Just ended the relationship with my father at age 18

>just ended the relationship with my father at age 18
>fathers side of family thinks im gonna be a degenerate of society and/or get locked up the rest of my life
>feels thread and possibly advice?

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Prove them different, embrace the hate

Thanks, that was my original plan. I really needed that user.

what went down OP?

>Thinks the basic smoking weed, partying, social events of a teenager is going to ruin my life. Despite the fact that its already slowly drifting away and has significantly calmed down.
>Would like to hear input from more younger/current generation

stop being a moody faggot and respect your father. he's the only one you got

Go breathe carbon monoxide you worthless millennial piece of entitled shit snowflake.

Use that as motivation, kick ass at whatever you do. Rub it in their fucking face

>For obvious reasons Im not going to release information about my father
>I will say he is a hypocrite and has done very comparable things that has fucked other people over, is illegal , and has and is currently cheating.

I will try my best!

this tbqh, use their hate to fuel your success.
that's not always easy,my father is a narcissistic piece of shit and there is no reasoning with him. he always right no matter what.

>muh participation trophies
>muh genius as a retarded child ignorant to the real world

My father always thinks hes right, although he is successful in certain departments of life, it doesnt mean he can use that to support all of his beliefs. Thank u for the insight user.

You should spit on your dick

Military, you pussy faggot!

Murder them, tonight, in their sleep. That'll show em'

The older I get, the more I realize how smart my father is. I thought I knew it all 20 years ago, I didn;t know jack fucking shit.

you male or female? trust me it's relevant to the advice I have to give


Can u give me an general explanation of how so

You're going to realize he's right, eventually. But by then you'll be another deadbeat loser with no ambition to turn his life around.

ok, here's my advice (take it as you may)
there are reasons behind each of these, so keep an open mind
six things:

1) don't have kids
2) DON'T have kids
3) NEVER have kids EVER
4) get a vasectomy ASAP
5) don't trust women, EVER
6) go to college and finish a degree, whatever it takes. trust me, it's worth it.

Ayy goym

Why should I have kids?

Y no kids

for a literally infinite number of reasons, at the forefront of which are the following:

they are expensive
they prevent you from doing the things you really want to do in life
they are a constant reminder that no matter what you do or how you do it, it'll never be good enough
you'll lose all your "freedom"
you'll lose all your free time
you'll lose any semblance of sleep or rest of peace of mind that you thought you had
you might get stuck with the wrong woman
if the kid(s)' mother decides she doesn't wanna tango anymore, child support is a fucking bitch and a half to have to deal with, let alone being expensive (at minimum wage in colorado, child support over 19 years is just shy of $90,000)

other than that, having kids just really blows chinks. I wish I had more poetic verbiage to explain it... but that's just how it is. same shit, day in day out, no sleep, no free time... even with just one. and I've got three of the little fuckers.

if, and I sincerely mean IF, someday you find someone and decide you wanna have a minikin of your own, just make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that it's what you want.

I'm not trying to say that it isn't possible to have kids and still be happy... it's just rare...

>Pick one

You can get revenge years down the road.

>be me
>had a lot of issues growing up
>didn't learn to speak til 8
>annoyed dad constantly with my guitar
>broke it against the wall
>called me a mute fuck
>last I saw of him after that

fast forward to 3 years ago

>get a call from mum when she's out of country
>grandma on my dad's side needed to get in contact with me
>dad is dying
>didn't really care
>she wanted me to go
>say sure
>eventually go visit
>most of my dad's family is there
>we say our hellos
>brought flowers
>ask him how he likes them
>starts crying
>thinks they're beautiful
>stand up
>"thanks, I hope they love them."
>start walking out
>people are like wtf
>"I'm picking up my mum and girlfriend from the airport."
>walk out
>phone blows up for a few days or so
>dad died soon thereafter
>entire half of my family dissipates

Have you got kids?

yeah, three of 'em.
want the whole story? it's a shit sandwich, I tell ya hwut.

Thanks, and I understand no need for the poetic verbiage. I also already have some form of sleep anxiety so that wont help either. I really appreciate the help.

Make the most out of your life and bow before nobody. You're the captain of your ship and you only get one shot at your life. So long as you are yourself and try your damnedest at making the most of the hand you're dealt, don't falter in the face of adversity, no matter the source.

That's what your father's generation did, and his father's before him. They carved their own path; why shouldn't you?

OP, I don't talk to any of my blood family any more. I never felt connected to them growing up (didn't fucking like them really) and actually felt relief when I finally deleted them from all of my social shit and dropped my old phone number without telling them. They're stupid drag-down failures. I'm the most successful person in my family by my own accord 100% of the way - my dad is such a wilting dipshit that I never once relied on him for advice or even money. You can too. Fuck em, get your life.

not a problem dudeski. I hope you find purpose, honestly. 'cause I'm stuck as fuck and on the verge of doing some very inadvisable things... I just hate seeing guys stuck in situations they can't escape. nobody should have to feel the way I do and not have a choice. you still got a choice man, use it wisely

also also, here's a tune to cheer you up.

if you need direction with work, look at apprenticeships for local unions if you have a specific interest (it's not all grunt-moron bullshit, there are even clerical apprenticeships for cities and counties if you like office junk). Avoid debt. Do not buy a car for more than $2k. Once you start earning mid-double-digits per hour (which you will very quickly if you do an apprenticeship) you can start getting a little more comfortable.

No it's all good.just wanted to know if you were just speculating or you hear actual experience as a parent.

I kindve feel the same way as u in terms of collection , but some of family is actually successful as well as my father.

Is all OP