Sup Forums I need some of the most disgusting, disturbing, all out gruesome movies to watch tonight...

Sup Forums I need some of the most disgusting, disturbing, all out gruesome movies to watch tonight. Really could care less about the story just want fucked up scenes.

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I've heard that 120 Days of Sodom is a pretty fucked up movie, I've never personally watched it though.

Blue Ruin is pretty cool and pretty brutal

Yeah, I watched that since it's in some other language I just downloaded some subs for it but I couldn't really get through it. No gore, only people eating each others shit.


if you haven't seen it, this is the film you are looking for. unrated version, of course.

Evil Dead remake was pretty good

Snuff 102
A serbian film
Philosophy of a knife

The Evil Dead remake was actually really good, I don't know why it got so much hate tbh, I liked it.



the first remake or the second?

Omg finish it! Salo is a master piece! Fag!

The one with the raining blood.

Eric got fucked up from the word go.

The second, I mean it wasn't great or anything but it was a decent to okay movie/

The ending scene in Bone Tomahawk with cannibals in pretty gruesome

Hostel 2

The martyrs

Sausage Party

The scene in green inferno where they dismember this guy was pretty over the top

i'm telling you OP, it's all about the uncut version of a serbian film. you just inspired me to pop it in myself.

consolation prize goes to -

cannibal holocaust

You mean the part where he pulls the girls teeth out and kills her with a blow Jon or the part where he makes the girl give birth and fucks it for

if you enjoyed the green inferno, check out its inspiration - cannibal holocaust. it's like the green inferno on steroids.


oh fuck i remember that. that was amazing when that old lady takes a scoop and eats his eye straight out of the socket

thoroughly kek'd

Fuck off. Edgy retards think that it's a good film. It's not, it's complete shit. Poor writing, acting, direction etc. No redeeming qualities.

If all the edgy wannabe underage faggots on Sup Forums made a film, this would be it.

Film was shit. The poor man's Cannibal Holocaust

Cannibal Holocaust wasn't really that gruesome or anything, but it was definitely a really cool piece of film history to watch.
It's the earliest found footage/mockumentary film that I know of.

what the fuck are you talking about? soundtrack is great. acting is very convincing. the production values are top notch. plus, the entire movie is a metaphor for the serbian military conflicts in the 90s, and the war that tore the region to pieces. it is a brilliant film.

If you seriously believe that, you need to mature.

It tries too hard to be edgy, as a result it's just fucking ridiculous. As for your metaphor, that's complete bullshit. Some retard tries to make a shocking film, then people try and attach to some deep meaning to it.

It's just fucking stupid for the most part.

>Killing someone by sticking your cock in their eye.

also, life and death of a porno gang, if you want another fantastically sick film with historical subtext relating to the serbian conflict. i dare say it rivals a serbian film in sheer brutality... much less fun though. although, you're talking to the sick fuck who thinks a serbian film is a "fun" movie, haha!

Naked lunch.
I couldnt even make it through it.
Not gory, but incredibly disturbing, disgusting, and just... Bleeehhhh.

Yeah. It's definitely a dare movie.


watch it again. pay attention to vukmir's dialogue. read interviews with the director. there's a reason one of serbia's biggest stars (the guy who plays milos) chose to be in such a brutal film. the subtext is everywhere. i had friends who fought in kosovo, shit was no joke.

if you don't want to watch the movie here are a few good scenes

mondo cane


Are you stupid? yes. you are. It said gory and gruesome, not oscar winning films you fucking stupid nonce. Go tug off to shawshank. Also stop caling people edgy mr meme king.

It is garbage. I think pedo weirdos dig it more then anything.


audition was disappointing for me. all that build up with so little payoff. i bought it based on reputation alone and was quite disappointed. decent ending, though.

Just about anything the Cinema Snob reviews

martyrs is a solid choice. go with the original french film, though... and while we're on the subject, the true french masterpiece is INSIDE. protip - don't watch it if your significant other is pregnant. hahaha!

Chainsaw to the face!

anyone former or current addicts out there interpret the evil dead remake (the new one) as being a metaphor for drug addiction? i mean, she dumps a bag of drugs at the beginning, only to go through a bunch of metaphors for withdrawal symptoms in the form of the dead, only to finally facefuck addiction with a chainsaw under a rain of blood at the end... powerful stuff, at least for me.

I've heard this.

ha! well, glad i'm not the only one. i was battling a wicked heroin addiction at the time, so that film, and, surprisingly, lord of the rings, were always a couple films i identified with. not to get off topic, but frodo's dependence on the ring was some straight dope addict shit. he looked sick as fuck for most of the saga, couldn't even toss the ring into mount doom himself! classic junkie.

>Really could care less about the story ju

it's could NOT care less you fucking nigerfgt OP by saying you COULD care less you are implying a level of care

nigger. who cares.

so, did you pick a fuckin' movie or what, OP? inquiring minds want to know!

I actually wrote all of these and I watched trailers for all of them, they are all right up my alley! Starting with Blue Ruin. Thanks to all.

Gruesome is your best bet. Fuck all these fags. A Serbian Film is good, and you need to watch Salo: 120 days of sodom.

Also, Murder Set Pieces, The Hospital (shit movie not the best gore, but has over the top rape scenes), We Are Monsters, The Bunny Game, Irreversible, I Spit on Your Grave 2 (has nothing to do with the first one), and Frontier(s)

If you're really feeling edgy you can watch The Most Disturbed Person on Planet Earth and it's sequel as well.

i second a serbian film (of course) and the bunny game is a nice choice (although it's pretty much just a drug addict whore getting tortured for the duration, no plot, killer soundtrack!), murder set pieces is tight and frontier(s) is a cool movie, but overrated when it comes to brutality. still, all worth a watch. as for i spit on your grave, the original version is the ONLY version. all that rape... so good. ;) i remember getting hassled really bad by my friends cause i bought a copy on my way into work once and was so pumped i skipped work... "dude, you skipped work to watch i spit on your grave and do drugs, by yourself?! WTF is wrong with you?"

OP here. What's it about? I can't find an IMDB page on it...

The Grifter is pretty fucked up, if you can find a torrent/stream. Ignore the memes of it, just newfags being newfags after moot got in trouble cause of some user's live suicide on here from watching it.

The original I Spit on Your Grave is definitely the best. But he wanted the most fucked up, which in my opinion is the sequel to the remake. So I had to.list that instead.

oh yeah? i actually haven't seen it. just wrote it off based on the whole "sequel to a remake" thing. i guess i'll have to check it out!

Cannibal Holocaust had some brains but The Green Inferno was pretty stupid throughout. That dismemberment was gnarly, though.

I actually like all 4 of the movies. One of my favourite horror series.

saw the new Evil Dead at the movie theatre. The volume was a bit too much, kind of agressive. That plus the onslaught of butchery on screen, with a grand bloody finale... Yeah, it was fucking awesome.

uh, martyrs was horrendous to watch. Sure a bit unsettling and scary here and there but fuuuuck. French actors can't act for shit.

High School Musical

Ayyy. top pick there

Watched it (not OP, just talkin), and it was a lot less than I expected, with its reputation and all. The turtle thing was pretty fucked, but otherwise, wan't too bad. Soundtrack was some weird shit though