Hey user, what are you doing to improve your life??

Hey user, what are you doing to improve your life??

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Saying hello to my neighbor. Hello, friend.

Shitposting on Sup Forums

well, I'm drinking more.

YYeah... Yea

Be as positive as you can about anything

Honestly, nothing

How about you, OP?

I recently broke my lease with a shitty, abusive, manipulative, racist landlord, and packed up my shit and drove halfway across the country in one weekend to move in with two chicks that walk around half-naked all day

Got a job, got into classes. Getting ready to go to University next year.

I ran today for the second time in a week. I'm trying to smoke less weed.
I've been telling myself I'd sign up for online college for months now. Still haven't done it. Hopefully soon though.

jack shit.
too much of a lazy ineffectual cuck to actually take action


Mooching off my parents after they ruined my job opportunity at a local store, and then refused to help me start school even though they make too much money for me to get financial aid. So I've been staying home doing sweet fuck all. At this rate hopefully I'll be dead by my 30's so I won't have to worry about life.

Nothing, i just wait until the dead visit me, meanwhile i enjoy the fucking good moments and ignore the bad ones, can improve my life? yes, i want? nah, too many disgusting effort for the same patethic end.

having fun and enjoying it for 59 more days b4 killing myself
wbu fam

you are a fucking piece of shit

Smoking meth hw bout u



>nigger detected

Stopped doing crack cocaine.
Although i miss her dearly

Edge lord detected

Suing Workers Comp and my employer....

I feel you user

Finishing Freecodecamp because the closest school to me is a 3 hour drive kek

Obviously this


I'm glad someone does. Good luck

how did your parents ruin your job opportunity at the local store?

edgy teen detected

I dont mind if my parents die. Do you?

finding out wtf is a red room

Reading books
Telling my girl how much i love her
Telling my son how much i love him and feeding him
Getting out of debts
Getting skills
Working harder
Building my house

Still I think I'm very ineffective what is the guide to success?

that pic... oh my god.

I've decided to learn Mandarin to compliment my Japanese. Learning a bit of programming on the side, too.

I got a job, I can at least convince some people I'm normal and make some money.

it doesn't take an edge lord to chide a guy for blaming his problems on his parents, while, mind you, they are paying for him to sit at home and do nothing

for starters im not using internet explorer

what kind of fucking faggot are you, op

working out more and eating healthier



the things we do for love

It is what it is.

>edgy detected

I got fired because my mum crashed her car and had to use mine for about a month. Couldn't go to work.

stop it, user, that's cheeky

Starving myself to death. Have not eaten in four days. I would like to add hypothermia in a scenic environment....but it is summer.

To add to this, I'm no longer buying as much anime crap; no more body pillows, no more hoodies or messenger bags, not even shirts or trading cards. I'm going the 'normie' route, but still wearing as much black as possible, with some of my best shirts and hats having actual Chinese words and phrases on them that mean something. I'm just not going to overdo it like I have been.

fukking your mom

Quit drinking. Started mountain biking again.

get another job now

Calm your tits, surprisingly for windows phone it's good reliable browser and just in case your gonna complain about WP is cheap and get the job done.

This pic makes me feel waaaay normal.

I have no more room for beautiful old weapons, gemstones or gold and silver or first edition signed classics. I need starvation and cold to get back to the universe, then hibernate for another 50 years. Its not worth being awake now, it is the blandest decade in 200 years. Muslims, poverty an self indulgent talentless narcissists. Like 1650 all over again.

Studying Pharmacology to get a decent job.


the hell are you talking about m80?

Working on it. It's been a slow process with depression hammering me down and my dad constantly reminding me of my failure. I've also had problems with sleep apnea lately I've been trying to have addressed. Finally (hopefully) getting set up with a CPAP soon

Hookers, no blow. Health comes first

You are a colossal faggot. You tower over other faggots. You're the chosen faggot.

giving up soda for a couple of months , in a month

Nothing. I wanted to go to college but it's too late. Guess I'll just keep working minimum wage at my fast food job and I'll keep crying about it. It's really difficult to motivate yourself to change or do anything at all when you're depressed. I had one friend that made me really happy but I fucked up the friendship and she's gone now


why in a month, why not now? excuses set you up to fail user

Moving out of my Mormon parents' home.

Still do math problems from my textbooks, graduated years ago. Keeps me from being fucking retarded

I don't think you know what edgy means

>there's a way out but you gotta want it

>racist landlord
>wanted rent paid and house taken care of

Freshman at Uni, working on getting gf.

Fuck that, I couldn't handle being in the army

sounds like a massive excuse, ever heard of a bike or a bus? or i dont know, another cheap car you mooching fag

I don't want to be broke when I wake up. I have art too, banksys and other stuff, not sure I care to bother storing it though. Nothing much o interest will happen in the next 50 years and I can't be bothered watching the whole generation of selfish talentless idiots and looney muslims meets no oil.

Time to sleep. Day four of not eating. I should be good to go on day 16. I have a good place...I just wish it was colder.

you're unhappy because your life sucks and your life continues to suck because you're unhappy. may as well just die that way, right? don't change anything, right?

jerk off

so your fat?

I've decided to get my high school education and pursue data analysis as a career. Im afraid of being that slightly too old guy in uni though

You will not get through to him

so easy to become fucking retarded after school. i need to be doing this with logic. inb4 fedora, i mean mathematical logic

>parents ruined job opportunity
>mom wouldn't suck the managers dick to get my fat stupid ass a job.

I guess you deserve to be miserable then

Yeah lemme bike for over 2 hours to get to work. I don't know where you live, but most places in America aren't exactly easy to bike to. And if I could afford a semi cheap car I could afford to at least start a couple of classes.
Fucking moron

Go Navy or Air Force then. Just DON'T FUCKING QUIT like I did.

it's not really edge bud just because you dont like what someones said. now that's what i call insulting would have been more to the point. now fuck off.

No, the guy really is a piece of shit.

I did take care of the house, but some things were broken when I moved in, and landlord never lifted a finger after agreeing to fix them. Then the aircon went out in 38 degree heat and he refused to fix it. I had a better place to go, so I left. You would absolutely have done the same.

Bought an axe and started studying forestry

Yeah basically, we can't all be in good shape man. Some of us have slow metabolism. Sorry I'm not a god damn Olympian. I'm not like Jabba the fucking hut but I could do with losing a few

Just do what I do: focus on your hobbies and forget about everyone else. Learn what you can about computers, science, and technology, and dedicate yourself to them.

Computers don't discriminate.

I want to hug you so hard.

you should probably have biked instead of just losing your job when you lost your car and then doing nothing to find a new one

Furiously masturbating to Bolbi of course.

For the past 8 months i had to drink a bottle of scotch everyday just to keep my head straight, plus ~6 beers every night so i can fall asleep in a drunken stupor.

But hey, the upside is i haven't had to take any sleep pills all this time.

Most likely january will be my last month around.

Well, lately I'm just really hung up on a girl. Things were going really well between us until I showed up to her wedding really drunk and ruined everything and she never wants to talk to me again

I'll try to change. I emailed the college to see if it's too late or not, if it is, I'll just work for another year. Maybe I'll find another part-time job until then and I'll find a hobby. If I don't want to wait a year for college I can go to Eastern college, which is expensive, but they start their courses every couple months and have 4 hour days.

I was really sad before I met this girl, and then she made me really happy and we got along better than I've ever gotten along with anyone. It's been a month and I still think about her every single day.

Working out and training like a mother fucker. Im training for army rangers and special forces bc i dont have a lot of other options and its my dream to do it.

i got out of an unhealthy relationship and learned some things, yay

In a lecture for Data Analysis in Science, studying Bachelor of Science.

finishing college in december


listen bud, you know inside that story was an excuse, you didn't want to work and you were looking for an excuse to get fired.

time to stop being a waste of space and get out there and do shit for yourself. find a job close to home, save money and get started on your own life.

You look so fed up. The pointlessness of it all I guess. War has been no entertainment since national standing armies and really became no sport at all after the demise of the cavalry.

I never saw the appeal of the navy. It was always cramped conditions and homosexuals.

I learne to fly in single props, private owners can't really fly jets without attracting attention though so I have skipped that, although I did start some fast jet training in the 70s, I realised that I was unlikely to ever be allowed actually fly a great deal.

O for the cavalry and the hussars. That was living,

in the future bro, make sure things aren't broken when you move in. If they are, document it.
Also, just because someone is an asshole doesn't mean they are racist. I'm so fucking sick of people crying racism.

Buying a house