Hey guys, I'm going to run to the store real quick, can yall watch my milk?

Hey guys, I'm going to run to the store real quick, can yall watch my milk?

fuck off nigger

I accidentally your chocolate milk.

OP might be upset when he comes back

Sure, got nothing else to do since I'm outcast from society for having a gap in my fucking job history


quick pour more


That dumb shit OP won't know the difference


Oh shit, I fucked up

Nother, lord vader

Quick use this

Someone better fix me a new glass of milk soon... I'm not hapoy with you guys

Borrowed this for my buddies wedding


Here ya go OP a fresh glass of chocolate milk

This is an impressive shit 10/10

I shall not accept this
Its too thick

You put wayour to much syrup in this

Argh fuck, this shit is stressing me out, I say we fucking kill op and keep the milk ourselves

Shhh, op is standing right there,

Go make him another glass, I'll stab him and we will keep it all for ourselves

H-H-Here you g-go OP, d-d-drink up... Oh what's that out there on your front lawn? Seriously, look out the window...

Pssst do it now user.

The milk is ours

Capped of screen

Victory screech!

Hey user I need to go to the store, can you watch my milk please....

Let this day be known as the day axons took the milk from OP

NO its all of our milk, we must all protect it now

This milk tastes like shit