Why is this so fucking good

Why is this so fucking good

poseur shite


I think the production sounds a little dated unfortunately desu

Don't listen to Montie, he's an actual retard.

enjoy OP. Its the peak of house/electric or whatever you homosapians call it.

Face to Face sounds dated as fuck but it actually kind of works better now for that reason

Personally preferred Interstellar 5555.
That's just me though.
Enjoy the album though, it's good.

> a 15 year old album doesn't sound like 4kHD hyper processed festival EDM bullshit

I'm shocked!

When did you realize Digital Love is the best thing Daft Punk ever did?

>15 year old album
where does the time go

right when I heard it desu

that feel.

someone had the audacity to say get lucky was better than digital love.


Seriously one of the top 10 albums of the last 20 years imo

You have shit fucking taste in msuic Jimmy Neutron

>the scene in Interstellar 5555 where Voyage is the song playing and they are driving and then have to bury Shep

Fuck yes

you're not allowed to REEEE normies talking about a normie band when you have a strong opinion on said normie band, redditor

that is not Montie, the real Montie has a different trip

It really is

all Monties are Montie