My uncle was the guy who got married in a gas station. Ask me anything

My uncle was the guy who got married in a gas station. Ask me anything.

Is he happy?

How do you feel knowing he is related to you?

Do you live in Alabama?

Will you fuck his wife?

Is the trailer park like the TV show "Trailer Park Boys"?

Is he marrying his sister?

Super happy.

Can't you pay attention? He got married, so no.

good for him. ive been to weddings that cost $30k and the couples have divorced within three years.

My uncle frank is a great fucking guy.

I do not live in Alabama.

I will not fuck his wife.

He doesnt live in a trailer park.


Cool. Good for him. Saw that album on /r/trashy. It's unconventional as fuck, but if the man's happy, can't really hate on it. He's got something a lot of people don't


He's happy. Uncle Frank has been through some hardcore shit in his life but he is a great person. He had a fucked up childhood with his mom and step dad(not related to me). I fucking love that man with all of my heart. when we were kids, we'd go to family gatherings and the first question would be if uncle frank was going to be there or not. if not, no one wanted to go. He's a badass dude.

Why the gas station m8?

The gas stations name, is all thatis needed to be said about that marriage.

It is where he first met her.

do him and his wife frequently smoke crack?

Thanks - you made me laugh for real on the bus to work.

you uncle is a hero .. respects.
give him my blessing

Not that i am aware of. I know my he has done meth extensively in the past but he is clean and sober now. I havent met his new bride but I'd imagine she'd be a retired drug addict as well.

She works there?

Retired drug addict? Normally retiring from that 'career' is a bit more grim.

> dubs checked


Did you see her face? Thats pretty grim.

Kek'd and checked