Found out my daughter slept with a nigger at college. Only been away 2 weeks. What the fuck should I do...

Found out my daughter slept with a nigger at college. Only been away 2 weeks. What the fuck should I do? How do I discipline her? Serious question thanks

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Bring her home. Play the shit to the end you know what happens.

Cut his dick off and give it to her as a present. Say it's probably an iPhone.

Are you paying for her college? Stop.
Buy her an abortion instead. If she thinks college is just a place to go party and fuck niggers, she's not ready for it yet and won't take her education seriously.

Tell her that from now on, everytime she's about to suck a dick, she needs to send you a photo of it first.

So that you can inspect and judge its racial purity before she gets fucked.

how did you even find that out

He did not, this is a shill tread

Just play the game, bro.

yo show her she can't take as much bbc as you.

Cut the purse strings, don't be fucking giving that nip money, to blow on lesser individuals.

Too late. You failed as a father. If you had not she wouldn't be fucking niggers. Now go kill yourself.

Well if she got into a prestigious college you wouldn't care who is sticking their dick in her, as all of them will likely have successful careers ahead of them.

Since you are freaking the fuck out, this proves your daughter is dumb slut that only got into some community college and deserves to carry Tyrone child.

Trying to keep her from having sex is only going to make her want it more. Make sure she is on the pill so she doesn't end up with a caramel baby

She shouldn't be fucking niggers you should of gotten onto this problem at an early age but cut her off completely no money no support and take her college fund and tell her to come home asap she's not ready for college

yeah discipline her....she will be a stripper in no


Dude, its 2016, niggers can be wealthy and respected.

Doesn't mean I want one inside my daughter.

Then she'll resort to being the campus whore to pay her way through college.

Remind her that your wife is the only one who gets black cock

That's basically what I said in my post.
If it's a wealthy smart nigga, who cares.

cry more

let me know where she is so i can get some too.

simple, make her keep the baby

If niggers were respected why would you still be calling them niggers? You ass clown.

epic win, retribution at hand.

>more than 10 posts
>no one asking for pics of the daughter

post pics of daughter faggot


Fake. We all know everyone on here is like 17 and gay

disown her, cut her off financially

also this

kiss your family tree goodbye
>muh perfect genes
>muh one branch family tree

>sjw lites who spout "there's niggers of every race" unironically
back to tumblr

If she isn't walking funny, don't worry about, don't talk about it and nobody will ever know.

too late, shes already fucking niggers for free

you can't be more of a whore than that

thread sucked and no pics of said daughter
fucking fail of a thread
kys op

>implying any racist is strong
>implying racist aren't pussies who go on the internet rather than confronting them one on one

You don't discipline her, you kill yourself for being such an epic fail of a human being.

>im being triggered
go back to your safe space faggot
>>Sup Forums

>implying niggers are strong
>implying niggers aren't pussies who get their "cousins/homies" rather than confronting anyone one on one

As the others have said,

>why don't we see cases of white people beating up black people
>why don't we see threads on the internet of black guys hating white guys
Oh yeah because white people are pussies that talk shit on the internet rather than real life lol cuck

Howcome crackers and niggers can't open their eyes

Her sister found out saw her parting with niggers on her snapchat... She asked her and found out ... Sister got in trouble for breaking curfew and told me to get out of it... I'm fucking devastated

Do you have a kind of secret deep-down fear of anything that is colored/black? A racial bias which just randomly gets on your nerves at a random time of the day?

It could be that your daughter is fucking blacks due to your heavy alienation from blacks and bias towards them.

Have you thought about normalizing blacks as if they are not even niggers? Then they might become the same to her: Just another human she walks across. She won't want to "discover" if they are really like that... They just become boring/normal again. No longer a "purple cow".

Even though this is fake, this is a common thing I am sure.

But personally it's her life, let her do what she wants. She's gonna do it anyway.

But if you don't agree with what shes doing stop funding her shit.

>complains on Sup Forums
what kind of father are you

>why don't we see cases of white people beating up black people
we do
>why don't we see threads on the internet of black guys hating white guys
because niggers are too dumb to use computers

If I tell her "stop fucking niggers
Or I'm not paying for your college" won't she just fuck niggers on the down low?

Stop givingbabfuck and worry about your failing marriage instead. How do you know she fucked him anyways, cause of pic related? Lol. Chill out you parinoid fucker

point some out I want to see them
>that's not true there are black people on pol and on b I have seent them
also I have friends irl that are black that go to Sup Forums, ultimateguitar, etc

just tell her you're not paying for college and then kick her out

shes already useless, once you burn the coal no man with any self respect will take you

You should try being fucked by a nigger too.

You'd probably like it.

>But personally it's her life, let her do what she wants.

Until she shows up at his doorstep with a halfbreed and no father in sight. Then it becomes OP's life.

Sorry OP but unless you instill the right morals when they're young they fall for the shucking and jiving every time. It's like AIDS, preventative measure is the best cure.

It's on you, you can do what you want.

But if you know for a fact and you don't like it don't say anything just stop paying.

You cannot control anyone. When you try to control you lose all control.

Not making it up her and her nigger

Pretty much this.
Walk away. She's gone.

She's an adult now, she has to make her own choices.

She had some good dick. So what. It's just sex. Sex isn't this huge thing you make it out to be, mister "I'm going to make up some bullshit" Sex is normal to most people.

thanks mom for having my back

get her on the pill or implant... then stop worrying who is blasting off inside your daughter.

your mom has a healthy understanding of the dick. Don't disrespect her


Thank her and ask her how did his superior cock feel in her tight pussy?

Seriously op get used to it I'm black. Fucked many white girls in college, you're lucky I wasn't there to fuck your daughter. Really though this won't be the last so shut the fuck up and stop asking retard questions on a board full of autists. Look at your fucking audience you dumbass.


What kind of nigger though?

>point some out I want to see them
some what? white people beating up black people? its not exactly rare, just go to youtube or liveleak but here are some classics

>i have black friends

they're called niggers and they are lying to you and casing your house

Lol that's what you get for making nigger hate threads on Sup Forums fucking lol karma works in mysterious ways

Call her over one day, when she gets there ask her to come in and sit down, pull off your belt, grab her and turn her over and spank her ass telling her no. If she's wearing jeans you'll probably need to pull her pants down. Women only respond to negative reinforcement.

Did you not spank her as a child? Where is her mother and what is she like? Does she support this kind of behavior?

what did they do to him

thats what he gets for jerking off on Sup Forums instead of raising his daughter tbqh



tried to circumcise, went a little overboard and sheared the skin off of half of his dick

got infected and they had to amputate

You clearly never beat your children hard enough.

honor killing is the only proper response


>all those man dresses and head wraps

are the arabs ever going to get a sense of style?

typically they circumcise them, then send them off to the woods/jungle to heal and "become men".

a lot of them die.

>should of

kill yourself you stupid little faggot

Leave her alone? She's not with a cuck so there's nothing to be mad about nigger

< Talk wither about statistics


>the cuck posters are here

have some fap material on me

Its 2016 my man just let her fuck who she wants as long as she has some sort of protection its not like you'll be able to stop her.

>confronting people one on one in this day and age without a gun

>daughter... i'm going to stop paying for your college unless you stop fucking black guys and only fuck white guys. I like to think of you only letting white dick in your pussy while i'm jacking off to you. capiche?

eh i guess its better than getting killed by stoning or being burned alive for seeming like a homo or witch

She can't get unfucked. Get over it.

I hope he railed your daughter good man I sure wouldve

this guy knows

and 1v1 doesn't exist for niggers, i haven't seen one fight where jamal and la-a don't jump in as soon as tyrone starts getting his ass whopped

>my daughter.

Her body, her choice. Grow the fuck up.

is it too late for a chastity belt ?

>support her fucking niggers

never have children my man
>posting tails on Sup Forums
ah, nothing to be worried about

I say you do so by making her breakfast everyday and tell her that you love her.

Pray to god she got knocked up by the man. I will pray you become an uncle soon, good luck friend.

>Human + human = human
>black + white = human
>nigger + master race = human
>nigger + nigger =human
>educated black + nigger = human
>black + white = human
any human + any human = human
Why the fuck should anyone care that your daughter got fucked by a human of darker complexion. Get over it she can't unfuck him and prob wouldn't want to pussy

then it should be her money putting her through college, paying her rent, and making a down payment on a house too

>Get over it she can't unfuck him and prob wouldn't want to pussy

once the HIV test comes back i think some regrets may surface

>niggers are human

lmao nice maymay

yeah but they won't bud. Let's be real here, it's not as bad as OP is putting it out to be


I think HIV is punishment enough don't you think?

He's a nigger not a queer get it right

>Implying that niggers aren't subhumans