Do you agree with reddit's top 50 albums of the last 50 years?

Do you agree with reddit's top 50 albums of the last 50 years?


lists a stupid subjective argument/'discussion' bait. who gives a shit.

double take made me see reddit is the source. who cares what they think especially. all rap shit anyway.

>Herbie Hancock losing.


>Songs in the Key of Life losing to rush
>Remain in Light losing to ACDC
>Yeezus winning anything.
>Metallica winning 3 fucking times.

2014 Run the Jewels 2 Run the Jewels 132 Eponymous - St. Vincent (71), 2014 Forest Hill Drive - J. Cole (67), Lost In the Dream - The War On Drugs (52)

rtj over ariel pink is a disgrace

>the xx

instantly disregarded, the xx is absolute trash garbage. every single song sounds the fucking same and the vocals are so uninspired and boring

I guess it shows which of my favorites have widespread appeal

>TVU losing to The Beatles

Rubber Soul beating out Highway 61 Revisited and A Love Supreme is the first cringe worthy thing on the list.

But everyone should know let's talk music is the best music subreddit anyhow.

>1989: The Pixies
reddit is an abomination


>1991 Nevermind
No Spiderland mention
No Yrself Is Steam mention

>1997 OK Computer
No Perfect From Now On mention
No F# A# Infinity mention
No Ladies And Gentlemen... mention
No Young Team mention

Holy fuck what plebs.
Also, Beatles five years in a row?
At least they got 1998 correct

I know this was a bad a thread and I'm a worse person for reading it but like it makes for good hate reading. y'know things aren't amazingly better hear but the Beetles worship alone is fucking annoying. I don't even hate the Beetles I just can't stand people who think they're literally the best band ever.

Radiohead consistently takes the top spot when Sup Forums has polls about finding the best albums ever.

I counted 35 albums on there that I like.

Am I 17.5% pleb or is reddit 17.5% patrician?

>Kid A is brilliant, but it's difficult music (ie. highly dissonant, oddly structured, avant-garde ect.). While I think it's the highlight of 2000, it's also easy to understand if it's not universally embraced
>(i.e. highly dissonant, oddly structured, avant-garde, etc.)

holy k e k

i want the person who wrote that to listen to current 93

rubber soul and highway are pretty neck and neck, but I agree with you on ALS

I always imagine the ppl who go on the popular reddit boards to be the type of people who apologize right before they insult you and then wait for their friends to back them up in agreement

don't get me wrong reddits subreddits for drugs are excellent
but reading these comments make me gag
don't waste your time he/she will just call it weird for the sake of being weird.

oh my god

>kid a
>highly dissonant
I don't remember dissonance in the album besides the national anthem at times
could be considered so for its genre(s)/sphere of music

Are you denying that kid a is not very accessible?


*maybe* the end of Idioteque?

Kid A was number one on the charts in 6 different countries user.

i'd say it's rather inaccessible compared to the other albums they have up there from that year (eminem, coldplay, and modest mouse). as far as popular music goes its definitely weird

That's because they deserve it

So, when reddit has the same exact taste as Sup Forums in relation to a certain band reddit's being tasteless whereas we're the true patricians who understand Thom Yorke's genius, basically.

>all that kanye


Well, they at least mentioned Sufjan there. That's better than nothing.

The only fairly inaccessible Radiohead albums are TKOL and some tracks from HTTT.

Eh I'd say Kid A is way more inaccessible than TKOL relatively speaking



there was no criticism or critique on why the albums deserved "best" of their respective year, and DEFINITELY no lasting impact on genres or music as a whole (which some of the losing albums had significantly more)

Like 66 should have gone to Blonde on Blonde, that album is a cornerstone of modern rock music and lyricism, but lost to hands down one of the worst Beatles albums of all time, or '71 when "What's Going On" (a culmination of Motown and R&B/Soul that managed to push outside of the black community and into the mainstream) lost to Led Zeppelin, or 89 when Paul's Botique (the album that legitimized the art of sampling in hip-hop, and without it we wouldn't have 90% of hip-hop acts as we know it today) lost to the fucking PIXIES of all people.

or again in '95 when Smashing Pumpkins beat out one of the literal best selling and critically acclaimed albums of all time, or how NMH beat Outkast in '98, or White Stripes beating Jay-Z in 2003.

It's obvious they didn't put much thought into the nominated albums, just a giant circlejerk of Sup Forumscore runoff and standard commercial pleb acts thrown to the masses to vote on.

>Arctic Monkeys
>No mention of Ys


> Blonde on Blonde, that album is a cornerstone of modern rock music and lyricism,
Don't necessarily disagree, but explain.


Are we seriously acting like the Pixies didn't used to be great here now?

I also don't really think that believing ITAOS is better than Aquemini is really egregious or anything either

>Run the Jewels

take out kendrick and RTJ and we might have something


>the Pixies
its just pixies

between that one and Highway 61 revisited, it pushed Dylan out of the protest driven folk artist that he painted himself into with earlier work.

Blonde on Blonde was a "honing" of what he set out to do with "Bringing it All Back Home" and "Highway 61 Revisited". The songwriting was at it's peak, the instrumentation was extremely tight and precise (thanks to having a dedicated set of studio musicians which included The Band and a handful of other studio musicians that were rivaled only by The Wrecking Crew).

That album was a culmination, and most likely the pinnacle of Dylan's career.

i'm not--doolittle is a great album but not a massively influential cornerstone of modern music deserving a "best of"


The Pixies aren't a "bad" band, but given how Surfer Rosa is widely considered their best work, AND the competition it had in the same year with Paul's Boutique, Disintegration, 3 Feet High And Rising, and Pretty Hate Machine, it's kinda hard to claim that it was the best choice for it's year.

why tf would F# A# get mentioned. cmon now

and ladies and gentlemen is a stretch too even


Are you complaining about Oasis losing? Yeah Mellon Collie is 50% filler but what's left beats Morning Glory by a longshot.

The real tragedy is ATLiens not even being nominated in '96

Wait... Is this it came out 16 years ago...?