone
you sure it wasn't someone else?
or maybe someone just using my pics? i dunno but I don't go around insulting people based on who they are rather than what they've done.

ugly metal dude

Here's my contribution

>Not me

Ears, jaw, and neck. Those are the major points giving away your gender you androgenous slightly masuline looking fuck. Try to work on those three.

is.... is this supposed to look feminine?

why are all these ugly fucks posting pictures in OP's thread

i hope you aren't stupid enough to start hormones because with that hairline, face, and middle stage male pattern baldness you have no chance of ever passing as a girl.
it's obvious you're not on them yet, don't do it before you end up making irreversable changes and become a freak when you end up bald with tits and a man body before the age of 30.
your body is really bad too, you would have a lot of work to do and that's the easiest part about being trans.
stop while you're ahead.

sincerely, a real trans girl.

Too thin/10


fucking hot slut

Lucky cunt can fit their dick in a bottle... I'm too big for that, but it looks like so much fun.

i need a trans girlfriend for a serious relationship, i need serious advice pls

There's no way you could ever pass as a girl.
>1: adam's apple, can't hide or remove that.
>2: you're ugly as fuck and and have the face of a high-school football player.
3: you're ugly as fuck.
4: you're a guy.

Still, there's hope.

There's anons on Sup Forums that'll happily fuck you.

>But, then, they'd fuck trash bins full of slimy maggots, too!


he posts a lot, he isn't too bad in his other pics but you're gross in all of yours


that faggot in those pics hasn't touched Sup Forums in months


More hair. More make-up. Implants. Some way for that shirt to be tighter and show that you have some tits. Then you could pass. Maybe.

are you mad because you're an ugly blonde guy who isn't passable at all? i would be too if that was the case

im so happy i wasnt born as hideous as you dude

Wrong on all of that..

You can remove addams apples.

And I think with better makeup the OP can pass well. I mean, my ass has passed and I look like a genuine man most of the time. But a little bit of makeup, and people'd never know I was a guy.







No you mentally ill fuck.
Kill yourself now, you don't have to wait for the stats on this

no, never
LOL no
potential with effort

You will pass for an easily-triggered SJW, but not a woman.

Not a trap/10

depends, are you on HRT, and how far in are you?