ITT: Post your favorite album or one you've been listening to a lot lately and others assume things about you

ITT: Post your favorite album or one you've been listening to a lot lately and others assume things about you

Other urls found in this thread:

you are prone to seasonal depression.
Went through a bad break up about a year ago but despite your seasonal depression, you are doing considerably better in that department

it helps keep the sad away

Loves the 80s. Loves to party. Loves to dance.
Has a beautiful house and a beautiful wife.
Things are same as it ever was.

Has done either hard liquor or hard drugs before. Got out of a bad relationship. Also loves to party.

Virgin. Has done cocaine. Has a small dick.

Introvert with few, if any, friends; depressed, but optimistic about the future

>Virgin. Has done cocaine. Has a small dick.
2 out of 3 ain't bad.



you live in Brooklyn, stand in the back at shows, and are more of an indie-rock fan than a shoegaze fan. you also especially hate small talk

trips don't lie

Has not done cocaine

Typical "indie" kid. Passionate feminist.

Thinks he's outgrown his edgy phase but in actuality he hasn't

Likes the idea of reading but doesn't do it as much as he's like

Enjoys nature walks and gets depressed in winter when he can't do that anymore

When you were young you were the kid who would flick boogers at other students.

Kind of nerdy but in a neurotic, disorganized way.



Been listening to a lot of The Mars Volta lately. Good shit.



>Likes the idea of reading but doesn't do it as much as he's like
Yep. Been wanting to read a Bowie biography for a while.

Just watched Fantanos review and thought he'd give this another listen

Is more of a winter person

Reads at night before bed

Is lying, not because I personally think this is a bad album, but because he thinks its a bad album

You like smoking cigarettes alone in parking lots
Great album btw

You want more than anything for her to come back

trying to remember childhood memories
you say you dont like hipster tumblr girls but you secretly like those the most

either this, mista thug isolation, or return to the 36 chambers, yes I know I'm an easy target

>Return to the 36 chambers
Is ODB's solo stuff good?



You're an introvert at heart but put yourself out there anyway.

has dad taste in music. adult acne.
isn't actually polish. has daddy issues.
smoked cigarettes to impress his high school friends but is now the only one who smokes. does't treat women like they're actually people.
Isn't particularly social but when you're at parties you're a blast. Has done psychedelics at least three times


yes, although it's really rough and kinda all over the place sometimes, which I personally love

Not that guy but that album is pretty good, but the rest is meh. Like most wu-tang members he had a solid debut then went off hard.



bisexual, has a thick beard, clinical depression, has done acid

Aight ill check it out

Yeah man fuck, even GZA fell off hard. Ghostface is the only one I can think of that made more than 1 solid solo album (Ironman and Supreme Clientele). Love Ghostface, he has really called RZA out on his bullshit in the past years. Think he is a really cool guy.

Yeah ghost face seems pretty based, he's the only one of them I still follow nowadays. I think fish scale and the record with BBNG are solid too, he's definitely the only Wu member who had a semi-consistent solo career. Even his beef with Shkreli, you can tell he had the interest of the fans in mind.

>You want more than anything for her to come back
>tfw never had a gf
>tfw love twin fantasy so much that one of the main motivations for trying to get a gf is to appreciate the album even more when the relationship eventually goes awry

>you say you dont like hipster tumblr girls but you secretly like those the most
This is pretty much true

yeah ODB will always be my favorite member, but ghostface comes close, I also kinda enjoyed 12 reasons to die

Iron Man is great as well. Ghostface is definitely the best Wu member, IMO. Built for Cuban Linx 2 is really solid as well, though.

you like the idea of casual sophistication

you like hanging around your room naked

You're just getting into this whole music thing


>you're just getting into this whole music thing
not entirely untrue, at least not the pleb stuff

You're 5'6"

Been listening to this and Here Come The Warm Jets
You prefer a good jam but can appreciate a good ballad
You're really into jazz and have discovered the most underrated pianist
You're a very warm person to be around
You smoke weed and have depression

You don't listen to any artist with more than 10,000 youtube views. Also, you probably wear pastel shirts.

Whoops. Forgot to post the image

winter is your favorite season

If I had to pick favourites I think this is one of them


Man. If you're a virgin with a small dick at least help your self to some coke

Very into 90's Alt Rock, shoegaze, etc.
Likes being alone.
Has done opium.
Is a coffee/tea drinker.

You think most of the albums you listen to are just too amazing to be appreciated by the common sheep but theyre actually just okay or pretty good records.

current favorite


Underage, thinks taste is "unique." Complains a lot.

Really sad guy
Drinks his coffee and has his smoke and doesn't say anything

Mccoy outside of the quartet??? You listen to music because its supposed to be good and not cause you like it.

You like to think that you have an eclectic taste in music
You enjoy indie games
You used to be really into chillwave
You are shy and have a good fashion sense
You graduated college but adult life isn't as great as you hoped it would be
You are a little weird, but still a very fun person to be around

>you smoke weed and have depression
close, used to snort speed, drink, other shit, went through recovery 5 months sober now



Don't go back to it user, better life awaits you

Thank you, sobriety has given me so much more happiness than hard drugs ever did




I cannot stop listening to it

possibly a closet gay

Can't blame you user, amazing album

Your name is lee

Sadbois who like the feeling

Look, I don't care. I love black metal but I don't care if this is black metal or not. It's just fucking excellent music. Roast me. Whatever.

you miss being young pretty often
you want to be successful but you don't really know where to start or what to do with yourself
you used to be a lot more sad than you are now, but life is still pretty complicated
a little bit of cocaine and a lot of long days on the road

Have been listening to it a lot

You have two tattoos

You wear glasses

You are generally frustrated with things

U wacky


Also one of my favorites, are you hyper emotional?

Lay it on me

Pls no bully

Recommendations would be nice tho

currently listening to

bad family communication

too normal for the outcasts too weird for the normals

you follow one of those alt right youtubers

cool guy to smoke marlboros with

a really comfortable to be with girl

I always assume james blake fans are physically attractive
possibly a closet gay
people cant figure out why they like you
people cant figure out why they dont like you
you dont know why you dont like yourself

>bad family communication
are you suggesting that his brother and sister dont speak to him?

yeah, i dont blame them though


Happy and calm but simultaneously melancholy

I've just been listening to Ariel Pink for like a year

>you follow one of those alt right youtubers

nah fuck the alt-right. Given my choice of album and politics a lot of people on here would probably call me a nu-male honestly

i'm glad, i don't like the album so i tried to pull you to the darkest of my realms and i'm sorry. Don't care about what some virgins think, rock on

You spend whole days at home but enjoy the solitude and quiet

You're bitter about society in some way, but are too apathetic to do anything about it.

You enjoy quiet drinks with friends, but not loud parties.

You fall for girls more often than you'd like


Not a single one of you has done me

It's probably because you're a faggot.

Are you directing that towards the entire female population or...?

you're sad/happy like that album
I dont know that group



you aare my ex looooooooooooool




You either read Chuck Klosterman's writing on The Nylon Curtain or listened to the audiotape on YouTube. Good album though.

You like dad rock but this is one of the few albums you can get away with praising on here without suffering any scrutiny.

You're masturbating right now.

Girl? Mistaken for one?

You're an old ass DJ.

You're a fucking white male!

My favourite album.

