Took some sleeping pills. Have a job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck Sup Forums

Took some sleeping pills. Have a job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck Sup Forums

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Talk to me bros. How's your night going?


Not dressed like that are you?


Do I look too corny?

good luck

Thank you bro.

Good luck man, I hope you do well.

What are you a nigger? Wear a tie bar faggot

How do I look for my interview? Will I get the job?

Well go fucking sleep, you have a job interview tomorrow. Good luck man.

Remember: You are the solution to your future employer's problems.

Thanks bro that means a lot

Do I look like a nigger?

you need to stand straight to tell, from that angle it looks like you are using your pants a bit low.

Honestly...Pull your pants up a bit but otherwise you're fine. Good luck

I'm waiting for these sleeping pills to take effect. I'm a little anxious ain't gonna lie. I really need this job. I'll keep that in mind bro

Hey thanks great advice. I'll pull them up when I get there. Thanks

You can dress however you'd like. It doesn't mean you are qualified.

Shave off that mustache. You'll be fine.

OK yea it does. Thanks for pointing that out. I don't want my future employer to think I'm some kind of hoodlum b

It's not as if he's applying for the CEO of a Fortune 100 company.

Thank you bros. Man I feel good about this. Thank you.

Have interview tomorrow as well. Almost midnight. Cant sleep. No sleeping pills.

Unfortunately no. Is just a common man job.

Take something bro. You need to be well rested

Hey man a job is a job. At least your trying to better yourself. You gotta start somewhere.

Ok, relax. If you don't get it this time, you'll get it the next. Just keep presenting resumes until you get hired, because (1) you'll adquire practice in job interviews and (2) karma will put you in the place you need to be, eventually.

Remember to be honest. When they ask for your flaws, don't say "I am a workaholic and perfectionist". They are not asking for a flaw, they are asking to see if you can answer honestly. Tell them a real one, but always present how you work on them, like "I am socially awkward, and have some issues making friends, but I relate well with coworkers and worry about their needs in the job place"

Present yourself as an honest worker who can make efforts and sacrifices as humanly possible. Also, if you don't know something, again, be honest: "Yes, I don't know this, but I learn fast. You can teach me and I'll be doing this task you need in a very short time".

Be realist. Don't over-expose yourself.

Sorry for the bad english.

Get a tie bar, it will keep your tie in place. I would wear a vest, it keeps you looking seamless but a lot of people would say no. But definitely get a tie bar

I'm gonna celebrate if I get this. I'll make a thread and let you guys know. Thanks for the support and good luck to every one out there. May all your dreams come true.

Next time get a blue tie and white shirt

I humbly disagree with getting a tie bar, they look weird and fake. Your tie will move as you do, that's normal.

But yes, get a vest.

Kek I'm pretty sure I'm the one interviewing you tomorrow.

Man thanks. You know I have been battling a deep depression. This is the first time I get out of the house in weeks. Like really I feel like this is such a big step for me. Thanks

Why are you already wearing the outfit?

Never wear a vest. Coming from a guy who wears a suit everyday (attorney) vest are too trendy for professional attire. Never been a fan of tie bars but I would only consider it if you wear a sports coat or Blazer with what your already wearing.

Great advice man. Thanks I'll remember that. That's my biggest worry that I won't know how to answer a question and sound like a complete idiot.

It is better than having a crooked tie. Put your tie on and intentionally make it crooked and look at yourself in the mirror. All you will look at is the crooked tie

Banker and I disagree

Lol I never met a btard in real life. That'll be cool...and a little ackward

Maybe it's a west coast preference but nobody out here wears a vest.

OK I might change it. I'll think about it.

Yup I am Californian, I also wear a gold pocket watch to top it off

Most probably, that won't happen, job interviews have very usual questions.

But if you do get confused, say "Hmm, let me think about that", or "Give me a minute to consider this". Honesty all the way.

Here's a tip: Don't bring it up, and you'll be fine. Nothing to be nervous about Sup Forumsro

Well then that explains everything.

Its too late to get a tie bar. Plus I'm pretty broke so that's a no. But once I start working I'll buy one. I really didn't know what a tie bar is until you guys start mentioning it.

I'm not a big fan of vest either.

I took the pics to see how I present myself.

I wear one because it makes a clean/gradual transition from the shirt to the trousers. It also keeps me from having to worry about how well my shirt is tucked in

You must be an interesting character

Lol you're saying that to someone on Sup Forums on b


When you have your shirts made just have the tailor add additional fabric to the length. That way you never have to worry about your shirt coming untucked.