Was this the most autistic moment in music history?

Was this the most autistic moment in music history?

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more like the best moment in music history
its only inevitable till it happens again mark my fucking words

It played out beautifully


How is it autistic in any way? Lots of music fans went out on that day and took a stand against the most cancerous music trend of the time and sent a message.

It'll never happen again. Hip-hop and electronic bullshit are pretty much all of modern, well-known popular music. The art of popular music died decades ago.

They're right though. Disco fucking sucks. Same thing with all the edm shit it spawned.

>whaaa they're not playing cheap trick and supertramp 24/7 any more

Disco was great. I'm glad rock died.

I bet you faggots love AC DC, Led Zeppelin, and Bruce Springsteen



oh missed one

whats wrong with disco?

This but unironically

what is essential disco to listen

wtf i hate rock now


Sup Forums autists don't like freedom, homosexuality or dancing

The anti disco reaction was led largely by homophobic men who were afraid that gay culture was starting to get more radio-play and their shitty stadium rock music wasn't interesting to girls and people with taste anymore

there are no essential albums, like other dance music (see: house, techno, funk, soul, etc.) because it is a genre based around singles and is inherently pleb.

No, this was:

>“We are officially changing our name from Andrew Jackson Jihad to the simple, familiar abbreviation that most of you already call us: AJJ.”
>“1.) We are not Muslims, and as such, it is disrespectful and irresponsible for us to use the word jihad in our band’s name. 2.) We no longer wish to be a living reminder of president Andrew Jackson. Interesting historical figure as he was, he was an odious person and our fascination with him has grown stale.”


Nothing else.

The disco sucks movement is definitely up there.

I know it's pretty dumb but I still think that the hair metal, grunge, and nu-metal scenes were all pretty shit eras of music. If you can call them that.

A big folly that particularly irks me was the commercialization of emo music. I guess you could say that it was inevitable, but it always seemed like an un-marketable genre. But somehow untalented bands were able to successfully co-opt an aggressive and punk derived musical genre and boil it down to it's most sellable aspects. Thus birthing the constant misunderstanding of non-music fans who can't tell the difference between separate extreme music genres, simply calling anything slightly heavy or any music with screaming "screamo." You can bet it bothers me, even though it really shouldn't...

>because it is a genre based around singles and is inherently pleb.
not true, plenty of good dance albums and even great conceptual dance records
stop spreading ignorance desu

My favorite part is that rockists were so out of touch that they accused disco of being an escape from sociopolitical strife without realizing the type of people who most gravitated towards the disco culture were in desperate need of that escape because they lived strife.

>being this wrong
holy shit
this thread is cancer incarnate

yes but then you can live peacefully knowing the people who participated are dying of diabetes in their trailer parks while they have to listen to lil yachty as rock lies six feet under

>tfw like both disco and dadrock

>the type of people who most gravitated towards the disco culture were in desperate need of that escape because they lived strife.

If you can afford cocaine, a leisure suit, and a night at the disco, then you aren't living in strife.

though there are a lot of cringey gross young republicans who apparently browse this board and Sup Forums,

I think most people with a sense of basic maturity did, it's just that genre sectarians had to turn every taste argument into an all-out ideological war.

dude being queer in the 70s wasn't easy

>he thinks every disco club was studio 54
I hope you're satisfied with all those inevitable (You)s

But user there are plenty of disco albums that appeal to hipsters if you look hard enough.


Why? Were cocks bigger back then?

Chic - Chic / C'est Chic / Risque
Giorgio Moroder - From Here to Eternity
Michael Jackson - Off the Wall
Black Devil - Disco Club
Kid Creole and the Coconuts - Tropical Gangsters
Earth, Wind and Fire - I Am / Raise!

Various artists compilations:
Mutant Disco
Disco Not Disco

Disco is primarily based around singles as opposed to albums. So here's some loose songs

For more italo disco, I found pic related to be helpful.

are you literally retarded?

hanks breh

That's what disco became after it went mainstream, but before Saturday Night Fever it was just funky dance music for gay nightclubs.

>I'm willfully ignorant to other people's struggles so I'm going to make a stereotype and pretend that the widespread struggle of nonwhites and gay people didn't exist even though it still plainly exists to an extent today


>Someone called me a fag wahhh
fuck off dude.

>not sure if bait...

not an argument

Or fired them, denied them medical care, kicked them out of their house, beat them up, etc.


>genre based around singles and is inherently pleb
rockist kys

fuck of dude.

>when you realize off the wall (the song) is actually a perfect exploration of the socioeconomic context of disco culture

>fired them
Being a known degenerate is bad for business, all kinds of people get fired for bad behavior outside of work.
>denied them medical care
Can't be covered with a pre-existing condition
>kicked them out of their house
That's what happens when you don't follow the rules of the owner
>beat them up
Everyone gets beat up, the reason is irrelevant.

>straight people killed thousands of us, denied us rights until very recently, and now they're trying to erase the history of these struggles or are willfully ignorant of them
>someone called me a fag
uh no

Successfully baited, well done sir.

It's not pleb *because* it's singles-oriented. It's inherently pleb because it's dance music

Ironic Sup Forums degenerate posting is still just as harmful as real ignorance, fuck off

Fellow /lgbt/fag here. His kind only responds to bait and shitposting. Actual debate doesn't go anywhere. Just tell him to fuck off.

>not liking Bruce Springsteen
lol u r gay

In this thread we see a bunch of autistic betas who have never danced to disco with the girl they love


Why would faggots dance with girls?

That may very well have been the main driving force between the disco backlash when you think about it. Virgin beta whitebois who can't get pussy decide to punish everyone else for having a life.

when you're wingmanning

If you hate disco enough to literally blow up disco records in public, you might be homophobic and also a neanderthal

at the very least petty as fuck.

Disco appealed to everyone, not just insular minority groups. Straights and gays, whites and blacks and the like could dance together as equals when they weren't being divided in everyday life.

That's actually a really good answer

Fuck you

This basically
>Does super autistic thing
>Goes into hiding and makes one of the best hip hop albums of the decade
Actual autism

It was both. There were plenty of bigots but there were also just a lot of rock fans who couldn't act like grown-ups about musical taste.

Here's another good one:
gaybois and their faghags love dancing with each other in a pseudo-lewd but totally platonic way


they talk about respect when it's about the word jihad?!

watch this movie

Some more good disco tracks

This is Rockist Rick. He hates disco and loves weed.

Say something nice about him.

look at this avant-teen

rock is inferior to the genres that came before it

I like his shades. He seems in shape.

You dont know what djihad means

Rick, do you really hate disco? Or do you really hate the blacks and gays?

donna summer is my waifu

Nah bro! I just hate music that isn't made by 3-5 white guys singing about raping underage groupies!

Islam deserves no respect

Anyone here want some hot stuff?


I'm becoming increasingly inclined to think that about every ideology ever spawned from the ancient Israelites but unfortunately that's not a socially acceptable opinion it seems.

every ideology that promotes bigotry or discrimination is as valuable as the dog shit on the sole of my shoes

AC/DC and Led Zeppelin are forgettable.
Bruce Springsteen is objectively a good musician.

>ideology that promotes bigotry or discrimination
Like Sup Forums?

yes. I'm not from Sup Forums

Didn't say you were

Hello grandpa

such a blessing disco died, every genre that spawned from disco is miles better than disco itself

>this is old and therefore not good
Hello Faggot

Right, you're clearly from reddit

well acronym'd

Still angry at mum and dad because they wouldn't drive you to the death grips concert?

Wy did you quote me? I just pointed your ignorance of a 7th century arabic word meaning "struggle" later instrumentalized by islamic theology, nothing else.

collab when?

>n-not liking disco is homophobic!!!!! :^(
Buttangery disco fans have been using this argument for nearly 40 years now. It's total fucking bullshit.

Ya wanna know why people didn't like disco? It's because other than a tiny handful of acts, it was garbage.

Synthpop (which is basically disco mixed with post-punk and occasionally a touch of industrial) had a huge gay audience, and unlike disco, actually wasn't total shit and produced quite a few acts that are still respected to this day.

so you're saying the blacks are the problem

You can dislike disco without hating gay people but a lot of people in the Disco Demolition Night were just mad because their "cool" rock music was being replaced by flamboyant dance music.

I mean the same can be said for jangle pop or twee and shit but i still think disco was incredibly influential more so for producers than people with instruments and in groups. The whole druggy club music brought a lot of attention to bright guitar tones and string sections, and just meticulous panning of many tracks for the sake of sounding like ecstasy or we

it's like 2011 all over again, Lazare
real talk though, disco was the music of an era which saw integration between straight and gay audiences, and you can't deny that the death of disco set that integration back