Hey Sup Forums, please try to explain to me why you think that adults are more attractive than kids...

Hey Sup Forums, please try to explain to me why you think that adults are more attractive than kids. Because I don't get it.


>They are not



I'm not an evolutionary dead end

Because I'm not a pedophile.

They usually have genitals that fit my own genitals properly


that's not really answering the question...

Kids are biologically designed to be cute as fuck so we take care of them and don't eat our young.

For people with a soul, however, that doesn't mean wanting to fuck them.

Who? Kids?

ITT we get banned


Cause I dont have a mental disease, loser. Commit suicide.

Kik brookbanks710 for cheese trade

>preapre to get v&


but adult pussies are gross, all flabby and brown...

Mods plz

why would you not fuck them though?

Fucking cunt jeez

Nice bai, You got me replying

Adults have more physically attractive body features, it is encoded within our DNA. A kid is not attractive simply because they cannot get pregnant/or give pregnancy.

Too bad that doesn't account for homosexuals. Try again.

Hi guys

Depends, some people are naturally attracted to adults and some to children, beauty is completely subjective. Personally, I like both (I'd never bang a kid though, there are endless social problems with that, you shouldn't either user)

If it's unethical to have sex with any women under 18, why did nature allow them to produce children from 12?

what do you mean?

why explain the unexplainable?

Well mental disorders change the way your brain functions

>I'd never bang a kid though, there are endless social problems with that
fucking normie...

Not all of them. You can't say that you'd enjoy sex with a child if they were in pain and it was physically harming them. Which is the reality of it (depending on their age)

mental disorders are purely psychological


When they hit puberty they are way more attractive than adults, you still call them "kids" but damn are the girls sexy at like 12-16

i know a girl named trinity groves, do you know how long ago this was taken?

>living in a country where the age of consent is 18
How's it feel to be cucked by feminists?

what do ethics have to do with nature?


now there's a cutie I'd let suck my straw if ya know what I mean



12 is a kid, 14 is a woman but a young woman.

This thread is cancer.
Love how pedos come here and try to justify being fucked in the head.

I took this photo from an article about her, she did some crazy shit but I can't remember what now. Must've been from last year I guess? idk

jesus christ

Kek okay fedora tipper

underrated post. +1 internet to you

how would you know it hurts them?
pussies can stretch quite a bit you know

with a few weeks of patient stretch training even the biggest Dickson can fit afaik


You must be a Hilary supporter, no logic or debate, just insults.


Mods keeping this up to see who saves. It's literal bait!!

Still not 404d, that's some achievement you pedo fags


You're thinking Trump supporters (as if there's any left)

hottest little girl on earth is dave navarro.

>implying discussions is illegal/immorale

Check em

If you get physical brain damage and develope a mental order your telling me that your brain functioning abnormally is purely psychological? Yeah tell me that when you've actually been around people with disorders

I had a ban just for saying I wanted to sleep with a 19 year old. I'm amazed this stuff is still up.
>never knew 19 is pedo

This thread is gun be fun


I guess OP didn't set an age range for what he considers "kids"

because i have better things to do than post bait on Sup Forums, like go on a date w somebody who can think and fend for themselves. im sure you have tons of free time though, all you have to do is lure your girlfriend's in with toys.

Implying all the pedos were able to control themselves this long for not posting any underage stuff.. Discussions are always welcomed

17 is legal in my state. They just can't make porn until they are 18.

I had social anxiety so bad I couldn't leave the house for over 14 years and had panic attacks, it is all psychological. When I faced it, I could get over it. If someone is a pedo or homosexual they can change, they just need to face it and choose to.




16 in Australia.

15 is legal here. Can't have pictures of them thought but its ok to fuck them. Logic.


Discussions still get 404ed




I'm not saying some aren't psychological, but if your brain is actually functioning abnormally then it is physically there, not just in your head

I don't even know why I'm in here. have fun weirdos.

14 Germany



I completely agree with you. You can even be respectful of everyones choices. you want to be a wolfkin? cool. you want to suck dicks while you jerk off? That's ok too. They get upset when you compare them to pedophiles though. I guess it makes them feel less special? I'm not sure what's going through their head.

there is no such thing. The brain doesn't just do what it wants, it is under the control of choice. Otherwise we all are ruled by cause and effect and no one should be held accountable for their actions.

Is this mara?

OP, some people like boobs

now a question for you: whats your prefred age range?


look at all the moral fag edge lords on Sup Forums these days

They have developed features that are meant to be naturally pleasing to the partner.

Cute and Attractive might be different things to different people.

you realise science has already determined that free will dosen't actually exist right?

Discussions get 404ed because some fag posts illegal shit most of the time, of course there are times when mods are fags and don't care enough to check if there's any illegal stuff in thread



the same science that says warmer weather is going to kill us all?

ya sure

Who is this science guy and where are his sources?

6-10 I would say. Why?

The later is what usually happens. Mods get triggered the minute any thread even lightly touches a topic around children

You are one sick fuck

so is anyone going to post what we really wanna see?

Girl's name???