Have any of you met Jessica Nigri in person?

Have any of you met Jessica Nigri in person?
What is your favorite or most hated cosplay of hers?
I know Jessica personally post Quads and I will post her phone number.

gib phone number


Of course you will

Anything showing off her big fake tits. They are hot as fuck




what is this tiny thing she have in the left hand?

Mr. Meseeks

Overrated attention whore. She is just a virgin dream.

>natural beauty


Roll for bs

Must not...fap...

Her fake lashes are so obnoxiously disgusting

Rolling for Harambe


As is her face. Her tits are the only good part about her.

Tell her I would let her have sex with me, and to hit me up if she wants some fuck.



She looks like a slut. SO I mean I'm down.

I mean fuck why not try

Anyone can get fake tits though
She's nothing special


I never met her, but I saw her once out of cosplay after a convention. She was walking with her bf i think. My gf at the time hated her because she over sexualized cosplay. Also her tits are fake so don't really care about her.

Idubbz responded to this on her Instagram

Met her at MCM London a few years ago

What was that like? Have a story?


met her at a PAX she was mad chill

what the fuck does mad chill mean.

You're either a 14y/o or a nigger

Friends have had her say happy birthday to me at SDCC twice now. Always seems SUPER stoked.

Had like a 2 minute chat, I was cosplaying Booker Dewitt, and we talked about leatherworking for a little bit (I had handmade the holsters for it.)

She seemed like a genuinely nice person. Got a hug on the way out, which was very squishy. So, yeah, good day.


cool story man - sorry i don't fit your narrative tho

Wayne Rooney has a better hairline

>i know her personally
>i will post her number

ok man

kill you'reself




Just admit she has a five-head and fucks over her fans without actual fun fuckin

She's hideous and her "cosplay" is all obnoxious



>post Quads


give up info OP you dumb fuck

Sorry user, no source from me.

Definitely 14 years old

Not Jessica faggot


Damn I love that man

>mad chill
what a suburban mommy's boy white bitch to say

This real?

i dont give a fuck if this isn't jessica, this shit needs to be sauced

Doubtful but it was in my nigri folder.

I don't need her number. Fucked her. She's a terrible lay.

Ay fuck off with your mean shit

It's real it's from a mail Monday from YouTube she got it and did a fast video of it

I would berry my dick so far in that ass whoever pulled it out would be crowded King Arthur



You wouldn't happen to remember which one would you?

Of course you did

cool story bro

old joke kys

Why are nearly all female cosplayers whore-ifying each character?

I understand they're vapid and atten-whores, who get easy views from nerds and lonely men, but for christ sake, when half the cosplays are just "lol slutty X" it turns on my fucking autism.

Male cosplayer - I better try and make this as damn close to real as possible.

Female cosplayer - I'll put on a hat and a tiny shirt and call it Mario! Lol I'm so nerdy! Buy a print of me!

Between female cosplayers like Nigri and Yaya and then the shitty fan art filling cons, it's no wonder people are starting to get bored of the vendors at comic conventions.

tl;dr Nigri is a attention whoring, cucking, sloot of a whore who fucked her manager for a boojob. Fuck her and most other female cosplayers.

quad get

Quads incoming


I was a 3 short, rekt myself

Look at me!

hehexd rekt



She took the video down and reuploaded it without that scene, people were quick to save it and turn it into webms.

Shame she won't do nudes


Give 5 years when someone else is popular, and its all she can do to garner attention

>yes before she got famous and fake tits
>fav idk they're all the same to me

i don't mind her she was super nice, if i dislike anything is her fans acting like she's super hot, she kind of isn't that pretty. and i fault lame ass dudes for hyping a mediocre cosplayer to such proportions.

This guy gets it

.........wouldnt happen to have that webm would you?


I second this

u fool


Check these trips

Give it.

did better than you

pg-13 rated porno for neo-nerds
>hay guys do u liek cleavage? no nipples eww right?




Agreed, ive always thought her face was busted.

she probably has big stretched out nipples

those thin lips remind me of shit soccer moms who are bitter and annoying

That's like saying "i almost got laid" the fact of the matter is you still didn't and you are still a fool


glad i'm not the only one who feels this way

There are pics of her tits floating around.
Her nips are not too big.