Anyone have the real nudes?

Anyone have the real nudes?

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nigger has to be the ugliest woman on earth

and a shitty comedian that can't take some jabbing

Is that it?Whats with the homo midget? story

oh shit I just read the news, also since when does the DHS care about shit like this? Oh wait she's a poor nigga celebrity so she gets special treatment.

Websites and services get hacked all the fucking time and the government never steps in

Perfect for a filthy fap

I gotchu


would. not. tap.



>thanks fag, you're my hero



uncanny resemblance

Show us the dwarf's dick

Kek #1

Kek #2

Kek #3



You sent my sides on a free trip to pluto.

Damn you beat me to it, which one is Leslie?

Thing is people aren't attacking her relentlessly because she's black, it's because she's a weak piece of shit and basically got Milo banned which pissed a lot of people off.

They're using racist attacks, sure, but that's not WHY they're attacking her.

nigga that's nas


Do you think that this was a publicity stunt to get her an ass load of money?

I just learned about this new shit going on but probably.

I mean ole queen Hillary just told her she's with her, she's becoming like a martyr for...I don't know what. I mean she's being treated like a hero for something..

And the department of homeland security "investigation" while companies get hacked every damn day is bullshit.

I agree, the media and regressive left will not allow criticism of people of colour without using the race card... some people just don't like her. Racist comments are used because they make a huge impact. Not because these people are genuinely racist, i believe.... prove me wrong