"...A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...

"...A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed..."


"More bullets in the air equals less bodies"



is that actually in the constitution? if it is then shouldnt gun control be something everyone wants in order to ensure everything is well regulated?

No, because gun control tends to be an effort to RESTRICT access of ALL citizens to weapons.

>is that actually in the constitution?
it's in the bill of rights.
>shouldnt gun control be something everyone wants in order to ensure everything is well regulated?
that law is beautifully written and states its purpose well. no other regulation necessary. that would be infringement

Wasnt it included in case the brits invaded?

...like 200 years ago?

so youre saying america shouldnt fuck with their rights to have guns, or else theyll wind up with a murder rate comparable to canada

U.S. Bill of Rights. On September 25, 1789, Congress transmitted to the state Legislatures twelve proposed amendments to the Constitution. Numbers three through twelve were adopted by the states to become the United States (U.S.) Bill of Rights, effective December 15, 1791.

>Wasnt it included in case the brits invaded?
no it was included because the right of the people to keep and bear arms is necessary to form militias and ensure the freedom of the republic
that's actually not what I am saying.
that's what I said. the bill of rights. amending the constitution. is the 2nd amendment in the constitution?.. no it is an amendment TO the constitution. fucking dope

It should be illegal to own a gun unless you are a member of a well-regulated militia dedicated to defending the State. This is what the 2nd amendment intended and literally what it says.

"well regulated"

Get fucked conservitards


>it was included because the right of the people to keep and bear arms is necessary to form militias and ensure the freedom of the republic

from the brits...did you get the memo? invasion's cancelled

there is gun control pretty sure that's regulation

well regulated means working and operational.. I am part of an operational militia.
wow you are a real stand up comedian.
actually invasions come from all sides and not always in the form of standing armies.

what is the issue with this?

airsoft lmao

Isn't there something about "Against all enemies foreign and domestic" in there? 10th ammendment I think?

I think a psychiatric evaluation should be mandatory at the very least.

I think the 10th amendment and 2nd amendment aren't the same thing user
well thank god what you think doesn't have anything to do with the actual laws. do you understand what that would mean? who will pay for the psych evaluation? the state? the citizen? damn you are silly

where does it say that well regulated means working and operational?

Louder with crowder gun debate with that ginger comedian. Bill Murr whatever. Has some answers

the dictionary dumb fucko.

From any government tyranny. They have stated that the guns are to protect themselves from all governments including their own
Sit down faggot

>is what the 2nd amendment intended and literally what it says
No it doesn't lol. The militia is the the armed forces of the state.

The PEOPLE's right to bear arms shall not be infringed.


e e
great argument, you sure showed them

>All this gun nut butthurt

Fuck I love Americans

who is butthurt user? you are tagging three posts at a time and posting silly gifs

seems like you are looking for validation or something

adjective (well regulated when postpositive)
(of a business, military outfit, routine, etc) controlled or supervised to conform to rules, regulations, tradition, etc: a well-regulated militia

yes my militia is very well regulated and we do a very fine job of ensuring the security of the free state. thanks for checking in, user

"Militia" at the time it was written means every able bodied man in America.

Where all my AOW's at? Whip 'em out boys.

its always good to see someone who is all for gun control


"...a well regulated militia..."

what are you trying to say user?

It doesn't mention the brits at all

According to shit you just made up in your head