I've been at a constant war for internet access against my father for about five years. Throttling, timers, OpenDNS...

I've been at a constant war for internet access against my father for about five years. Throttling, timers, OpenDNS, to straight up ripping my cat5 port out of the wall, the man just can't handle a college junior staying up past midnight. What the fuck do I do Sup Forums. So far I've used a keylogger to get the router login credentials.

Other urls found in this thread:


Move out. Reaistically if you're in college, it means you're old enough to work. Offer to pay for the internet. Is he paying for your college? If so, stfu, get your free education, and get out on your own.

And don't even start the "I'm too busy with school to work" bullshit. Part time job and school are very easy to hold down.


Pay for your own fucking place.

This ^

pay for your own internet you fucking entitled loser

This ^

This ^


if u have the router credentials then just sit on them and revert any shit changes he makes what is your question u fucking newb

a name yo

This board is +18.

Make fucking friends, get an apartment, contribute to society, pay for your own internet you fuck. Can't live off of daddy's cock forever

>buy router
>connect to interwebs
>hide fucking router
>enjoy the interwebs


you can't read

Maybe you wouldn't stay up past midnight if you did your homework instead of surfing the chins. underaged b&

straight up dude i had the same problem with my mom when i was in college i moved to my grandmothers for 6 months then moved in with a friend in an apartment (he had a full time job and i had a part time job and sold drugs to pay the rent)

I was paying for my internet when I was 16

Buy like those internet USB modems

Tried that; he'll notice the random ethernet cable on the original router. Plus, it's all just hooked up to the same router with the same settings.

you have router pw. 1. change settings, 2. fap to porn 3. change settings back. the key to fooling parents is putting the stuff you messed with back exactly the way you found it

Buy your own modem, and unless he's monitoring the internet usage from your service provider you should be good.

no, there can only be 1 modem on a cable line. you can have as many routers and switches as you like but only 1 modem

Your saying you can't unplug the other one and use yours then plug the other back in when your done?

Fucking source

Is there any way to split the cable line?

>college junior
Fucking 12 year old

no, when you put a modem on the line your isp registers that modem and it will only work with that modem. if you try to change the modem the first time you open a web page it will ask you to log in to your account with your isp and register the new modem. they will wonder wtf is going on if you keep changing back and forth and prob call the account holder.


I give up. I'm fucked until I move out I guess. And it's a few minutes until I go dark.

Also, her name is Terry Nova btw.

only solution i can think of right now is if you have a friendly neighbor who will let you leach off their wifi without telling your dad. if the signal is too weak buy a range amplifier and put it in you neighbor's house lol